
# 《五年级上册英语六个单元总结思维导图一幅》 ## 中心主题:小学五年级上册英语(外研社版) ### 一、单元1:My school * **主题:** 学校生活,地点,人物,日常活动 * **词汇:** * 教室 (classroom),操场 (playground),图书馆 (library),计算机房 (computer room),教师办公室 (teacher's office),食堂 (canteen) * 老师 (teacher),学生 (student),校长 (head teacher),图书管理员 (librarian) * 上课 (have class),吃饭 (have lunch/dinner),阅读 (read),做作业 (do homework),玩游戏 (play games),使用电脑 (use the computer) * 方位介词:in, on, at, near, behind, in front of, next to * **语法:** * 一般现在时:描述日常活动,例如 "I go to school at 7:30." "We have lunch at the canteen." * 地点介词的使用:例如 "The book is on the table." "The computer room is next to the library." * 询问地点: "Where is the ...?" 回答: "It's in/on/at/near/behind/in front of/next to the ..." * **句型:** * "What do you do at school?" "I study English, play games, and read books." * "Where do you have lunch?" "I have lunch at the canteen." * "There is a ... in the classroom." "There are ... in the classroom." * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的学校生活,例如学校的建筑风格,课程设置,课外活动等。 * 学习英语礼仪,例如在课堂上举手发言,尊重老师和同学。 * **扩展活动:** * 画一幅学校地图,标注各个地点。 * 采访同学,了解他们最喜欢的学校活动。 * 制作一份关于自己学校的英语介绍。 ### 二、单元2:My family * **主题:** 家庭成员,外貌描述,性格描述,日常活动 * **词汇:** * 爸爸 (father/dad),妈妈 (mother/mum),爷爷 (grandfather/grandpa),奶奶 (grandmother/grandma),兄弟 (brother),姐妹 (sister),叔叔/舅舅 (uncle),阿姨/姑姑 (aunt),堂兄弟姐妹/表兄弟姐妹 (cousin) * 高 (tall),矮 (short),胖 (fat),瘦 (thin),漂亮的 (beautiful/pretty),英俊的 (handsome) * 友好的 (friendly),幽默的 (funny/humorous),聪明的 (clever/smart),勤劳的 (hardworking),耐心的 (patient) * 做饭 (cook),洗衣服 (wash clothes),打扫卫生 (clean the house),看电视 (watch TV),听音乐 (listen to music),玩电脑游戏 (play computer games) * **语法:** * be动词的用法: 用于描述人物的外貌和性格,例如 "He is tall." "She is friendly." * 形容词的用法: 用于修饰名词,例如 "a tall man","a beautiful woman"。 * 一般现在时:描述家庭成员的日常活动,例如 "My father cooks dinner every day." "My mother washes clothes on Sundays." * 所有格's:例如 "My father's car", "My sister's book". * **句型:** * "Who is he/she?" "He/She is my father/mother/brother/sister..." * "What does he/she look like?" "He/She is tall and thin." "He/She has short hair." * "What is he/she like?" "He/She is friendly and humorous." * "What does your father/mother do?" "He/She is a teacher/doctor/..." * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的家庭结构,例如核心家庭和大家庭。 * 学习家庭中的角色和责任。 * 了解家庭庆祝活动,例如生日和节日。 * **扩展活动:** * 画一幅家庭树,标注家庭成员的名字。 * 写一篇关于自己家庭成员的英语短文。 * 制作一份家庭相册,用英语描述照片中的人物和故事。 ### 三、单元3:My weekend * **主题:** 周末活动,时间表达,地点,爱好 * **词汇:** * 看电影 (watch a movie),购物 (go shopping),游泳 (go swimming),打篮球 (play basketball),踢足球 (play football),看书 (read a book),去公园 (go to the park),去动物园 (go to the zoo),在家 (at home) * 上午 (in the morning),下午 (in the afternoon),晚上 (in the evening),早上 (morning),中午 (noon),午后 (afternoon),傍晚 (evening),晚上 (night) * 时间表达:几点几分 (数字 + o'clock/数字 + 数字),例如 7:00 (seven o'clock),7:30 (seven thirty) * 爱好:喜欢的 (like),不喜欢的 (don't like),最喜欢的 (favorite) * **语法:** * 一般现在时:描述周末的习惯性活动,例如 "I usually go swimming on Saturdays." "I don't like watching TV on Sundays." * 频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never. 例如 "I always do my homework on Saturdays." * 询问时间和活动: "What do you do on weekends?" "What time do you ...?" * 介词on的用法:例如 "on Saturday","on Sunday"。 * **句型:** * "What do you do on weekends?" "I usually .../I sometimes .../I never ..." * "What time do you get up on Sundays?" "I get up at 8:00." * "Do you like ...?" "Yes, I do./No, I don't." "What's your favorite ...?" * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的周末活动,例如看电影,野餐,运动等。 * 学习如何安排自己的周末时间,保持健康的生活方式。 * **扩展活动:** * 制作一份自己的周末时间表。 * 采访同学,了解他们的周末活动。 * 写一篇关于自己最喜欢的周末活动的英语短文。 ### 四、单元4:My favourite food * **主题:** 食物,口味,健康饮食 * **词汇:** * 苹果 (apple),香蕉 (banana),橙子 (orange),草莓 (strawberry),葡萄 (grape),西瓜 (watermelon) * 米饭 (rice),面条 (noodles),面包 (bread),肉 (meat),鱼 (fish),蔬菜 (vegetables),鸡蛋 (egg),牛奶 (milk),果汁 (juice),水 (water) * 甜的 (sweet),酸的 (sour),咸的 (salty),辣的 (spicy),美味的 (delicious/tasty),好吃的 (good) * 健康的 (healthy),不健康的 (unhealthy) * **语法:** * 可数名词和不可数名词:apple (可数,复数apples),rice (不可数) * Some和any的用法:例如 "I want some apples." "Do you have any rice?" * like的用法:例如 "I like apples." "She likes bananas." * 询问喜欢和不喜欢的食物:"What's your favorite food?" "Do you like ...?" * **句型:** * "What's your favourite food?" "My favourite food is ..." * "Do you like ...?" "Yes, I do./No, I don't." * "I want some/an ..." "I don't want any ..." * "Is ... healthy?" "Yes, it is./No, it isn't." * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的食物文化,例如中国菜,西餐,日餐等。 * 学习健康饮食的重要性,了解均衡饮食的原则。 * 学习餐桌礼仪。 * **扩展活动:** * 制作一份自己的食物清单,标注喜欢的和不喜欢的。 * 采访同学,了解他们最喜欢的食物。 * 写一篇关于自己最喜欢的食物的英语短文。 ### 五、单元5:My birthday * **主题:** 生日,日期,礼物,庆祝活动 * **词汇:** * 生日 (birthday),礼物 (present/gift),蛋糕 (cake),蜡烛 (candle),气球 (balloon),卡片 (card),邀请 (invite),派对 (party) * 月份:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December * 日期表达:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth... * 唱歌 (sing a song),跳舞 (dance),玩游戏 (play games),吃蛋糕 (eat cake),拆礼物 (open presents) * **语法:** * 询问日期: "When is your birthday?" 回答: "It's on ..." (月份 + 日期) * 一般将来时:表示生日计划,例如 "I will have a party on my birthday." * can的用法:表示能够做某事,例如 "I can sing a song." * have的用法:表示拥有,例如 "I have a present." * **句型:** * "When is your birthday?" "It's on January 1st." * "What will you do on your birthday?" "I will have a party." * "Can you ...?" "Yes, I can./No, I can't." * "I have a present for you." * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的生日庆祝方式,例如生日蛋糕,生日礼物,生日歌等。 * 学习如何写生日邀请函和感谢信。 * **扩展活动:** * 制作一份自己的生日邀请函。 * 采访同学,了解他们的生日庆祝方式。 * 写一篇关于自己难忘的生日经历的英语短文。 ### 六、单元6:Festivals * **主题:** 节日,庆祝活动,传统食物,习俗 * **词汇:** * 春节 (Spring Festival/Chinese New Year),端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival),中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival),圣诞节 (Christmas),复活节 (Easter),万圣节 (Halloween) * 饺子 (dumplings),粽子 (zongzi),月饼 (mooncake),火鸡 (turkey),彩蛋 (Easter egg),糖果 (candy) * 舞龙 (dragon dance),赛龙舟 (dragon boat race),赏月 (admire the moon),装饰圣诞树 (decorate the Christmas tree),找彩蛋 (hunt for Easter eggs),穿奇装异服 (wear costumes) * **语法:** * 一般现在时:描述节日的传统习俗,例如 "We eat dumplings during Spring Festival." * 一般将来时:描述节日计划,例如 "I will visit my family during Spring Festival." * like的用法:表示对节日的喜爱,例如 "I like Spring Festival." * **句型:** * "What do you do during ...?" "We eat ..., we watch ..., we play ..." * "What will you do during ...?" "I will visit ..., I will eat ..., I will give ..." * "Do you like ...?" "Yes, I do./No, I don't." * "What's your favourite festival?" "My favourite festival is ..." * **文化渗透:** * 了解不同国家的节日和文化习俗,例如圣诞节,复活节,万圣节等。 * 学习尊重不同文化。 * **扩展活动:** * 制作一份关于自己最喜欢的节日的英语海报。 * 采访同学,了解他们对不同节日的看法。 * 写一篇关于自己经历过的节日的英语短文。
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 中国神话传说故事中 人类起源以女娲中心画思维导图

