七年级下册英语人教版电子书starter unit1~3思维导图

《七年级下册英语人教版电子书Starter Unit 1~3思维导图》

Starter Unit 1: Hello!

中心主题: Greetings, Introductions & Basic Information

主分支 1: Greetings (问候语)

  • 节点: Formal Greetings (正式问候语)
    • 子节点: "Hello," "Good morning," "Good afternoon," "Good evening."
    • 子节点: Usage contexts (使用语境):
      • "Good morning": From sunrise to 12:00 PM (上午)
      • "Good afternoon": From 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM (下午)
      • "Good evening": From 6:00 PM onwards (晚上)
  • 节点: Informal Greetings (非正式问候语)
    • 子节点: "Hi," "Hey."
    • 子节点: Usage contexts (使用语境): Among friends, classmates, or acquaintances (朋友、同学或熟人之间)

主分支 2: Introductions (介绍)

  • 节点: Introducing Yourself (自我介绍)
    • 子节点: Phrases:
      • "My name is…"
      • "I'm…"
      • "Let me introduce myself…"
    • 子节点: Examples: "My name is Li Ming." "I'm David."
  • 节点: Introducing Others (介绍他人)
    • 子节点: Phrases:
      • "This is…"
      • "Let me introduce you to…"
      • "I'd like you to meet…"
    • 子节点: Examples: "This is my friend, Sarah." "Let me introduce you to my teacher, Mr. Wang."
  • 节点: Responding to Introductions (回应介绍)
    • 子节点: Phrases:
      • "Nice to meet you."
      • "Pleased to meet you."
      • "How do you do?" (Formal)

主分支 3: Basic Information (基本信息)

  • 节点: Names (姓名)
    • 子节点: First name (名)
    • 子节点: Last name/Family name (姓)
    • 子节点: Common names in English (常见的英语名字): Tom, Lily, John, Mary.
  • 节点: Ages (年龄)
    • 子节点: "How old are you?"
    • 子节点: "I am… years old."
  • 节点: Nationalities (国籍)
    • 子节点: "Where are you from?"
    • 子节点: "I'm from…"
    • 子节点: Common nationalities: Chinese, American, British, Canadian, Australian.
  • 节点: Languages (语言)
    • 子节点: "What languages do you speak?"
    • 子节点: "I speak…"
    • 子节点: Example: "I speak Chinese and English."

主分支 4: Spelling (拼写)

  • 节点: The English Alphabet (英文字母)
    • 子节点: A-Z (大小写)
    • 子节点: Phonetic sounds (发音)
    • 子节点: Spelling names and words (拼写姓名和单词)

Starter Unit 2: What’s this?

中心主题: Identifying Objects, Colors, and Plurals

主分支 1: Objects (物品)

  • 节点: Common Classroom Objects (常见的教室物品)
    • 子节点: "book," "pen," "pencil," "ruler," "eraser," "sharpener," "desk," "chair," "board," "map," "dictionary."
    • 子节点: Singular and Plural forms (单数和复数形式).
  • 节点: Asking about objects (询问物品)
    • 子节点: "What's this?"
    • 子节点: Responses: "It's a/an…"

主分支 2: Colors (颜色)

  • 节点: Basic Colors (基本颜色)
    • 子节点: "red," "blue," "yellow," "green," "black," "white," "orange," "purple," "pink," "brown."
    • 子节点: Using colors to describe objects (用颜色描述物品): "a red book," "a blue pen."
  • 节点: Asking about color (询问颜色)
    • 子节点: "What color is it?"
    • 子节点: "It's…"

主分支 3: Plurals (复数)

  • 节点: Regular Plurals (规则复数)
    • 子节点: Adding "-s" to the singular noun (在单数名词后加-s).
    • 子节点: Examples: "books," "pens," "pencils," "desks," "chairs."
  • 节点: Irregular Plurals (不规则复数)
    • 子节点: Examples: "child-children," "foot-feet," "tooth-teeth," "mouse-mice," "man-men," "woman-women."
  • 节点: "This" vs. "These" (单数 vs. 复数)
    • 子节点: "This is a book." (单数)
    • 子节点: "These are books." (复数)

主分支 4: Numbers (数字)

  • 节点: Numbers 1-12 (数字 1-12)
    • 子节点: Spelling and pronunciation (拼写和发音).
    • 子节点: Counting objects (数数).

Starter Unit 3: Is this your…?

中心主题: Possessive Adjectives, Personal Pronouns, and Possessions

主分支 1: Possessive Adjectives (物主形容词)

  • 节点: Possessive Adjectives (物主形容词列表)
    • 子节点: "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," "their."
    • 子节点: Usage: "my book," "your pen," "his ruler," "her eraser," "our classroom," "their school."
  • 节点: Matching Pronouns with Adjectives (代词和形容词的匹配)
    • 子节点: I - my, you - your, he - his, she - her, it - its, we - our, they - their.

主分支 2: Personal Pronouns (人称代词)

  • 节点: Subject Pronouns (主格代词)
    • 子节点: I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
    • 子节点: Usage in sentences (在句子中的使用): "I am a student." "He is my friend."
  • 节点: Object Pronouns (宾格代词)
    • ( 虽然本单元不直接涉及,但理解其存在有助于后续学习)
    • 子节点: me, you, him, her, it, us, them.
    • 子节点: Example (额外拓展): "Give the book to me."

主分支 3: Possessions (所有物)

  • 节点: Identifying Possessions (识别所有物)
    • 子节点: "Is this your…?" (询问)
    • 子节点: "Yes, it is." (肯定回答)
    • 子节点: "No, it isn't." (否定回答)
  • 节点: Identifying the owner (确定所有者)
    • 子节点: "Whose… is this?"
    • 子节点: "It's my/your/his/her… "
    • 子节点: Example: "Whose pencil is this?" "It's her pencil."
  • 节点: Using "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "ours," "theirs." (物主代词)
    • 子节点: "Is this your pen?" "Yes, it's mine."
    • 子节点: "This book is hers."

主分支 4: Review of Nouns (名词回顾)

  • 节点: Singular and Plural (单数和复数)
  • 节点: Countable and Uncountable Nouns (可数和不可数名词 - 简单提及, 为后续学习做铺垫)

This detailed breakdown provides a comprehensive overview of the key concepts covered in Starter Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Seventh Grade English textbook (People's Education Press Edition). The mind map structure helps to visualize the relationships between different topics and facilitates a more organized and effective learning process. Remember to practice using these concepts in various contexts to solidify your understanding.

上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 绘制七下生殖系统消化系统和呼吸系统的思维导图

