# 《九年级上册英语第三单元思维导图》
## 中心主题:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?
### I. Grammar: Requesting and Responding to Requests
* **A. Making Requests:**
* **1. Polite Requests:**
* *Could you please...?* (最常见,礼貌程度较高)
* Example: *Could you please close the window?*
* *Would you mind...?* (较为正式,表示征求对方意愿)
* *Would you mind closing the window?* (后接动名词)
* *Would you mind if I closed the window?* (后接句子,注意时态)
* *Can/Will you...?* (较为直接,用于比较熟悉的人之间)
* *Can you help me with this?*
* *Will you give me a hand?*
* *Is it OK if...?* (征求许可)
* *Is it OK if I borrow your pen?*
* *I wonder if you could...?* (更加委婉)
* *I wonder if you could help me with my homework.*
* **2. Less Polite/Direct Requests (Caution):**
* *Do this!/Clean your room!* (命令,不礼貌,除非紧急情况或特殊关系)
* *You should...* (带有指责意味,可能引起反感)
* **3. Requesting with Reasons:**
* 使用*because/since/as*等连词,说明请求的原因,使请求更合理。
* *Could you please turn down the music because I'm trying to study?*
* *Since it's getting cold, would you mind closing the window?*
* **B. Responding to Requests:**
* **1. Accepting Requests:**
* *Sure.* (最简单直接)
* *Certainly.* (较为正式)
* *Of course.* (理所当然)
* *Yes, I can/will.* (肯定回答)
* *No problem.* (没有问题,愿意帮忙)
* *I'd be happy to.* (乐意帮忙)
* **2. Refusing Requests:**
* *I'm sorry, I can't.* (最常用,礼貌拒绝)
* *I'm afraid I can't.* (更委婉的拒绝)
* *I'd like to, but...* (先表示意愿,再说明原因)
* *I'd like to help, but I'm too busy.*
* *Maybe another time.* (委婉地表示下次可以)
* *That's not possible right now.* (说明目前不可行)
* **3. Giving a Reason for Refusal:**
* 说明不能答应请求的原因,可以避免误解。
* *I'm sorry, I can't. I have to finish my homework.*
* *I'd love to, but I have another appointment.*
### II. Vocabulary
* **A. Chores/Household Tasks:**
* *clean the room* (打扫房间)
* *wash the dishes* (洗碗)
* *sweep the floor* (扫地)
* *do the laundry* (洗衣服)
* *take out the trash* (倒垃圾)
* *make the bed* (铺床)
* *dust the furniture* (擦家具)
* *mop the floor* (拖地)
* *vacuum the floor* (用吸尘器吸地)
* *water the plants* (浇花)
* *cook dinner* (做晚饭)
* *set the table* (摆餐桌)
* *clear the table* (收拾餐桌)
* *feed the pet* (喂宠物)
* *walk the dog* (遛狗)
* *do the grocery shopping* (买菜)
* *tidy up* (整理)
* *hang up clothes* (挂衣服)
* *fold clothes* (叠衣服)
* **B. Adjectives to Describe Environments:**
* *clean* (干净的)
* *dirty* (脏的)
* *tidy* (整洁的)
* *messy* (乱的)
* *organized* (有条理的)
* *disorganized* (无条理的)
* *comfortable* (舒适的)
* *uncomfortable* (不舒适的)
* **C. Words Related to Responsibility and Duty:**
* *responsibility* (责任)
* *duty* (义务)
* *chore* (家务)
* *task* (任务)
* *oblige* (迫使,使负义务)
* *responsible* (有责任心的)
* *irresponsible* (不负责任的)
* **D. Other Useful Vocabulary:**
* *agreement* (协议,同意)
* *disagreement* (不同意,分歧)
* *argue* (争论)
* *conflict* (冲突)
* *compromise* (妥协)
* *fair* (公平的)
* *unfair* (不公平的)
* *deal* (协议)
* *considerate* (体贴的)
* *selfish* (自私的)
### III. Reading Comprehension: Articles and Dialogues about Chores and Responsibilities
* **A. Identifying Main Ideas:**
* 能够准确把握文章或对话的主要内容,例如:家庭成员如何分配家务,父母与孩子在家务分工上的不同意见,如何解决家庭矛盾等。
* **B. Understanding Details:**
* 理解文章中的细节信息,例如: конкретные задания по дому, выполняемые каждым членом семьи, причины разногласий, предложенные решения.
* **C. Inferring Meaning:**
* 能够根据文章上下文推断生词或句子的含义。
* **D. Analyzing Character Relationships:**
* 分析文章中人物之间的关系,例如:父母与子女之间的沟通方式,家庭成员之间的互动模式。
* **E. Understanding the Author's Purpose:**
* 理解作者写作的目的,例如:提供信息,表达观点,引发思考等。
### IV. Functional Language: Expressing Opinions and Suggestions
* **A. Expressing Opinions:**
* *I think...* (我认为...)
* *In my opinion...* (在我看来...)
* *I believe...* (我相信...)
* *As far as I'm concerned...* (就我而言...)
* *From my point of view...* (从我的角度来看...)
* *It seems to me that...* (在我看来...)
* **B. Giving Suggestions:**
* *Why don't you...?* (你为什么不...?)
* *How about...?* (怎么样...?)
* *You could...* (你可以...)
* *I suggest that...* (我建议...)
* *If I were you, I would...* (如果我是你,我会...)
* *Maybe you should...* (也许你应该...)
* *Have you thought about...?* (你有没有想过...?)
### V. Writing: Writing an Email or Letter to Make a Request or Express an Opinion
* **A. Structure:**
* *Greeting* (称呼)
* *Introduction* (介绍写信的目的)
* *Body Paragraphs* (详细说明请求或观点,给出理由)
* *Conclusion* (总结,表达希望)
* *Closing* (署名)
* **B. Content:**
* 清晰表达请求或观点
* 提供充分的理由和论据
* 使用恰当的语气和措辞
* **C. Language:**
* 运用本单元所学的语法知识,例如:情态动词,礼貌请求的表达方式。
* 使用丰富的词汇,使文章更生动。
* 注意语法和拼写错误。
### VI. Cultural Awareness
* **A. Cultural Differences in Chores and Responsibilities:**
* 了解不同国家和文化中,家庭成员在家务分工上的差异。
* **B. Values Related to Responsibility and Cooperation:**
* 理解责任感和合作精神的重要性。
* **C. Promoting a Harmonious Family Environment:**
* 学习如何通过沟通和协商解决家庭矛盾,营造和谐的家庭氛围。
### VII. Speaking Practice
* **A. Role-Playing:**
* 模拟家庭成员之间的对话,练习提出请求,回应请求,表达意见,给出建议等。
* **B. Discussions:**
* 围绕家庭责任,家务分工等话题展开讨论。
* **C. Presentations:**
* 就某一话题进行简短的presentation,例如:我的家务计划,如何与父母沟通等。