
# 《小学三年级英语思维导图》 ## 1. Greetings & Introductions (问候与介绍) * **1.1 Basic Greetings (基本问候语)** * Hello, Hi - 含义,使用场景 (非正式) * Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening - 含义,时间段用法 * Good night - 含义,睡觉前告别 * Goodbye, Bye-bye, See you later - 含义,各种告别方式 * **1.2 Introducing Yourself (自我介绍)** * My name is... - 句型结构,例子 (My name is Tom.) * I am... - 句型结构,例子 (I am eight years old.) * Nice to meet you. / Glad to meet you. - 回应方式 (Nice to meet you, too.) * **1.3 Introducing Others (介绍他人)** * This is... - 句型结构,例子 (This is my friend, Lily.) * He is... / She is... - 指代第三人称,例子 (He is my father. She is my sister.) ## 2. Numbers & Colors (数字与颜色) * **2.1 Numbers (数字)** * Cardinal Numbers (基数词): 1-20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 - 拼写,发音,用法 (数数量) * Using numbers to count (用数字计数): counting objects, people * Age (年龄): How old are you? I am (number) years old. * **2.2 Colors (颜色)** * Red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, orange, purple, pink, brown - 拼写,发音,常见物品例子 (a red apple, a blue car) * Asking about colors (询问颜色): What color is it? It is (color). * Describing colors (描述颜色): The (object) is (color). ## 3. Family & Friends (家庭与朋友) * **3.1 Family Members (家庭成员)** * Father/Dad/Daddy, Mother/Mom/Mommy, Brother, Sister, Grandfather/Grandpa, Grandmother/Grandma, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle - 拼写,发音,关系 * My family tree (我的家庭树): creating a simple family tree diagram * **3.2 Describing Family Members (描述家庭成员)** * He/She is (adjective) - 使用形容词描述外貌、性格 (tall, short, kind, funny) * My (family member) is a (occupation) - 介绍职业 (My father is a teacher.) * **3.3 Friends (朋友)** * Friend - 含义,重要性 * Describing friends (描述朋友): He/She is my friend. We like to (activity) together. ## 4. Animals (动物) * **4.1 Domestic Animals (家养动物)** * Cat, dog, bird, fish, rabbit, hamster - 拼写,发音,特征 * What does a (animal) say? - 动物叫声 (A dog says "Woof! Woof!") * **4.2 Wild Animals (野生动物)** * Lion, tiger, elephant, monkey, bear, zebra, giraffe - 拼写,发音,栖息地 * Where does a (animal) live? - 动物生活在哪里 (A lion lives in the jungle.) * **4.3 Describing Animals (描述动物)** * It is (adjective) - 使用形容词描述动物 (big, small, fast, slow) * It has (body part) - 描述动物的身体部位 (It has a long tail.) ## 5. Food & Drinks (食物与饮料) * **5.1 Fruits (水果)** * Apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon, pear - 拼写,发音,味道 (sweet, sour) * I like (fruit). - 表达喜欢的水果 * **5.2 Vegetables (蔬菜)** * Tomato, potato, carrot, cucumber, onion, peas - 拼写,发音,颜色 * I don't like (vegetable). - 表达不喜欢的蔬菜 * **5.3 Other Foods (其他食物)** * Bread, rice, meat, fish, chicken, egg, milk, juice, water, ice cream, chocolate - 拼写,发音,常见食品 * **5.4 Asking about food (询问食物)** * What do you want to eat/drink? - 回答 (I want to eat (food)/drink (drink).) * Do you like (food)? - 回答 (Yes, I do. / No, I don't.) ## 6. Body Parts (身体部位) * **6.1 Head, face, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, neck - 拼写,发音,位置** * **6.2 Arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes - 拼写,发音,功能** * **6.3 Describing body parts (描述身体部位)** * I have (color) (body part) - 描述眼睛、头发的颜色 (I have brown hair.) * Using "touch" to describe actions - 指出身体部位 (Touch your nose!) ## 7. Clothes (衣服) * **7.1 Basic Clothes (基本衣服)** * T-shirt, shirt, trousers/pants, skirt, dress, shoes, socks, hat, coat, jacket - 拼写,发音,季节 * **7.2 Colors of Clothes (衣服的颜色)** * The (clothes) is (color). - 描述衣服的颜色 (The shirt is blue.) * **7.3 Wearing Clothes (穿衣服)** * I am wearing (clothes). - 描述自己穿的衣服 (I am wearing a red T-shirt and blue trousers.) ## 8. Daily Routines (日常生活) * **8.1 Actions (动作)** * Get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, go to school, study, play, eat lunch, go home, do homework, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed - 拼写,发音,时间顺序 * **8.2 Time (时间)** * o'clock, half past - 表达整点和半点时间 * What time is it? - 询问时间,回答 (It's (number) o'clock. / It's half past (number).) * **8.3 Describing Daily Routines (描述日常生活)** * I (action) at (time). - 描述每天的活动 (I get up at 7 o'clock.) ## 9. Places (地点) * **9.1 School (学校)** * Classroom, library, playground, canteen, gym - 拼写,发音,用途 * I go to school. - 表达去学校 * **9.2 Home (家)** * Bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom - 拼写,发音,用途 * I am at home. - 表达在家 * **9.3 Other Places (其他地点)** * Park, zoo, shop, hospital - 拼写,发音,用途 * I go to the (place). - 表达去某个地点 (I go to the park.) ## 10. Prepositions of Place (地点介词) * **10.1 in, on, under, near, behind, in front of, next to - 拼写,含义,用法** * **10.2 Describing locations (描述位置)** * The (object) is (preposition) the (object). - 描述物体的位置 (The book is on the table.) ## 11. Verbs (动词) * **11.1 Basic Verbs (基本动词)** * Run, jump, swim, sing, dance, read, write, draw, eat, drink, sleep - 拼写,发音,含义 * **11.2 Using Verbs (使用动词)** * I can (verb). - 表达能力 (I can swim.) * I like to (verb). - 表达喜好 (I like to read.) ## 12. Simple Questions (简单问题) * **12.1 What, who, where, when, why, how - 疑问词** * **12.2 Asking Questions (提问)** * What is this? - (It is a ...) * Who is this? - (This is my ...) * Where are you from? - (I am from ...) * When is your birthday? - (My birthday is in ...) * Why are you sad? - (Because ...) * How are you? - (I am fine, thank you.) ## 13. Common Adjectives (常用形容词) * **13.1 Describing People (描述人)** * Tall, short, fat, thin, happy, sad, angry, kind, funny - 拼写,发音,含义 * **13.2 Describing Things (描述事物)** * Big, small, long, short, new, old, good, bad - 拼写,发音,含义 * **13.3 Using Adjectives (使用形容词)** * The (noun) is (adjective). - (The cat is small.) ## 14. Seasons & Weather (季节与天气) * **14.1 Seasons (季节)** * Spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter - 拼写,发音,特征 * **14.2 Weather (天气)** * Sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy - 拼写,发音,特征 * **14.3 Describing Weather (描述天气)** * It is (weather). - (It is sunny.) * I like (season) because it is (weather). - (I like summer because it is sunny.) ## 15. Possessive Adjectives (物主形容词) * **15.1 My, your, his, her, its, our, their - 用法,例子** * **15.2 Using Possessive Adjectives (使用物主形容词)** * This is my book. - 表达所有权 **Note:** This is a comprehensive overview for a 3rd-grade English curriculum, presented as a mind map outline. Each topic can be further expanded with specific vocabulary, grammar rules, and examples. This outline serves as a guide for teachers and students to organize and understand the key concepts.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 拇指姑娘思维导图文字

