
# 《关于天气的思维导图画英语》 ## Central Idea: Weather ### I. Types of Weather (天气类型) * A. Sunny (晴朗的) * 1. Vocabulary: Sun, sunshine, bright, clear, cloudless, heat, warmth, solar * 2. Phrases: A sunny day, enjoy the sunshine, soak up the sun, sunbathe, get a sunburn * 3. Idioms: Make hay while the sun shines (趁热打铁), under the sun (天下) * 4. Sentence Examples: * It's a beautiful sunny day today. * We're going to the beach to soak up the sun. * Remember to wear sunscreen to avoid getting a sunburn. * B. Cloudy (多云的) * 1. Vocabulary: Cloud, overcast, grey, dull, gloomy, partly cloudy * 2. Phrases: Cloudy skies, a cloudy afternoon, light cloud cover, scattered clouds * 3. Idioms: Every cloud has a silver lining (塞翁失马焉知非福), head in the clouds (不切实际) * 4. Sentence Examples: * The sky is cloudy and overcast. * It's a cloudy afternoon, perfect for a nap. * Despite the cloudy weather, we still had a good time. * C. Rainy (下雨的) * 1. Vocabulary: Rain, drizzle, downpour, shower, thunderstorm, precipitation, wet * 2. Phrases: It's raining cats and dogs (倾盆大雨), a light rain, heavy rain, rain boots, raincoat, umbrella * 3. Idioms: Save for a rainy day (未雨绸缪), take a rain check (改天) * 4. Sentence Examples: * It's raining cats and dogs outside! * Don't forget your umbrella, it might rain later. * The rain is a welcome change after the heatwave. * D. Windy (刮风的) * 1. Vocabulary: Wind, breeze, gale, gust, draft, windy, breezy * 2. Phrases: A strong wind, a gentle breeze, the wind is howling, windy conditions * 3. Idioms: Catch the wind (获得成功), get wind of something (听到风声) * 4. Sentence Examples: * It's very windy today, hold onto your hats! * The wind is howling outside my window. * The kite flew high in the windy conditions. * E. Snowy (下雪的) * 1. Vocabulary: Snow, snowflake, blizzard, snowstorm, snowfall, icy, freezing * 2. Phrases: A blanket of snow, a heavy snowfall, snow boots, snowball fight, winter wonderland * 3. Idioms: Snowed under (忙不过来), pure as the driven snow (纯洁无瑕) * 4. Sentence Examples: * Everything is covered in a blanket of snow. * We had a snowball fight in the park. * The town looked like a winter wonderland after the snowfall. * F. Stormy (暴风雨的) * 1. Vocabulary: Storm, lightning, thunder, hurricane, tornado, tempest, gale * 2. Phrases: A thunderstorm, a lightning strike, heavy rain and thunder, stormy weather, seek shelter * 3. Idioms: Ride out the storm (安然度过危机), a storm in a teacup (小题大做) * 4. Sentence Examples: * There's a thunderstorm approaching, we should seek shelter. * The lightning lit up the sky during the storm. * We had to ride out the storm in our basement. * G. Foggy (有雾的) * 1. Vocabulary: Fog, mist, haze, foggy, misty, obscure, visibility * 2. Phrases: A thick fog, a foggy morning, reduced visibility, dense fog * 3. Idioms: In a fog (茫然不知所措), a fog of war (战争迷雾) * 4. Sentence Examples: * It's a very foggy morning, be careful driving. * The fog made it difficult to see the road. * I was in a fog after I woke up. ### II. Weather Forecast (天气预报) * A. Vocabulary: Forecast, prediction, temperature, high, low, degree (Celsius/Fahrenheit), chance of rain, humidity, wind speed, barometer * B. Phrases: The weather forecast, predict the weather, a high of 25 degrees, a low of 10 degrees, a 50% chance of rain * C. Sentence Examples: * The weather forecast predicts sunny skies for tomorrow. * The high for today will be 30 degrees Celsius. * There's a 20% chance of rain this afternoon. ### III. Seasons (季节) * A. Spring (春天) * 1. Vocabulary: Spring, blossom, bloom, rebirth, warm, mild, buds * 2. Phrases: Springtime, the first day of spring, spring flowers, spring cleaning * 3. Idioms: Spring chicken (年轻人), a spring in one's step (精神抖擞) * 4. Sentence Examples: * Spring is my favorite season. * The flowers are starting to bloom in the springtime. * I feel like a spring chicken after my vacation. * B. Summer (夏天) * 1. Vocabulary: Summer, hot, heatwave, vacation, holidays, sunshine, beach * 2. Phrases: Summertime, summer vacation, the hottest day of the year, summer heat * 3. Idioms: Summer fling (夏日恋情), Indian summer (小阳春) * 4. Sentence Examples: * I love spending time at the beach in the summer. * We're going on summer vacation next month. * The summer heat is almost unbearable. * C. Autumn (秋天) / Fall * 1. Vocabulary: Autumn, fall, leaves, harvest, crisp, cool, pumpkin * 2. Phrases: Autumn leaves, fall foliage, harvest time, autumn colors * 3. Idioms: Fall on deaf ears (置若罔闻), fall head over heels (坠入爱河) * 4. Sentence Examples: * The autumn leaves are beautiful this year. * It's harvest time for the farmers. * The air is crisp and cool in the autumn. * D. Winter (冬天) * 1. Vocabulary: Winter, cold, snow, ice, freezing, hibernation, festive * 2. Phrases: Winter wonderland, winter holidays, snow day, freezing temperatures * 3. Idioms: Winter blues (冬季忧郁症), in the dead of winter (隆冬) * 4. Sentence Examples: * Winter is coming! * We had a snow day last week. * I get the winter blues every year. ### IV. Impact of Weather (天气的影响) * A. On Activities (对活动的影响) * 1. Outdoor activities: picnicking, hiking, swimming, skiing, gardening * 2. Indoor activities: reading, watching movies, playing board games, baking * 3. Examples: * The sunny weather is perfect for a picnic. * The rain kept us inside, so we watched a movie. * The snow is great for skiing. * B. On Mood (对心情的影响) * 1. Sunny weather: happy, energetic, optimistic * 2. Rainy weather: calm, relaxed, melancholic * 3. Stormy weather: anxious, fearful * 4. Examples: * The sunny weather always puts me in a good mood. * The rain makes me feel calm and relaxed. * Stormy weather makes me feel anxious. * C. On Agriculture (对农业的影响) * 1. Drought: water shortage, crop failure * 2. Floods: crop damage, soil erosion * 3. Temperature: growing season, crop yields * 4. Examples: * The drought has caused a severe water shortage. * The floods damaged many crops. * The temperature affects the growing season. ### V. Climate Change (气候变化) * A. Vocabulary: Climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect, carbon emissions, renewable energy, sustainability * B. Phrases: Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, melting glaciers, sea level rise * C. Sentence Examples: * Climate change is a serious threat to our planet. * Global warming is causing rising temperatures. * We need to reduce carbon emissions to combat climate change. ### VI. Related Adjectives (相关形容词) * A. Describing Temperature: Hot, cold, warm, cool, freezing, mild, chilly * B. Describing Wind: Breezy, gusty, strong, gentle, calm * C. Describing Precipitation: Wet, dry, humid, damp, drizzly, pouring * D. Describing Visibility: Clear, hazy, foggy, misty, bright, obscure
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 五年级上册思维导图数学

