
# 《关于春节习俗的英语思维导图》 mermaid graph LR subgraph Chinese New Year A[Overview: Celebration of the Lunar New Year] --> B(Time: Late January or Early February); A --> C(Duration: 15 days, from New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival); A --> D(Significance: Family reunion, new beginnings, good fortune); subgraph Preparations E[Pre-New Year's Cleaning (大扫除)] --> F(Purpose: Sweep away bad luck, welcome good fortune); E --> G(Actions: Cleaning the house thoroughly, washing clothes, disposing of old items); H[Decorations (装饰品)] --> I(Red lanterns (红灯笼)); H --> J(Paper cuttings (剪纸): Often with auspicious patterns); H --> K(Upside-down 福 Character (倒福): Symbolizes "fortune arriving"); H --> L(Spring Couplets (春联): Poetic verses wishing good fortune); H --> M(Plum blossoms (梅花) & Peach blossoms (桃花): Symbolize spring and new beginnings); N[Shopping for New Year's Goods (办年货)] --> O(Food: Special ingredients for festive dishes); N --> P(New clothes: Often red, symbolizing good luck); N --> Q(Gifts: To be given to family and friends); N --> R(Firecrackers & Fireworks (鞭炮&烟花): For celebrations); end subgraph New Year's Eve (除夕) S[Family Reunion Dinner (年夜饭)] --> T(Significance: Most important meal of the year, symbolizes togetherness); S --> U(Dishes: Dumplings (饺子), Spring rolls (春卷), Fish (鱼), Nian Gao (年糕)); S --> V(Symbolism: Each dish has a symbolic meaning, representing prosperity, luck, and abundance); W[Watching the CCTV New Year's Gala (看春晚)] --> X(A traditional TV program with performances and entertainment); W --> Y(Family activity: Watching together while preparing for the New Year); Z[Giving Red Envelopes (红包)] --> AA(Recipients: Children and unmarried adults); Z --> BB(Content: Money, symbolizing good luck and prosperity); Z --> CC(Tradition: Represents wishes for a fortunate year); DD[Staying Up Late (守岁)] --> EE(Purpose: To ward off evil spirits and welcome the New Year); DD --> FF(Activities: Playing games, chatting, waiting for the first firecrackers); end subgraph New Year's Day (正月初一) GG[Visiting Family and Friends (拜年)] --> HH(Greetings: Saying "新年快乐" (Xīn nián kuài lè) or "恭喜发财" (Gōng xǐ fā cái)); GG --> II(Gift-giving: Bringing small gifts, such as fruit or snacks); JJ[Setting Off Firecrackers and Fireworks (放鞭炮&烟花)] --> KK(Purpose: To scare away evil spirits and bring good luck); JJ --> LL(Tradition: A loud and festive way to celebrate); MM[Wearing New Clothes (穿新衣)] --> NN(Significance: Symbolizes a fresh start to the New Year); MM --> OO(Color: Often red, representing good luck and happiness); end subgraph Lantern Festival (元宵节) PP[Date: 15th day of the New Year (正月十五)]; PP --> QQ(Activities: Lantern displays, riddle guessing, eating Tangyuan (汤圆)); RR[Lanterns (灯笼)] --> SS(Shapes: Various shapes and sizes, often decorated with intricate designs); RR --> TT(Riddles: Guessing riddles written on lanterns); UU[Tangyuan (汤圆)] --> VV(Description: Sweet glutinous rice balls, symbolizing family unity); UU --> WW(Significance: Eating Tangyuan signifies completeness and reunion); XX[Lion and Dragon Dances (舞狮&舞龙)] --> YY(Performances: Traditional dances performed with elaborate costumes); XX --> ZZ(Purpose: To bring good luck and drive away evil spirits); end subgraph Superstitions and Taboos AAA[Avoid sweeping or cleaning (避免扫地&清洁)] --> BBB(Reason: Sweeping away good luck); CCC[Avoid washing hair (避免洗头)] --> DDD(Reason: Washing away good fortune); EEE[Avoid using scissors or knives (避免使用剪刀&刀)] --> FFF(Reason: Cutting off good luck); GGG[Avoid arguing or fighting (避免争吵&打架)] --> HHH(Reason: To ensure a peaceful and harmonious year); III[Avoid wearing white or black (避免穿白色&黑色)] --> JJJ(Reason: Colors associated with mourning); end subgraph Foods KKK[Dumplings (饺子)] --> LLL(Shape: Resemble ancient Chinese money, symbolizing wealth); KKK --> MMM(Filling: Various fillings, such as pork, vegetables, and seafood); NNN[Spring Rolls (春卷)] --> OOO(Shape: Resemble gold bars, symbolizing prosperity); NNN --> PPP(Filling: Vegetables, meat, and sometimes seafood); QQQ[Fish (鱼)] --> RRR(Pronunciation: The word "fish" (鱼, yú) sounds like "abundance" (余, yú)); QQQ --> SSS(Preparation: Often steamed or braised, served whole); TTT[Nian Gao (年糕)] --> UUU(Meaning: "Higher year" (年高, nián gāo), symbolizing progress and advancement); TTT --> VVV(Ingredients: Glutinous rice flour, sugar, and other ingredients); WWW[Tangerines and Oranges (橘子&橙子)] --> XXX(Symbolism: Represent wealth and good fortune); WWW --> YYY(Giving as gifts: A common gesture of goodwill); ZZZ[Seeds and Nuts (瓜子&坚果)] --> AAAA(Symbolism: Represent fertility and abundance); ZZZ --> BBBB(Enjoyed as snacks: During family gatherings); end subgraph Regional Variations CCCCC[Northern China] --> DDDDD(More emphasis on dumplings and hearty meals); EEEEE[Southern China] --> FFFFF(More emphasis on rice-based dishes and seafood); GGGGG[Hong Kong] --> HHHHH(Giving Lai See (利是, red envelopes) is especially prevalent); IIIII[Taiwan] --> JJJJJ(Customs and traditions blend influences from Fujian and Hakka cultures); end end
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 三年级英语思维导图第一名

