# 《三年级1~4单元思维导图英语》
* **中心主题:问候与介绍**
* **分支1:Greetings (问候语)**
* *Good morning!*(早上好!)
* 使用场景:早上
* 常见回应:*Good morning!*
* *Good afternoon!*(下午好!)
* 使用场景:下午
* 常见回应:*Good afternoon!*
* *Good evening!*(晚上好!)
* 使用场景:晚上
* 常见回应:*Good evening!*
* *Hello! / Hi!*(你好!)
* 使用场景:任何时间
* 常见回应:*Hello! / Hi!*
* *Good night!*(晚安!)
* 使用场景:睡觉前
* 常见回应:*Good night!*
* **分支2:Introductions (介绍)**
* *What's your name?*(你叫什么名字?)
* 回答方式:*My name is…* / *I'm…*
* 例句:*What's your name? My name is Lily.*
* *Nice to meet you!*(很高兴见到你!)
* 回应:*Nice to meet you, too!*
* 例句:*Hello, I'm Tom. Nice to meet you!*
* *How are you?*(你好吗?)
* 回答方式:*I'm fine, thank you. And you?* / *I'm good.*
* 例句:*How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?*
* 拼写名字:
* *How do you spell your name?*
* 例句:*My name is Tom. T-O-M.*
* **分支3:Key Vocabulary (重点词汇)**
* Names: Tom, Lily, Lucy, Jack等常见名字。
* Pronouns: I, you
* Auxiliary Verbs: am, is
* Prepositions: in, at
* Other: morning, afternoon, evening, night
* **中心主题:颜色认知与运用**
* **分支1:Basic Colors (基本颜色)**
* *Red* (红色)
* *Blue* (蓝色)
* *Yellow* (黄色)
* *Green* (绿色)
* *Black* (黑色)
* *White* (白色)
* *Orange* (橙色)
* *Purple* (紫色)
* *Pink* (粉色)
* *Brown* (棕色)
* **分支2:Describing Objects (描述物体颜色)**
* *What color is it?*(它是什么颜色?)
* 回答方式:*It's…* + 颜色.
* 例句:*What color is the apple? It's red.*
* *I like…* + 颜色 + + noun. (我喜欢…颜色的….)
* 例句:*I like red apples.*
* 用颜色描述事物:
* *The sky is blue.* (天空是蓝色的。)
* **分支3:Sentence Structures (句子结构)**
* Subject + is + color (主语 + 是 + 颜色)
* 例句:*The flower is yellow.*
* *My… is…* (我的…是…)
* 例句:*My book is blue.*
* **分支4:Key Vocabulary (重点词汇)**
* Objects: ball, book, car, flower, house, sun, sky, tree, apple, banana等。
* Adjectives: red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, orange, purple, pink, brown.
* **中心主题:数字认知与表达**
* **分支1:Numbers 1-10 (数字1-10)**
* *One* (1)
* *Two* (2)
* *Three* (3)
* *Four* (4)
* *Five* (5)
* *Six* (6)
* *Seven* (7)
* *Eight* (8)
* *Nine* (9)
* *Ten* (10)
* **分支2:Counting Objects (数物体数量)**
* *How many… are there?*(有多少个…?)
* 回答方式:*There are…* + 数字 + 物体.
* 例句:*How many apples are there? There are five apples.*
* 数数游戏:
* *One, two, three, four, five…*
* **分支3:Question Formation (提问)**
* *Is this… ?* (这是…吗?)
* 肯定回答:*Yes, it is.*
* 否定回答:*No, it isn't. It's…*
* 例句:*Is this three? No, it isn't. It's four.*
* **分支4:Key Vocabulary (重点词汇)**
* Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
* Objects: pencils, books, rulers, erasers, crayons, apples, bananas等。
**第四单元:My Body**
* **中心主题:身体部位认知与表达**
* **分支1:Body Parts (身体部位)**
* *Head* (头)
* *Hair* (头发)
* *Eyes* (眼睛)
* *Nose* (鼻子)
* *Mouth* (嘴)
* *Ears* (耳朵)
* *Face* (脸)
* *Arms* (胳膊)
* *Hands* (手)
* *Legs* (腿)
* *Feet* (脚)
* *Fingers* (手指)
* *Toes* (脚趾)
* **分支2:Describing Actions (描述动作)**
* *I can…* + 动作(我能…)
* 例句:*I can see with my eyes.*
* 例句:*I can hear with my ears.*
* 例句:*I can walk with my legs.*
* Touching/Pointing:
* *Touch your nose.* (摸你的鼻子。)
* *Point to your head.* (指你的头。)
* **分支3:Singular vs. Plural (单数与复数)**
* 单数: *This is my nose.* (这是我的鼻子。)
* 复数: *These are my eyes.* (这是我的眼睛。)
* 复数规则:大部分名词加 *s*.
* **分支4:Key Vocabulary (重点词汇)**
* Body Parts: head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, face, arms, hands, legs, feet, fingers, toes
* Verbs: see, hear, walk, touch, point.
* Pronouns: my, this, these.