中心主题:Five Senses & Face (五官与感官)
I. The Face (面部)
A. Overall Structure (整体结构)
- Head (头):
- Shape (形状): Round (圆的), Oval (椭圆的), Square (方的)
- Hair (头发):
- Color (颜色): Black (黑色), Brown (棕色), Blonde (金黄色), Red (红色), Gray (灰色), White (白色)
- Length (长度): Long (长的), Short (短的), Medium (中等长度)
- Style (发型): Straight (直的), Curly (卷的), Wavy (波浪形的), Braids (辫子), Ponytail (马尾辫), Bangs (刘海)
- Skin (皮肤):
- Color (颜色): Fair (白皙的), Dark (黝黑的), Tan (棕褐色)
- Texture (质地): Smooth (光滑的), Rough (粗糙的)
B. Individual Features (独立特征)
- Eyes (眼睛):
- Color (颜色): Blue (蓝色), Green (绿色), Brown (棕色), Hazel (淡褐色), Gray (灰色)
- Shape (形状): Round (圆的), Almond-shaped (杏仁状的), Slanted (倾斜的)
- Eyelashes (睫毛): Long (长的), Short (短的)
- Eyebrows (眉毛): Thick (浓密的), Thin (细的), Arched (拱形的), Straight (直的)
- Nose (鼻子):
- Shape (形状): Straight (直的), Crooked (弯曲的), Pointed (尖的), Flat (扁平的), Big (大的), Small (小的)
- Nostrils (鼻孔): Wide (宽的), Narrow (窄的)
- Mouth (嘴):
- Lips (嘴唇): Thin (薄的), Thick (厚的), Full (丰满的), Pink (粉色的), Red (红色的)
- Teeth (牙齿): White (白的), Straight (整齐的), Crooked (歪的)
- Ears (耳朵):
- Size (大小): Big (大的), Small (小的)
- Shape (形状): Round (圆的), Pointed (尖的)
- Earlobes (耳垂): Attached (连着的), Detached (分离的)
- Cheeks (脸颊):
- Chubby (圆胖的), Hollow (凹陷的), Rosy (红润的)
- Chin (下巴):
- Pointed (尖的), Round (圆的), Square (方的), Double chin (双下巴)
II. The Five Senses (五感)
A. Sight (视觉 - Eyes):
- Verb (动词): See (看见), Watch (观看), Look (看), Observe (观察), Gaze (凝视)
- Nouns (名词): Vision (视力), View (景色), Image (图像), Color (颜色), Light (光线), Darkness (黑暗)
- Adjectives (形容词): Bright (明亮的), Dark (黑暗的), Colorful (色彩鲜艳的), Clear (清晰的), Blurry (模糊的)
- Common phrases (常用短语): See the light (看到曙光), In plain sight (显而易见), Keep an eye on (留意)
B. Hearing (听觉 - Ears):
- Verb (动词): Hear (听到), Listen (听), Overhear (无意中听到)
- Nouns (名词): Sound (声音), Noise (噪音), Music (音乐), Voice (声音), Silence (寂静)
- Adjectives (形容词): Loud (大声的), Quiet (安静的), Soft (轻柔的), Clear (清晰的), Muffled (低沉的), Melodious (悦耳的)
- Common phrases (常用短语): Lend an ear (倾听), Music to my ears (悦耳动听), Hear something through the grapevine (听到小道消息)
C. Smell (嗅觉 - Nose):
- Verb (动词): Smell (闻到), Sniff (嗅), Reek (发出恶臭), Scent (发出香味)
- Nouns (名词): Odor (气味), Fragrance (香味), Scent (香味), Aroma (香气), Stench (恶臭)
- Adjectives (形容词): Sweet (甜的), Sour (酸的), Spicy (辛辣的), Floral (花香的), Musty (霉味的), Pungent (刺鼻的), Pleasant (令人愉悦的), Unpleasant (令人不快的)
- Common phrases (常用短语): Smell a rat (感到可疑), Fresh as a daisy (清新宜人), Nose for something (对某事敏感)
D. Taste (味觉 - Mouth/Tongue):
- Verb (动词): Taste (尝到), Savour (品尝), Swallow (吞咽)
- Nouns (名词): Flavor (味道), Taste (味道), Sweetness (甜味), Sourness (酸味), Saltiness (咸味), Bitterness (苦味), Umami (鲜味)
- Adjectives (形容词): Sweet (甜的), Sour (酸的), Salty (咸的), Bitter (苦的), Spicy (辛辣的), Delicious (美味的), Tasty (可口的), Bland (淡而无味的)
- Common phrases (常用短语): A bitter pill to swallow (难以下咽的事情), Sweeten the deal (让事情更美好), Have a taste for (对...有兴趣)
E. Touch (触觉 - Skin):
- Verb (动词): Touch (触摸), Feel (感觉), Hold (抓住), Press (按压)
- Nouns (名词): Texture (质地), Pressure (压力), Temperature (温度), Surface (表面)
- Adjectives (形容词): Smooth (光滑的), Rough (粗糙的), Soft (柔软的), Hard (坚硬的), Hot (热的), Cold (冷的), Warm (温暖的), Sharp (锋利的), Dull (钝的), Sticky (粘的), Wet (湿的), Dry (干的)
- Common phrases (常用短语): Keep in touch (保持联系), Get in touch with (联系), Lose touch (失去联系), Soft touch (心软的人)
III. Related Vocabulary (相关词汇)
- Expressions (表情): Happy (快乐的), Sad (悲伤的), Angry (生气的), Surprised (惊讶的), Scared (害怕的), Confused (困惑的), Excited (兴奋的), Bored (无聊的)
- Body parts (身体部位): Forehead (额头), Temple (太阳穴), Cheekbones (颧骨), Jaw (下颚), Eyelid (眼睑)
- Actions (动作): Smiling (微笑), Frowning (皱眉), Laughing (大笑), Crying (哭泣), Winking (眨眼), Nodding (点头), Shaking head (摇头)
- Adjectives describing appearance (描述外貌的形容词): Beautiful (美丽的), Handsome (英俊的), Pretty (漂亮的), Ugly (丑陋的), Cute (可爱的), Tall (高的), Short (矮的), Fat (胖的), Thin (瘦的)
IV. Example Sentences & Questions (例句与问题)
- "She has blue eyes and blonde hair." (她有蓝色的眼睛和金色的头发。)
- "Can you see the bird in the tree?" (你能看到树上的鸟吗?)
- "The music sounds beautiful." (音乐听起来很美。)
- "What does the flower smell like?" (这朵花闻起来怎么样?)
- "The lemon tastes sour." (柠檬尝起来很酸。)
- "The blanket feels soft." (毯子摸起来很柔软。)
- "What's your favorite taste?" (你最喜欢的味道是什么?)
- "Is your hair long or short?" (你的头发是长的还是短的?)
- "He is tall and has brown hair." (他很高,有棕色的头发。)
V. Activities (活动)
- Describe a friend: Describe your friend's face and features using adjectives.
- Guess the smell: Blindfold a student and have them guess different smells.
- Taste test: Have students taste different foods and describe the flavors.
- Draw a face: Draw a face and label the different parts.
- Charades with emotions: Act out different emotions without speaking, and have others guess.
- "Simon Says" with body parts: Play Simon Says using face and body parts.
This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of facial features and the five senses for third-grade English learners. It includes relevant vocabulary, example sentences, questions, and activities to enhance understanding and engagement.