
# 《小红帽英语绘本思维导图》 ## 中心主题:小红帽 (Little Red Riding Hood) ### I. 角色 (Characters) * **A. 小红帽 (Little Red Riding Hood):** * 1. 描述 (Description): * a. 穿着红色斗篷 (Wears a red cloak/hood) * b. 天真 (Innocent) * c. 善良 (Kind) * d. 听话 (Obedient initially, but later makes a mistake) * 2. 动机 (Motivations): * a. 爱奶奶 (Loves her grandmother) * b. 乐于助人 (Wants to help) * c. 遵从妈妈的指示 (Follows her mother's instructions - initially) * 3. 经历 (Experiences): * a. 穿越森林 (Walks through the woods) * b. 遇到狼 (Encounters the wolf) * c. 被狼欺骗 (Tricked by the wolf) * d. 被狼吞掉 (Swallowed by the wolf) * e. 被猎人救出 (Rescued by the woodsman/hunter) * 4. 性格发展 (Character Development): * a. 学会警惕陌生人 (Learns to be cautious around strangers) * b. 增强安全意识 (Develops a better sense of safety) * **B. 狼 (The Wolf):** * 1. 描述 (Description): * a. 狡猾 (Cunning) * b. 贪婪 (Greedy) * c. 危险 (Dangerous) * 2. 动机 (Motivations): * a. 想吃掉小红帽和奶奶 (Wants to eat Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother) * b. 寻求食物 (Seeking food - driven by hunger) * 3. 行为 (Actions): * a. 伪装成奶奶 (Disguises himself as the grandmother) * b. 欺骗小红帽 (Tricks Little Red Riding Hood) * c. 吞掉奶奶和小红帽 (Swallows the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood) * 4. 命运 (Fate): * a. 被猎人杀死 (Killed by the woodsman/hunter in most versions) * b. 在一些版本中被填石头沉入井底 (In some versions, filled with stones and drowned in a well) * **C. 奶奶 (The Grandmother):** * 1. 描述 (Description): * a. 生病 (Ill/Sick) * b. 弱小 (Weak) * c. 慈祥 (Kind) * 2. 角色功能 (Role): * a. 需要被帮助 (Needs help) * b. 象征着脆弱 (Symbolizes vulnerability) * c. 是小红帽关心的对象 (Object of Little Red Riding Hood's care) * **D. 猎人/樵夫 (The Woodsman/Hunter):** * 1. 描述 (Description): * a. 勇敢 (Brave) * b. 善良 (Kind) * c. 正义 (Just) * 2. 角色功能 (Role): * a. 救世主 (Savior) * b. 象征着力量和保护 (Symbolizes strength and protection) * c. 恢复秩序 (Restores order) * 3. 行为 (Actions): * a. 听到狼打鼾 (Hears the wolf snoring) * b. 砍开狼的肚子 (Cuts open the wolf's stomach) * c. 救出奶奶和小红帽 (Rescues the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood) * d. 惩罚狼 (Punishes the wolf) ### II. 情节 (Plot) * **A. 开端 (Exposition):** * 1. 介绍小红帽和她的家庭 (Introduction of Little Red Riding Hood and her family) * 2. 奶奶生病 (Grandmother is sick) * 3. 小红帽受妈妈委托送食物给奶奶 (Little Red Riding Hood is sent by her mother to deliver food to her grandmother) * **B. 发展 (Rising Action):** * 1. 小红帽进入森林 (Little Red Riding Hood enters the woods) * 2. 遇到狼 (Encounter with the wolf) * 3. 狼欺骗小红帽,让她采花 (The wolf tricks Little Red Riding Hood into picking flowers) * 4. 狼先到达奶奶家,并吞掉了奶奶 (The wolf arrives at the grandmother's house first and swallows her) * 5. 狼伪装成奶奶 (The wolf disguises himself as the grandmother) * **C. 高潮 (Climax):** * 1. 小红帽到达奶奶家 (Little Red Riding Hood arrives at the grandmother's house) * 2. 与狼的对话 (Conversation with the wolf) * 3. 小红帽被狼吞掉 (Little Red Riding Hood is swallowed by the wolf) * **D. 结局 (Falling Action & Resolution):** * 1. 猎人/樵夫发现狼 (The woodsman/hunter discovers the wolf) * 2. 猎人/樵夫砍开狼的肚子 (The woodsman/hunter cuts open the wolf's stomach) * 3. 奶奶和小红帽被救出 (The grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are rescued) * 4. 狼被惩罚 (The wolf is punished - killed or drowned) * 5. 小红帽吸取教训 (Little Red Riding Hood learns a lesson) ### III. 主题 (Themes) * **A. 警惕陌生人 (Beware of Strangers):** * 1. 强调安全意识 (Emphasizes safety awareness) * 2. 