
## 《数字王国英语思维导图》 ### 中心主题:数字王国 (The Kingdom of Numbers) #### 一、基础构建 (Foundations) * **1.1 数字基数 (Cardinal Numbers):** * 1-10: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten * 11-20: Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty * 21-99: Twenty-one... Ninety-nine (规律:Tens + One) * 100-999: One hundred... Nine hundred and ninety-nine (规律:Hundreds + and + Tens/Units) * 1000+: Thousand, Million, Billion, Trillion (Commas for readability) * **重要词汇:** Zero, Number, Count, Total, Amount, Quantity * **1.2 数字序数 (Ordinal Numbers):** * First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth... * 规则: Most end in '-th'. Exceptions: First, Second, Third. * 缩写: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th... * **应用:** Dates, Order of events, Positions (e.g., racing) * **1.3 分数 (Fractions):** * 形式: Numerator (序数) / Denominator (基数) * 例子: 1/2 (One half), 1/3 (One third), 1/4 (One quarter/ One fourth), 2/3 (Two thirds), 3/4 (Three quarters/ Three fourths) * **重要词汇:** Fraction, Numerator, Denominator, Divide, Portion, Share * **1.4 小数 (Decimals):** * 形式: Whole number . Decimal part * 读法: Point separates whole and fractional parts. Read each digit after the decimal point individually. * 例子: 3.14 (Three point one four), 0.75 (Zero point seven five/ Point seven five) * **重要词汇:** Decimal, Point, Place value (Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths) * **1.5 百分数 (Percentages):** * 符号: % * 读法: Number + "percent" * 例子: 50% (Fifty percent), 100% (One hundred percent), 25% (Twenty-five percent) * **应用:** Statistics, Discounts, Growth rates #### 二、算术运算 (Arithmetic Operations) * **2.1 加法 (Addition):** * 操作: Combining quantities * 符号: + (Plus) * 词汇: Add, Sum, Total, Increase, More than * 例子: 2 + 3 = 5 (Two plus three equals five. / Two and three is five.) * **2.2 减法 (Subtraction):** * 操作: Taking away from a quantity * 符号: - (Minus) * 词汇: Subtract, Minus, Less, Decrease, Difference, Take away * 例子: 5 - 2 = 3 (Five minus two equals three. / Five take away two is three.) * **2.3 乘法 (Multiplication):** * 操作: Repeated addition * 符号: × (Times) * 词汇: Multiply, Times, Product * 例子: 2 × 3 = 6 (Two times three equals six. / Two multiplied by three is six.) * **2.4 除法 (Division):** * 操作: Splitting into equal parts * 符号: ÷ (Divided by) * 词汇: Divide, Quotient, Share, Split * 例子: 6 ÷ 2 = 3 (Six divided by two equals three.) #### 三、高级概念 (Advanced Concepts) * **3.1 方程 (Equations):** * 定义: A statement that two expressions are equal. * 符号: = (Equals) * 例子: x + 2 = 5 (Solve for x) * **重要词汇:** Variable, Solve, Expression, Constant * **3.2 代数 (Algebra):** * 定义: Using letters and symbols to represent numbers in equations and formulas. * **重要词汇:** Variable, Coefficient, Term, Polynomial * **3.3 几何 (Geometry):** * 定义: The study of shapes, sizes, and positions of figures. * **重要词汇:** Shape, Size, Position, Angle, Line, Plane, Solid, Area, Volume * 常见形状: Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Cube, Sphere, Cylinder * **3.4 统计 (Statistics):** * 定义: Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, presenting, and organizing data. * **重要词汇:** Data, Average, Mean, Median, Mode, Graph, Chart, Table * **3.5 金融 (Finance):** * **重要词汇:** Money, Currency, Budget, Interest, Investment, Loan, Debt, Profit, Loss, Revenue, Expense * 数字应用: Calculating interest rates, managing budgets, analyzing investments #### 四、实际应用 (Real-world Applications) * **4.1 时间 (Time):** * 词汇: Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, Decade, Century, Millennium * 表达方式: "It's five o'clock.", "It's half past three.", "It's a quarter to six." * **4.2 日期 (Dates):** * 表达方式: Month/Day/Year (美国), Day/Month/Year (英国) * 例子: July 4th, 1776 (July fourth, seventeen seventy-six) / 4th July, 1776 (The fourth of July, seventeen seventy-six) * **4.3 测量 (Measurement):** * 单位: Meters, Kilometers, Inches, Feet, Miles, Grams, Kilograms, Ounces, Pounds, Liters, Gallons * **重要词汇:** Length, Width, Height, Weight, Volume, Area * **4.4 购物 (Shopping):** * 词汇: Price, Discount, Sale, Cost, Change, Bill, Receipt * 表达方式: "How much does this cost?", "It's on sale for 20% off." * **4.5 旅行 (Travel):** * 词汇: Distance, Speed, Time, Temperature, Currency exchange * 例子: "How far is it to London?", "What's the exchange rate for US dollars to Euros?" #### 五、重要表达 (Key Phrases) * "How many...?" (询问数量) * "What's the total...?" (询问总数) * "What's the price of...?" (询问价格) * "What time is it?" (询问时间) * "What's the date today?" (询问日期) * "Could you repeat that number, please?" (请求重复数字) * "Can you write that number down?" (请求写下数字) 这个思维导图提供了一个全面的框架来理解和应用数字在英语中的各个方面。 它涵盖了基础知识,算术,高级概念和实际应用,提供了一个结构化的学习路径。
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