# 《英语小红帽思维导图》
## 中心主题:Little Red Riding Hood (英语小红帽)
### I. Characters (角色)
* **A. Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽)**
* 1. Appearance (外貌):
* a. Red cloak (红色斗篷)
* b. Innocent (天真)
* c. Young girl (年轻女孩)
* 2. Personality (性格):
* a. Obedient (听话的)
* b. Kind (善良的)
* c. Trusting (容易相信别人的)
* d. Naive (天真的)
* 3. Role in the story (故事中的角色):
* a. Protagonist (主角)
* b. Victim (受害者)
* c. Represents innocence (代表纯真)
* **B. The Wolf (狼)**
* 1. Appearance (外貌):
* a. Big and bad (又大又坏)
* b. Cunning (狡猾的)
* c. Deceptive (欺骗性的)
* 2. Personality (性格):
* a. Evil (邪恶的)
* b. Greedy (贪婪的)
* c. Predatory (捕食性的)
* d. Manipulative (善于操控的)
* 3. Role in the story (故事中的角色):
* a. Antagonist (反派)
* b. Represents danger (代表危险)
* c. Symbol of evil (邪恶的象征)
* **C. Grandmother (外婆)**
* 1. Appearance (外貌):
* a. Old and weak (年老体弱)
* b. Vulnerable (脆弱的)
* 2. Personality (性格):
* a. Loving (慈爱的)
* b. Helpless (无助的)
* 3. Role in the story (故事中的角色):
* a. Victim (受害者)
* b. Symbol of the elderly (老年人的象征)
* **D. The Huntsman (猎人) / Woodcutter (樵夫)**
* 1. Appearance (外貌):
* a. Strong (强壮的)
* b. Brave (勇敢的)
* 2. Personality (性格):
* a. Helpful (乐于助人的)
* b. Courageous (勇敢的)
* c. Protective (保护性的)
* 3. Role in the story (故事中的角色):
* a. Rescuer (拯救者)
* b. Hero (英雄)
* c. Symbol of justice (正义的象征)
### II. Plot (情节)
* **A. Exposition (故事介绍)**
* 1. Setting (背景):
* a. Forest (森林)
* b. Grandmother's house (外婆的家)
* 2. Introducing the characters (介绍角色):
* a. Little Red Riding Hood is sent to deliver food to her grandmother. (小红帽被派去给外婆送食物。)
* **B. Rising Action (情节发展)**
* 1. The Wolf's encounter (狼的相遇):
* a. The Wolf meets Little Red Riding Hood in the forest. (狼在森林里遇到了小红帽。)
* b. The Wolf tricks her into taking a longer route. (狼骗她走更长的路。)
* 2. The Wolf's deception (狼的欺骗):
* a. The Wolf goes to Grandmother's house first. (狼先去了外婆家。)
* b. The Wolf eats Grandmother and disguises himself as her. (狼吃掉了外婆并伪装成她。)
* **C. Climax (高潮)**
* 1. Little Red Riding Hood arrives at Grandmother's house. (小红帽到达外婆家。)
* 2. Dialogue with the Wolf (与狼的对话):
* a. "What big eyes you have!" ("你的眼睛真大!")
* b. "What big ears you have!" ("你的耳朵真大!")
* c. "What big teeth you have!" ("你的牙齿真大!")
* 3. The Wolf reveals himself and attempts to eat Little Red Riding Hood. (狼露出真面目并试图吃掉小红帽。)
* **D. Falling Action (情节下降)**
* 1. The Huntsman/Woodcutter arrives. (猎人/樵夫到达。)
* 2. The Huntsman/Woodcutter hears the screams and enters the house. (猎人/樵夫听到尖叫声进入房子。)
* **E. Resolution (结局)**
* 1. The Huntsman/Woodcutter kills the Wolf. (猎人/樵夫杀死了狼。)
* 2. The Huntsman/Woodcutter cuts open the Wolf's stomach. (猎人/樵夫切开狼的肚子。)
* 3. Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are rescued. (外婆和小红帽被救了出来。)
* 4. (Optional) They fill the Wolf's stomach with stones. (可选) 他们在狼的肚子里塞满了石头。
* 5. The Wolf falls into a well and dies. (狼掉进井里死了。)
### III. Themes (主题)
* **A. Danger of strangers (陌生人的危险)**
* 1. Trusting strangers can lead to harm. (信任陌生人可能导致伤害。)
* 2. Warning against naivety (警告不要天真)。
* **B. Obedience (服从)**
* 1. Importance of listening to parents/elders. (听从父母/长辈的重要性。)
* 2. Disobedience can have negative consequences. (不服从可能产生负面后果。)
* **C. Good vs. Evil (善与恶)**
* 1. The Wolf represents evil, while the Huntsman/Woodcutter represents good. (狼代表邪恶,猎人/樵夫代表善良。)
* 2. Good ultimately triumphs over evil. (善良最终战胜邪恶。)
* **D. Deception (欺骗)**
* 1. Appearance vs. Reality (表象与现实)
* 2. The Wolf deceives Little Red Riding Hood through disguise. (狼通过伪装欺骗小红帽。)
* **E. Innocence and Loss of Innocence (纯真与失去纯真)**
* 1. Little Red Riding Hood's journey represents a transition from innocence to experience. (小红帽的旅程代表了从纯真到经验的转变。)
* 2. Exposure to the dangers of the world. (暴露于世界的危险之中。)
### IV. Moral of the Story (故事的寓意)
* **A. Don't talk to strangers. (不要和陌生人说话。)**
* **B. Be wary of those who seem too good to be true. (警惕那些好得令人难以置信的人。)**
* **C. Listen to your parents/elders. (听从你的父母/长辈。)**
* **D. Evil can be disguised in many forms. (邪恶可以伪装成多种形式。)**
### V. Vocabulary (词汇)
* **A. Cloak (斗篷)**
* **B. Forest (森林)**
* **C. Grandmother (外婆)**
* **D. Wolf (狼)**
* **E. Huntsman/Woodcutter (猎人/樵夫)**
* **F. Deceive (欺骗)**
* **G. Disguise (伪装)**
* **H. Swallow (吞咽)**
* **I. Rescue (拯救)**
* **J. Obedient (听话的)**
* **K. Naive (天真的)**
* **L. Cunning (狡猾的)**
* **M. Vulnerable (脆弱的)**
### VI. Variations (变体)
* **A. Different cultures and versions of the story. (不同文化和故事版本。)**
* **B. Some versions omit the Huntsman and Little Red Riding Hood saves herself. (有些版本省略了猎人,小红帽自己拯救了自己。)**
* **C. Symbolism can vary across different versions. (不同版本的象征意义可能不同。)**
This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of the English version of "Little Red Riding Hood," covering key characters, plot points, themes, morals, and vocabulary, along with variations and cultural significance. It is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding and analysis of the story.