I. 主题词:Greetings and Introductions (问候与介绍)
A. Greetings (问候语)
- Formal Greetings (正式问候语)
- 枝干: Good morning.
- 枝干: Good afternoon.
- 枝干: Good evening.
- 细节: Use appropriate greeting depending on the time of day. (根据时间选择合适的问候语)
- 细节: Commonly used with adults or strangers. (通常用于成年人或陌生人)
- 图片: 阳光表示早上,太阳在空中表示下午,月亮表示晚上。
- Informal Greetings (非正式问候语)
- 枝干: Hello!
- 枝干: Hi!
- 枝干: How are you?
- 枝干: How's it going? (较不正式,可省略)
- 细节: More casual and friendly. (更随意和友好)
- 细节: Often used with friends and family. (通常用于朋友和家人)
- 短语: I'm fine, thank you. / I'm good. / Not bad.
B. Introductions (介绍)
- Introducing Yourself (自我介绍)
- 枝干: My name is...
- 枝干: I'm...
- 枝干: This is... (介绍他人)
- 例句: My name is Lily. I'm eight years old. This is my friend, Tom.
- 提示: State your name clearly. (清楚地说明你的名字)
- 提示: Consider adding your age or other relevant information. (考虑添加你的年龄或其他相关信息)
- Asking for Someone's Name (询问姓名)
- 枝干: What's your name?
- 枝干: May I have your name? (较正式)
- 枝干: And you? (在已知对方姓名后询问另一人)
- 例句: Hello! What's your name?
- 图标: 一个问号表示疑问。
- Nice to Meet You (很高兴认识你)
- 枝干: Nice to meet you.
- 枝干: Pleased to meet you. (较正式)
- 枝干: It's a pleasure to meet you. (非常正式)
- 回应: Nice to meet you, too. / Pleased to meet you, too.
- 图标: 握手表示友好。
II. 字母表:A-G (The Alphabet: A to G)
A. Letter Recognition (字母识别)
- 枝干: A a
- 枝干: B b
- 枝干: C c
- 枝干: D d
- 枝干: E e
- 枝干: F f
- 枝干: G g
- 细节: Capital and lowercase letters. (大写和小写字母)
- 练习: Matching upper and lower case letters. (匹配大小写字母)
- 图片: 大写A和小写a并排显示,以此类推。
B. Pronunciation (发音)
- 枝干: Phonetic sound for each letter. (每个字母的音标)
- 例词: A - apple, B - ball, C - cat, D - dog, E - egg, F - fish, G - girl.
- 练习: Saying the letters aloud and repeating. (大声说出字母并重复)
- 练习: Listening to audio recordings of the letters. (听字母的录音)
C. Writing (书写)
- 枝干: Practice writing each letter. (练习书写每个字母)
- 枝干: Following the correct stroke order. (遵循正确的笔画顺序)
- 工具: Using a pencil and paper. (使用铅笔和纸)
- 工具: Using handwriting worksheets. (使用手写练习册)
III. 颜色:Red, Yellow, Blue, Green (Colors)
A. Color Recognition (颜色识别)
- 枝干: Red
- 枝干: Yellow
- 枝干: Blue
- 枝干: Green
- 图片: 展示红色苹果、黄色香蕉、蓝色天空、绿色草地。
B. Color Association (颜色联想)
- 枝干: What color is it?
- 枝干: It's red. / It's yellow. / It's blue. / It's green.
- 练习: Pointing to objects of different colors and naming them. (指向不同颜色的物体并说出它们的名字)
- 游戏: Color matching games. (颜色匹配游戏)
C. Simple Sentences (简单句子)
- 枝干: A red apple.
- 枝干: A yellow banana.
- 枝干: A blue car.
- 枝干: A green tree.
- 句型: A + color + object.
- 练习: Creating simple sentences using the colors and objects. (使用颜色和物体创造简单句子)
IV. 重点句型和词汇 (Key Sentence Structures and Vocabulary)
A. Key Sentence Structures (重点句型)
- 枝干: Hello, I'm...
- 枝干: What's your name?
- 枝干: My name is...
- 枝干: Nice to meet you.
- 枝干: It is (color).
- 练习: Role-playing introductions. (角色扮演介绍)
- 练习: Filling in the blanks. (填空)
B. Key Vocabulary (重点词汇)
- 枝干: Hello
- 枝干: Hi
- 枝干: Name
- 枝干: I'm
- 枝干: You
- 枝干: Red
- 枝干: Yellow
- 枝干: Blue
- 枝干: Green
- 枝干: Good morning
- 枝干: Good afternoon
- 枝干: Good evening
- 练习: Flashcard activities. (闪卡活动)
- 练习: Word games like "Hangman". (单词游戏,如“猜单词”)
V. 扩展活动 (Extension Activities)
A. Songs and Chants (歌曲和吟唱)
- 枝干: Singing alphabet songs. (唱字母歌)
- 枝干: Greeting songs. (问候歌曲)
- 枝干: Songs about colors. (关于颜色的歌曲)
- 资源: Use online resources for songs and chants. (使用在线资源获取歌曲和吟唱)
B. Games (游戏)
- 枝干: Matching games. (匹配游戏)
- 枝干: Memory games. (记忆游戏)
- 枝干: Coloring activities. (着色活动)
- 游戏: "I Spy" with colors. ("我发现"颜色游戏)
C. Crafts (手工艺)
- 枝干: Creating artwork using the four colors. (使用四种颜色创作艺术品)
- 枝干: Making name tags. (制作姓名标签)
- 材料: Paper, crayons, paint. (纸、蜡笔、颜料)