以at home为主题画一张思维导图
## 《以at home为主题画一张思维导图》
**中心主题:At Home**
### I. 情感与感受 (Emotions & Feelings)
* **A. 安全感 (Security)**
* 1. 免受外部威胁 (Protection from outside threats)
* 2. 私密空间 (Privacy)
* 3. 可控环境 (Controllable environment)
* **B. 舒适感 (Comfort)**
* 1. 身体舒适 (Physical comfort)
* a. 柔软的床铺 (Soft bed)
* b. 适宜的温度 (Suitable temperature)
* c. 舒适的家具 (Comfortable furniture)
* 2. 心理舒适 (Psychological comfort)
* a. 放松的环境 (Relaxing environment)
* b. 无需顾虑社交礼仪 (No need to worry about social etiquette)
* c. 允许自我表达 (Allows self-expression)
* **C. 归属感 (Belonging)**
* 1. 与家人/室友的连接 (Connection with family/roommates)
* 2. 熟悉的环境 (Familiar environment)
* 3. 共同的回忆 (Shared memories)
* **D. 孤独感 (Loneliness)**
* 1. 缺乏社交互动 (Lack of social interaction)
* 2. 与外界隔离 (Isolation from the outside world)
* 3. 无聊 (Boredom)
### II. 活动与行为 (Activities & Behaviors)
* **A. 休息与放松 (Rest & Relaxation)**
* 1. 睡觉 (Sleeping)
* 2. 阅读 (Reading)
* 3. 看电影/电视 (Watching movies/TV)
* 4. 冥想/瑜伽 (Meditation/Yoga)
* 5. 泡澡 (Taking a bath)
* **B. 工作与学习 (Work & Study)**
* 1. 在家办公 (Working from home)
* a. 使用电脑 (Using a computer)
* b. 参加视频会议 (Attending video conferences)
* c. 处理邮件 (Handling emails)
* 2. 在家学习 (Studying from home)
* a. 阅读教材 (Reading textbooks)
* b. 完成作业 (Completing homework)
* c. 在线课程 (Online courses)
* **C. 娱乐与休闲 (Entertainment & Leisure)**
* 1. 玩游戏 (Playing games)
* 2. 听音乐 (Listening to music)
* 3. 绘画/写作 (Painting/Writing)
* 4. 园艺 (Gardening)
* 5. 烹饪 (Cooking)
* **D. 家务 (Household Chores)**
* 1. 清洁 (Cleaning)
* a. 吸尘 (Vacuuming)
* b. 拖地 (Mopping)
* c. 清理灰尘 (Dusting)
* 2. 洗衣 (Laundry)
* 3. 整理 (Organizing)
* 4. 维修 (Repairs)
### III. 空间与环境 (Space & Environment)
* **A. 房间类型 (Room Types)**
* 1. 客厅 (Living Room)
* a. 电视 (Television)
* b. 沙发 (Sofa)
* c. 书架 (Bookshelf)
* 2. 卧室 (Bedroom)
* a. 床 (Bed)
* b. 衣柜 (Wardrobe)
* c. 梳妆台 (Dressing table)
* 3. 厨房 (Kitchen)
* a. 冰箱 (Refrigerator)
* b. 炉灶 (Stove)
* c. 烤箱 (Oven)
* 4. 浴室 (Bathroom)
* a. 淋浴 (Shower)
* b. 浴缸 (Bathtub)
* c. 洗手池 (Sink)
* 5. 书房 (Study Room)
* a. 书桌 (Desk)
* b. 电脑 (Computer)
* c. 椅子 (Chair)
* **B. 装饰与布置 (Decorations & Arrangement)**
* 1. 家具 (Furniture)
* 2. 艺术品 (Artwork)
* 3. 植物 (Plants)
* 4. 照明 (Lighting)
* 5. 地毯 (Rugs)
* **C. 声音与气味 (Sounds & Smells)**
* 1. 环境噪音 (Ambient noise)
* 2. 烹饪气味 (Cooking smells)
* 3. 清洁剂气味 (Cleaning product smells)
* 4. 自然声音 (Nature sounds - if applicable)
### IV. 人际关系 (Relationships)
* **A. 家庭成员 (Family Members)**
* 1. 父母 (Parents)
* 2. 兄弟姐妹 (Siblings)
* 3. 孩子 (Children)
* 4. 宠物 (Pets)
* **B. 室友 (Roommates)**
* 1. 共享空间 (Shared spaces)
* 2. 共同生活规则 (Shared living rules)
* 3. 互相支持 (Mutual support)
* **C. 访客 (Visitors)**
* 1. 朋友 (Friends)
* 2. 家人 (Family)
* 3. 维修人员 (Repair personnel)
### V. 科技与设备 (Technology & Equipment)
* **A. 互联网连接 (Internet Connection)**
* 1. WiFi
* 2. 网络速度 (Network speed)
* 3. 在线服务 (Online services)
* **B. 家电 (Appliances)**
* 1. 洗衣机 (Washing machine)
* 2. 烘干机 (Dryer)
* 3. 电视 (Television)
* 4. 音响系统 (Sound system)
* **C. 智能家居设备 (Smart Home Devices)**
* 1. 智能照明 (Smart lighting)
* 2. 智能恒温器 (Smart thermostat)
* 3. 智能音箱 (Smart speaker)
* 4. 智能安全系统 (Smart security system)
### VI. 其他 (Others)
* **A. 开销 (Expenses)**
* 1. 房租/抵押贷款 (Rent/Mortgage)
* 2. 水电费 (Utilities)
* 3. 维护费 (Maintenance fees)
* **B. 安全 (Safety)**
* 1. 防盗措施 (Security measures)
* 2. 火灾安全 (Fire safety)
* 3. 一氧化碳探测器 (Carbon monoxide detector)
* **C. 家的味道 (Sense of Home)**
* 1. 特定物品 (Specific items)
* 2. 习惯 (Habits)
* 3. 独特氛围 (Unique atmosphere)