# 《五年级英语第一单元思维导图》
## 中心主题:Unit 1 My School Life
### I. Vocabulary (词汇)
* **A. School Subjects (科目)**
* 1. English: 英语
* Pronunciation: /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/
* Usage Examples: English book, English teacher, study English, speak English
* Related Words: Language, grammar, vocabulary
* 2. Math: 数学 (美式英语) / Maths: 数学 (英式英语)
* Pronunciation: /mæθ/ (US), /mæθs/ (UK)
* Usage Examples: Math class, math problem, good at math, solve math
* Related Words: Arithmetic, algebra, geometry
* 3. Chinese: 语文 / 汉语
* Pronunciation: /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/
* Usage Examples: Chinese language, Chinese book, learn Chinese
* Related Words: Mandarin, Pinyin, characters
* 4. Science: 科学
* Pronunciation: /ˈsaɪəns/
* Usage Examples: Science class, science experiment, science museum
* Related Words: Biology, chemistry, physics
* 5. PE (Physical Education): 体育
* Pronunciation: /ˌpɪzɪkəl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃən/
* Usage Examples: PE class, play sports, exercise, physical activity
* Related Words: Sports, gymnasium, basketball, football
* 6. Music: 音乐
* Pronunciation: /ˈmjuːzɪk/
* Usage Examples: Music class, listen to music, play an instrument
* Related Words: Song, melody, instrument, singer
* 7. Art: 美术
* Pronunciation: /ɑːrt/
* Usage Examples: Art class, draw a picture, paint, art gallery
* Related Words: Painting, drawing, sculpture, artist
* 8. History: 历史
* Pronunciation: /ˈhɪstəri/
* Usage Examples: History class, learn about history, historical events
* Related Words: Past, ancient, civilization, era
* 9. Geography: 地理
* Pronunciation: /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/
* Usage Examples: Geography class, learn about geography, world map
* Related Words: Earth, continent, country, city
* **B. School Objects (物品)**
* 1. Book: 书
* Pronunciation: /bʊk/
* Usage Examples: Open your book, read a book, borrow a book
* Related Words: Textbook, novel, storybook
* 2. Pencil: 铅笔
* Pronunciation: /ˈpensəl/
* Usage Examples: Write with a pencil, sharp pencil, draw with a pencil
* Related Words: Pen, eraser, sharpener
* 3. Ruler: 尺子
* Pronunciation: /ˈruːlər/
* Usage Examples: Use a ruler, measure with a ruler, draw a straight line
* Related Words: Protractor, compass, measuring tape
* 4. Eraser: 橡皮擦
* Pronunciation: /ɪˈreɪsər/
* Usage Examples: Erase a mistake, use an eraser, clean eraser
* Related Words: Rubber, delete
* 5. Schoolbag: 书包
* Pronunciation: /ˈskuːlbæɡ/
* Usage Examples: Pack your schoolbag, carry a schoolbag, heavy schoolbag
* Related Words: Backpack, bag, books
* 6. Pen: 钢笔/圆珠笔
* Pronunciation: /pen/
* Usage Examples: Write with a pen, ink pen, ballpoint pen
* Related Words: Pencil, marker, highlighter
* 7. Notebook: 笔记本
* Pronunciation: /ˈnoʊtbʊk/
* Usage Examples: Write in a notebook, take notes, blank notebook
* Related Words: Diary, journal, notepad
* **C. Time Related (时间相关)**
* 1. Monday: 星期一
* 2. Tuesday: 星期二
* 3. Wednesday: 星期三
* 4. Thursday: 星期四
* 5. Friday: 星期五
* 6. Saturday: 星期六
* 7. Sunday: 星期日
* 8. Morning: 早上
* 9. Afternoon: 下午
### II. Grammar (语法)
* **A. Simple Present Tense (一般现在时)**
* 1. Form: 主语 + 动词原形 (第三人称单数动词加 -s/-es)
* 2. Usage:
* Expressing habitual actions (表达习惯性动作)
* Example: I go to school every day.
* Example: She plays basketball on Mondays.
* Expressing general truths (表达普遍真理)
* Example: The sun rises in the east.
* Example: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
* Expressing scheduled events (表达计划好的事件)
* Example: The train leaves at 9:00 AM.
* 3. Adverbs of Frequency (频率副词): Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never
* Position: Usually before the main verb, after "be" verb.
* Example: I always do my homework.
* Example: She is never late for school.
* **B. "What do you have...on (day)?" (周几有什么课?)**
* 1. Structure: What do you have + subject + on + day?
* 2. Usage: Asking about the schedule for a specific day.
* 3. Examples:
* What do you have on Monday? I have English, Math, and Chinese.
* What does he have on Friday? He has Science and PE.
* **C. "I like...because..." (我喜欢...因为...)**
* 1. Structure: I like + subject/activity + because + reason
* 2. Usage: Expressing preference and providing a reason.
* 3. Examples:
* I like Math because it's challenging.
* She likes music because it's relaxing.
### III. Functions (功能)
* **A. Talking about school subjects (谈论科目)**
* 1. Expressing likes and dislikes: I like…/ I don’t like…/ I love…/ I hate…
* 2. Asking about someone's favorite subject: What’s your favorite subject?
* 3. Saying what subjects you have on a certain day: I have…on…
* **B. Describing your school schedule (描述课程表)**
* 1. Using days of the week: On Monday, I have…
* 2. Giving details about specific classes: In English class, we…
* 3. Comparing different subjects: I think … is more interesting than …
### IV. Culture (文化)
* **A. School systems in different countries (不同国家的学校制度)**
* Brief discussion of differences in curriculum and schedules between China and other countries (e.g., US, UK).
* Emphasis on the importance of education and learning in different cultures.
* **B. School traditions and activities (学校传统和活动)**
* Description of common school activities such as sports day, school trips, and concerts.
* Discussion of the importance of these activities in building school community and fostering student engagement.
### V. Extension Activities (拓展活动)
* **A. Creating a timetable (制作时间表)**
* Students create their own timetable using the vocabulary and grammar learned in the unit.
* **B. Role-playing dialogues (角色扮演对话)**
* Students practice conversations about school subjects and schedules.
* **C. Writing about favorite subjects (写作关于喜欢的科目)**
* Students write short paragraphs about their favorite subjects, explaining why they like them.
### VI. Assessment (评估)
* **A. Vocabulary test (词汇测试)**
* Testing students' understanding of the vocabulary related to school subjects and objects.
* **B. Grammar test (语法测试)**
* Testing students' ability to use the simple present tense and related sentence structures.
* **C. Speaking test (口语测试)**
* Assessing students' ability to talk about school subjects and schedules in English.
* **D. Writing assignment (写作作业)**
* Students write a short essay about their school life.