# 《初一英语第一单元思维导图》
## 1. Greetings & Introductions (问候与介绍)
* **1.1 Common Greetings (常用问候语)**
* *Formal:*
* Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
* How do you do? (How do you do?) - 回答也是 How do you do?
* *Informal:*
* Hi / Hey
* What's up? / How's it going? (非正式,询问近况)
* *Response to Greetings:*
* Fine, thank you. And you?
* I'm good / I'm doing well / Not bad
* Pretty good / Great (非正式)
* **1.2 Introductions (介绍)**
* *Introducing Yourself:*
* My name is... / I'm... / I am...
* Let me introduce myself. I'm...
* *Introducing Others:*
* This is... / May I introduce...?
* Nice to meet you. (很高兴认识你)
* Pleased to meet you. (很高兴认识你,更正式)
* *Responding to Introductions:*
* Nice to meet you, too.
* Pleased to meet you, too.
* *Asking Someone's Name:*
* What's your name?
* May I have your name?
* *Spelling Out Names (拼写名字):*
* Can you spell that, please?
* **1.3 Asking About Well-being (询问近况)**
* How are you?
* How are you doing?
* How's life? (非正式)
## 2. Numbers & Age (数字与年龄)
* **2.1 Cardinal Numbers (基数词)**
* 1-10: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
* 11-20: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
* Tens: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
* Hundreds: one hundred, two hundred,...
* Thousands: one thousand, two thousand,...
* **2.2 Ordinal Numbers (序数词)**
* First (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seventh (7th), eighth (8th), ninth (9th), tenth (10th), eleventh (11th), twelfth (12th), thirteenth (13th), ...
* Used for dates and positions.
* **2.3 Asking and Answering Age (询问和回答年龄)**
* How old are you?
* I am... years old.
* She is ... years old.
* He is ... years old.
## 3. Classroom Objects & Places (教室物品与地点)
* **3.1 Classroom Objects (教室物品)**
* Desk, chair, blackboard, whiteboard, book, notebook, pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener, map, computer, projector, clock, door, window
* Dictionary, globe, poster
* **3.2 Places in the School (学校里的地点)**
* Classroom, library, canteen, playground, gym, office, teacher's office, principal's office, lab (laboratory), restroom/toilet
* **3.3 Prepositions of Place (地点介词)**
* In (在...里面), on (在...上面), under (在...下面), near (在...附近), behind (在...后面), in front of (在...前面), next to (在...旁边), between (在...之间)
* Example: The book is on the desk. The classroom is near the library.
## 4. Personal Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives (人称代词和形容词性物主代词)
* **4.1 Personal Pronouns (人称代词)**
* *Subject Pronouns (主语人称代词):* I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they
* *Object Pronouns (宾语人称代词):* me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them
* Example: *I* am a student. She likes *him*.
* **4.2 Possessive Adjectives (形容词性物主代词)**
* My, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
* Used before nouns to show possession.
* Example: This is *my* book. *Her* name is Mary.
## 5. The Verb "To Be" (动词“是”)
* **5.1 Present Simple (现在简单时)**
* *Affirmative (肯定形式):* I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are
* *Negative (否定形式):* I am not, you are not (aren't), he/she/it is not (isn't), we are not (aren't), you are not (aren't), they are not (aren't)
* *Interrogative (疑问形式):* Am I...? Are you...? Is he/she/it...? Are we...? Are you...? Are they...?
* *Short Answers (简短回答):* Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
* Used to describe states of being, identify people or objects.
* Example: I *am* a student. He *is* tall. They *are* happy.
* **5.2 Contractions (缩写形式)**
* I'm, you're, he's, she's, it's, we're, they're
* Aren't, isn't
## 6. Demonstrative Pronouns (指示代词)
* **6.1 Singular (单数)**
* This (这个): used for something near to the speaker.
* That (那个): used for something far from the speaker.
* **6.2 Plural (复数)**
* These (这些): used for things near to the speaker.
* Those (那些): used for things far from the speaker.
* **6.3 Usage (用法)**
* *This* is a pen.
* *That* is a book.
* *These* are pens.
* *Those* are books.
* Used to point out specific things or people.
## 7. Countries and Nationalities (国家和国籍)
* **7.1 Common Countries (常见国家)**
* China, America (USA), England, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, Korea, Brazil
* **7.2 Common Nationalities (常见国籍)**
* Chinese, American, English, Canadian, Australian, Japanese, French, German, Russian, Korean, Brazilian
* **7.3 Asking About Nationality (询问国籍)**
* Where are you from?
* What's your nationality?
* **7.4 Answering About Nationality (回答国籍)**
* I'm from... (国家).
* I'm... (国籍).
* I am ... (国籍).
* **7.5 Example:**
* A: Where are you from?
* B: I'm from China. I'm Chinese.
## 8. Imperatives (祈使句)
* **8.1 Structure (结构)**
* Base form of the verb (动词原形)
* **8.2 Positive Imperatives (肯定祈使句)**
* Open the door.
* Close the window.
* Sit down.
* Stand up.
* Be quiet.
* **8.3 Negative Imperatives (否定祈使句)**
* Don't + base form of the verb (Don't + 动词原形)
* Don't open the door.
* Don't be late.
* Don't talk.
* **8.4 Usage (用法)**
* Giving commands (发出命令)
* Making requests (提出请求)
* Giving instructions (给出指示)
* Giving warnings (发出警告)
## 9. Basic Question Words (基本疑问词)
* **9.1 What (什么)**
* Asking about things. What is your name? What is this?
* **9.2 Who (谁)**
* Asking about people. Who is that? Who are you?
* **9.3 Where (哪里)**
* Asking about places. Where are you from? Where is the library?
* **9.4 When (什么时候)**
* Asking about time. When is your birthday?
* **9.5 How (如何)**
* Asking about manner, condition, or quantity. How are you? How old are you? How many books are there?
## 10. Common Sentence Structures (常用句型)
* **10.1 Simple Sentences (简单句)**
* Subject + Verb + (Object/Complement)
* I am a student. She is happy. He reads a book.
* **10.2 "This is..." / "That is..." (这是/那是)**
* This is a pen. That is a book.
* **10.3 "There is..." / "There are..." (有)**
* There is a book on the desk. There are many students in the classroom.
* **10.4 Questions with "Is/Are" (用Is/Are提问的句子)**
* Is this a pen? Are you a student?
* **10.5 Questions with Question Words (用疑问词提问的句子)**
* What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you?