
# 《小红帽英语思维导图》 ## I. 故事梗概(Story Summary) * **A. 起始(Beginning)** * **1. 人物介绍(Characters)** * 小红帽 (Little Red Riding Hood): A young, innocent girl; loved by her grandmother. 英语释义:A girl with a red hooded cloak. * 奶奶 (Grandmother): A kind, elderly woman; lives in the woods. 英语释义:An old woman, living in the woods, who loves her granddaughter. * 妈妈 (Mother): Concerned and loving; asks Little Red Riding Hood to visit her grandmother. 英语释义:A caring mother who sends her daughter on an errand. * 大灰狼 (The Wolf): Cunning and deceitful; the antagonist of the story. 英语释义:A sly and dangerous wolf, the villain of the story. * 猎人 (The Woodsman/Hunter): Brave and helpful; rescues Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. 英语释义:A courageous man who saves the day. * **2. 背景(Setting)** * 森林 (The Forest): A potentially dangerous place; where the wolf encounters Little Red Riding Hood. 英语释义:A wooded area, a potentially dangerous place. * 奶奶的小屋 (Grandmother's Cottage): A small, isolated house in the woods. 英语释义:A small, isolated house in the woods. * **3. 任务/目的 (Task/Purpose)** * 小红帽的任务 (Little Red Riding Hood's Task): To deliver cake and wine to her sick grandmother. 英语释义:To take food and drink to her ailing grandmother. * **B. 发展(Development/Rising Action)** * **1. 狼的计划 (The Wolf's Plan)** * 欺骗 (Deception): The wolf tricks Little Red Riding Hood into revealing her destination. 英语释义:The wolf uses trickery to find out where Little Red Riding Hood is going. * 速度 (Speed): The wolf races to Grandmother's cottage. 英语释义:The wolf tries to arrive at the cottage before Little Red Riding Hood. * 伪装 (Disguise): The wolf disguises himself as Grandmother. 英语释义:The wolf dresses up as Grandmother. * **2. 小红帽的旅程 (Little Red Riding Hood's Journey)** * 偏离路线 (Deviation): The wolf suggests Little Red Riding Hood pick flowers, causing her to stray from the path. 英语释义:The wolf encourages her to take a detour. * 天真 (Naivety): Little Red Riding Hood trusts the wolf and doesn't suspect his motives. 英语释义:She trusts the wolf and does not suspect any ill intentions. * **3. 在小屋里 (At the Cottage)** * 诡异的相遇 (Strange Encounter): Little Red Riding Hood notices Grandmother's unusual appearance. 英语释义:Little Red Riding Hood notices that her "Grandmother" looks strange. * 对话 (Dialogue): The famous "What big eyes you have!" dialogue. 英语释义: The exchange of dialogue between Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf in disguise. * 吞噬 (Consumption): The wolf swallows Little Red Riding Hood. 英语释义: The wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood. * **C. 高潮/解决(Climax/Resolution)** * **1. 猎人的出现 (The Woodsman's Arrival)** * 噪音 (Noise): The woodsman hears the wolf snoring loudly. 英语释义:The woodsman hears the wolf snoring loudly. * 怀疑 (Suspicion): The woodsman suspects something is wrong. 英语释义:The woodsman suspects something is amiss. * **2. 猎人的行动 (The Woodsman's Action)** * 救援 (Rescue): The woodsman cuts open the wolf and saves Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. 英语释义:The woodsman cuts open the wolf to release Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. * 惩罚 (Punishment): The wolf is killed (often by filling him with stones and then he falls into a well). 英语释义:The wolf is punished for his wicked deeds. * **3. 结局 (Ending)** * 安全 (Safety): Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother are safe. 英语释义: Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are safe. * 教训 (Lesson): Little Red Riding Hood learns a valuable lesson about trusting strangers. 英语释义: Little Red Riding Hood learns a valuable lesson about not trusting strangers. ## II. 主题(Themes) * **A. 危险 (Danger)** * **1. 森林的危险 (Dangers of the Forest):** The forest represents the unknown and potentially harmful aspects of the world. 英语释义: The forest symbolizes the unknown and potentially dangerous aspects of the world. * **2. 