不要轻易相信陌生人 (Don't easily trust strangers) * **B. 听从长辈的话 (Obey Your Parents/Elders):** * 1. 尊重父母的指示 (Respect your parents' instructions) * 2. 不要偏离既定路线 (Don't deviate from the planned route) * **C. 危险的诱惑 (The Dangers of Temptation):** * 1. 狼的诱骗 (The wolf's deception) * 2. 偏离正道的危险 (The dangers of straying from the right path) * **D. 善良与邪恶的对抗 (Good vs. Evil):** * 1. 小红帽的善良 vs. 狼的邪恶 (Little Red Riding Hood's kindness vs. the wolf's evil) * 2. 猎人代表正义的力量 (The woodsman/hunter represents the forces of justice) * **E. 成长与学习 (Growth and Learning):** * 1. 小红帽从错误中学习 (Little Red Riding Hood learns from her mistakes) * 2. 变得更加成熟 (Becomes more mature) ### IV. 语言学习 (Language Learning) * **A. 词汇 (Vocabulary):** * 1. 形容词 (Adjectives): kind, innocent, cunning, greedy, brave, weak, sick, dangerous * 2. 动词 (Verbs): walk, meet, trick, swallow, rescue, cut, disguise, obey * 3. 名词 (Nouns): cloak, woods, grandmother, wolf, hunter, flowers, house * 4. 与森林相关的词汇 (Forest-related vocabulary): trees, path, flowers, animals * **B. 语法 (Grammar):** * 1. 简单过去式 (Simple past tense): walked, met, tricked, swallowed, rescued * 2. 情态动词 (Modal verbs): can, should, must * 3. 介词 (Prepositions): in, on, through, to, with, at * 4. 连接词 (Conjunctions): and, but, because, so * **C. 句型 (Sentence Structures):** * 1. 描述句 (Descriptive sentences): "She wore a red cloak." * 2. 指令句 (Imperative sentences): "Go to your grandmother's house." * 3. 因果句 (Cause-and-effect sentences): "Because she was sick, Little Red Riding Hood visited her grandmother." * 4. 对比句 (Contrast sentences): "Little Red Riding Hood was kind, but the wolf was cunning." * **D. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension):** * 1. 理解故事内容 (Understanding the story's content) * 2. 回答相关问题 (Answering related questions) * 3. 复述故事 (Retelling the story) * 4. 总结故事的主题 (Summarizing the story's themes) ### V. 文化背景 (Cultural Context) * **A. 童话故事的特点 (Characteristics of Fairy Tales):** * 1. 通常有道德教训 (Often contains a moral lesson) * 2. 包含幻想元素 (Includes fantasy elements) * 3. 角色简单化 (Simplified characters) * 4. 善恶分明 (Clear distinction between good and evil) * **B. 不同版本的差异 (Variations in Different Versions):** * 1. 狼的命运 (The fate of the wolf) * 2. 猎人的角色 (The role of the hunter) * 3. 结局的细节 (Details of the ending) * **C. 故事的象征意义 (Symbolic Meaning of the Story):** * 1. 红色斗篷的象征意义 (Symbolism of the red cloak) * 2. 森林的象征意义 (Symbolism of the woods) * 3. 奶奶的房子的象征意义 (Symbolism of the grandmother's house) ### VI. 互动活动 (Interactive Activities) * **A. 角色扮演 (Role-Playing):** * 1. 学生扮演不同的角色 (Students act out different characters) * 2. 练习口语表达 (Practice oral expression) * **B. 故事续写 (Story Continuation):** * 1. 改变故事结局 (Change the ending of the story) * 2. 添加新的情节 (Add new plot twists) * **C. 绘画创作 (Drawing/Illustration):** * 1. 画出故事中的场景 (Draw scenes from the story) * 2. 设计角色形象 (Design character images) * **D. 讨论与辩论 (Discussion and Debate):** * 1. 讨论故事的主题 (Discuss the themes of the story) * 2. 分析角色的行为 (Analyze the characters' actions) * 3. 辩论故事的价值观 (Debate the story's values) * **E. 制作手工 (Crafting):** * 1. 制作小红帽的斗篷 (Making Little Red Riding Hood's cloak) * 2. 制作狼的面具 (Making the wolf's mask) * 3. 制作奶奶的房子模型 (Making a model of the grandmother's house)
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 卖火柴的小女孩的思维导图

