# 《七年级英语天气的思维导图》
* **I. Vocabulary (词汇)**
* **A. Basic Weather Conditions (基本天气状况)**
* Sunny (晴朗的)
* Cloudy (多云的)
* Rainy (下雨的)
* Snowy (下雪的)
* Windy (刮风的)
* Foggy (有雾的)
* Stormy (暴风雨的)
* Hot (热的)
* Cold (冷的)
* Warm (温暖的)
* Cool (凉爽的)
* Icy (冰冷的)
* Freezing (冰冻的)
* **B. Descriptors (描述词)**
* Heavy (大的,强的,例如 heavy rain, heavy snow)
* Light (小的,弱的,例如 light rain, light wind)
* Mild (温和的)
* Fine (美好的,通常指天气)
* Clear (晴朗的,清晰的)
* Dry (干燥的)
* Wet (潮湿的)
* Humid (潮湿的,闷热的)
* Bright (明亮的)
* Dark (黑暗的)
* **C. Natural Phenomena (自然现象)**
* Rainbow (彩虹)
* Thunder (雷声)
* Lightning (闪电)
* Hail (冰雹)
* Snowflake (雪花)
* Frost (霜)
* Tornado (龙卷风)
* Hurricane (飓风)
* Flood (洪水)
* Drought (干旱)
* **D. Measuring Weather (测量天气)**
* Temperature (温度)
* Degrees Celsius (°C) (摄氏度)
* Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (华氏度)
* Thermometer (温度计)
* Rain Gauge (雨量计)
* Wind Vane (风向标)
* Anemometer (风速计)
* Barometer (气压计)
* **E. Seasons (季节)**
* Spring (春天)
* Summer (夏天)
* Autumn/Fall (秋天)
* Winter (冬天)
* **II. Grammar (语法)**
* **A. Adjectives (形容词)**
* Using adjectives to describe weather (用形容词描述天气)
* It's a sunny day.
* The weather is cold.
* A hot summer.
* **B. Subject-Verb Agreement (主谓一致)**
* The sun shines brightly. (单数)
* The clouds are dark. (复数)
* It is raining. (单数)
* **C. Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时)**
* Describing current weather conditions (描述当前天气状况)
* It is raining heavily.
* The wind is blowing strongly.
* It's snowing.
* **D. Questions about Weather (关于天气的提问)**
* What's the weather like?
* How's the weather?
* What's the temperature?
* Is it raining?
* Is it going to rain?
* **E. Future Tense (将来时) - "Going to" & "Will"**
* Predicting the weather (预测天气)
* It's going to rain later.
* It will be sunny tomorrow.
* **III. Functions (功能)**
* **A. Asking and Giving Information (询问和提供信息)**
* Asking about the weather: "What's the weather like today?"
* Giving information: "It's sunny and warm."
* **B. Expressing Preferences (表达喜好)**
* "I like sunny days."
* "I don't like rainy weather."
* "I prefer warm weather to cold weather."
* **C. Making Predictions (做出预测)**
* "The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow."
* "I think it's going to be a hot summer."
* **D. Giving Advice (给出建议)**
* "Take an umbrella, it's raining."
* "Wear a coat, it's cold outside."
* "Put on sunscreen, it's a sunny day."
* **E. Talking about Activities (讨论活动)**
* "What do you like to do when it's sunny?"
* "I like to go swimming in the summer."
* "Let's stay inside and watch a movie since it's raining."
* **IV. Culture (文化)**
* **A. Weather Proverbs (天气谚语)**
* "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning."
* "April showers bring May flowers."
* "When clouds look like black smoke, a wise man will put on his cloak."
* **B. Weather in Literature and Art (文学和艺术中的天气)**
* How weather is used to create mood and atmosphere.
* Examples in poems, stories, and paintings.
* **C. Impact of Weather on Daily Life (天气对日常生活的影响)**
* Clothing choices (衣着选择)
* Transportation (交通)
* Outdoor activities (户外活动)
* Agriculture (农业)
* **D. Weather Forecasting and Technology (天气预报和技术)**
* Brief history of weather forecasting
* Modern technology used in weather prediction (satellites, radar)
* Weather apps and websites
* **E. Climate Change (气候变化)**
* Introduction to the concept of climate change.
* The impact of climate change on weather patterns.
* Simple actions to help reduce climate change.
* **V. Exercises (练习)**
* **A. Fill-in-the-Blanks (填空)**
* Using weather vocabulary in sentences.
* **B. Matching (匹配)**
* Matching weather conditions with descriptions.
* **C. True or False (判断正误)**
* Understanding basic weather facts.
* **D. Sentence Construction (句子构建)**
* Creating sentences about the weather using given words.
* **E. Dialogue Practice (对话练习)**
* Role-playing conversations about the weather.
* **F. Weather Report Writing (天气预报写作)**
* Writing a short weather report using given information.
* **G. Picture Description (图片描述)**
* Describing the weather shown in a picture.
This detailed mind map provides a comprehensive overview of the weather topic for seventh-grade English learners, covering vocabulary, grammar, functions, cultural aspects, and relevant exercises to solidify their understanding.