陌生人的危险 (Dangers of Strangers):** The wolf represents the threat posed by those who appear friendly but have malicious intentions. 英语释义: The wolf represents the dangers posed by those who seem friendly but have harmful intentions. * **B. 天真与欺骗 (Innocence and Deception)** * **1. 小红帽的天真 (Little Red Riding Hood's Innocence):** Her naivety makes her vulnerable to the wolf's deception. 英语释义: Her innocence makes her susceptible to the wolf's trickery. * **2. 狼的欺骗 (The Wolf's Deception):** He uses disguise and cunning to achieve his evil goals. 英语释义: He uses disguise and cunning to achieve his wicked goals. * **C. 服从与不服从 (Obedience and Disobedience)** * **1. 妈妈的警告 (Mother's Warning):** She warns Little Red Riding Hood to stay on the path. 英语释义: She warns Little Red Riding Hood to stay on the path. * **2. 小红帽的不服从 (Little Red Riding Hood's Disobedience):** Straying from the path leads to danger. 英语释义: Deviating from the path leads to danger. * **D. 善与恶 (Good vs. Evil)** * **1. 小红帽和奶奶 (Little Red Riding Hood and Grandmother):** Represent goodness and vulnerability. 英语释义: They represent goodness and vulnerability. * **2. 狼 (The Wolf):** Represents evil and deceit. 英语释义: Represents evil and deceit. * **3. 猎人 (The Woodsman):** Represents good prevailing over evil. 英语释义: Represents good prevailing over evil. ## III. 词汇学习(Vocabulary Learning) * **A. 关键单词 (Key Words)** * Hood (n.): 帽兜 * Cloak (n.): 斗篷 * Cottage (n.): 小屋 * Deceive (v.): 欺骗 * Woods (n.): 森林 * Snore (v.): 打鼾 * Swallow (v.): 吞咽 * Rescue (v.): 救援 * Malicious (adj.): 恶意的 * Vulnerable (adj.): 脆弱的 * **B. 短语 (Phrases)** * Once upon a time (从前) * Off the beaten path (偏离正路) * A wolf in sheep's clothing (披着羊皮的狼) * Safe and sound (安然无恙) * **C. 拓展词汇 (Expanded Vocabulary)** * Gnarly (adj.): (树木等) 结节多的,粗糙的 * Lurk (v.): 潜伏 * Gobble (v.): 狼吞虎咽 * Disguise (n.): 伪装 * Suspect (v.): 怀疑 ## IV. 语法结构 (Grammar Structures) * **A. 过去时 (Past Tense)** * The story is generally told in the past tense. 英语释义: The story is primarily told in the past tense. * Example: She *went* to visit her grandmother. * **B. 条件句 (Conditional Sentences)** * Used to explore possible outcomes. 英语释义: Used to explore possible outcomes. * Example: If she *had stayed* on the path, she *wouldn't have met* the wolf. * **C. 间接引语 (Indirect Speech)** * Used to report what characters said. 英语释义: Used to report what characters said. * Example: The wolf *asked* her where she *was going*. ## V. 文化背景 (Cultural Context) * **A. 童话故事 (Fairy Tales)** * A traditional genre that often features moral lessons and archetypal characters. 英语释义: A traditional genre that often features moral lessons and archetypal characters. * Often used to teach children about important values and dangers. 英语释义: Often used to teach children about important values and dangers. * **B. 不同版本 (Different Versions)** * The story has been retold in many different versions over the years. 英语释义: The story has been retold in many different versions over the years. * Variations in details and endings. 英语释义: Variations exist in details and endings. For example, some versions omit the woodsman or have different methods of punishing the wolf. ## VI. 讨论问题 (Discussion Questions) * **A.** What lessons can we learn from Little Red Riding Hood's experience? 英语释义: What are the important lessons that we can learn from the story? * **B.** How does the setting (the forest) contribute to the story's atmosphere? 英语释义: How does the forest setting enhance the mood and themes of the story? * **C.** Is the wolf a believable character? Why or why not? 英语释义: Is the wolf a realistic character? Why or why not? * **D.** What are some modern-day "wolves" that we should be aware of? 英语释义: What are some examples of "wolves" (dangerous people/situations) in today's society? * **E.** How important is it to obey your parents/guardians? 英语释义: How important is it to follow the instructions and warnings of your parents/guardians?
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