
# 《五年级英语第三单元思维导图》 **中心主题:Healthy Habits** **一级分支:Vocabulary (词汇)** * **Foods (食物):** * Fruits (水果): * Apple (苹果): * 颜色:Red, Green, Yellow * 味道:Sweet, Sour * 例句:I like to eat an apple every day. * Banana (香蕉): * 颜色:Yellow * 形状:Long, Curved * 例句:Monkeys like to eat bananas. * Orange (橙子): * 颜色:Orange * 维生素:Vitamin C * 例句:Oranges are good for you. * Grapes (葡萄): * 颜色:Purple, Green, Red * 种类:Seedless, With seeds * 例句:Grapes grow on vines. * Vegetables (蔬菜): * Carrot (胡萝卜): * 颜色:Orange * 好处:Good for eyes * 例句:Rabbits love carrots. * Tomato (番茄): * 颜色:Red * 用途:In salads, sauces * 例句:I put tomatoes in my sandwich. * Broccoli (西兰花): * 颜色:Green * 营养:Rich in vitamins * 例句:Broccoli is a healthy vegetable. * Spinach (菠菜): * 颜色:Green * 优点:Strong muscles * 例句:Popeye eats spinach. * Drinks (饮料): * Water (水): * 重要性:Staying hydrated * 建议:Drink eight glasses a day * 例句:Water is essential for life. * Milk (牛奶): * 钙:Calcium * 骨骼:Strong bones * 例句:Milk makes your bones strong. * Juice (果汁): * 种类:Orange juice, Apple juice * 注意:Sugar content * 例句:I like to drink orange juice for breakfast. * Other Foods (其他食物): * Bread (面包): * 种类:White bread, Brown bread * 搭配:Butter, Jam * 例句:I eat bread with butter. * Eggs (鸡蛋): * 蛋白质:Protein * 烹饪方式:Fried, Scrambled * 例句:Eggs are a good source of protein. * Meat (肉): * 种类:Chicken, Beef, Pork * 营养:Iron * 例句:I eat chicken for dinner. * **Activities (活动):** * Exercise (锻炼): * Running (跑步): * 好处:Good for heart * 频率:Three times a week * 例句:I like to go running in the park. * Swimming (游泳): * 好处:Full body workout * 技巧:Breathing * 例句:I enjoy swimming in the summer. * Playing sports (运动): * 例子:Basketball, Football, Tennis * 团队合作:Teamwork * 例句:I play basketball with my friends. * Hygiene (卫生): * Washing hands (洗手): * 时机:Before meals, After using the toilet * 重要性:Preventing germs * 例句:Wash your hands before you eat. * Brushing teeth (刷牙): * 次数:Twice a day * 重要性:Preventing cavities * 例句:Brush your teeth after meals. * Taking a shower (洗澡): * 频率:Daily * 重要性:Staying clean * 例句:I take a shower every morning. * **Adjectives (形容词):** * Healthy (健康的): * 含义:Good for your body * 例子:Healthy food, Healthy lifestyle * 例句:Eating healthy food is important. * Unhealthy (不健康的): * 含义:Bad for your body * 例子:Unhealthy food, Unhealthy habits * 例句:Eating too much junk food is unhealthy. * Strong (强壮的): * 含义:Having physical power * 来源:Exercise, Good diet * 例句:Exercise makes you strong. * Weak (虚弱的): * 含义:Lacking physical power * 原因:Illness, Lack of exercise * 例句:I felt weak because I was sick. **二级分支:Grammar (语法)** * **Should/Shouldn't (应该/不应该):** * 用途:Giving advice * 结构:Subject + should/shouldn't + verb * 例句: * You should eat more vegetables. * You shouldn't eat too much candy. * **How often (多久一次):** * 用途:Asking about frequency * 结构:How often + do/does + subject + verb? * 答案:Once a day/week/month, Twice a day/week/month, Every day/week/month, Never, Always, Usually, Sometimes, Rarely * 例句: * How often do you exercise? * I exercise three times a week. * **Countable and Uncountable Nouns (可数名词和不可数名词):** * 可数名词:Can be counted (e.g., apple, banana, egg) * 单数形式:a/an + noun * 复数形式:noun + -s/-es * 不可数名词:Cannot be counted (e.g., water, milk, juice, bread, meat) * 通常使用量词:a glass of water, a bottle of juice, a loaf of bread * 与 some 和 any 一起使用。 **三级分支:Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)** * **Types of Texts (文本类型):** * Dialogues (对话): * 主题:Ordering food, Asking for advice * 关键词:Excuse me, Can I help you?, What do you recommend? * Articles (文章): * 主题:Healthy eating, Exercise tips * 重点:Main idea, Supporting details * Posters (海报): * 主题:Promoting healthy habits * 特点:Eye-catching, Informative * **Reading Strategies (阅读策略):** * Skimming (略读): * 目的:Get the general idea * 方法:Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph * Scanning (扫读): * 目的:Find specific information * 方法:Look for keywords **四级分支:Speaking (口语)** * **Asking for and Giving Advice (请求和提供建议):** * 询问建议: * What should I do? * What do you recommend? * What's your advice? * 提供建议: * You should… * You shouldn't… * I think you should… * My advice is to… * **Describing Healthy Habits (描述健康习惯):** * Use vocabulary related to food, exercise, and hygiene. * Use "should/shouldn't" to give recommendations. * Use "how often" to describe frequency. **五级分支:Writing (写作)** * **Writing a Paragraph about Healthy Habits (写一段关于健康习惯的段落):** * Topic sentence: Introduce the main idea (e.g., It's important to have healthy habits.) * Supporting sentences: Give specific examples of healthy habits (e.g., Eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all important.) * Concluding sentence: Summarize the main idea (e.g., By following these healthy habits, you can stay healthy and strong.) * **Writing a Dialogue (写对话):** * Setting: Choosing a scenario (e.g., ordering food at a restaurant, giving advice to a friend). * Characters: Two or more characters. * Dialogue structure: Question and answer format, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 过年习俗思维导图

