## 《饮食与健康英语思维导图》
**I. Macronutrients (宏量营养素)**
* **A. Carbohydrates (碳水化合物):**
* 1. **Types (类型):**
* a. Simple Carbohydrates (简单碳水化合物):
* i. Sugars (糖类): Glucose (葡萄糖), Fructose (果糖), Sucrose (蔗糖), Lactose (乳糖).
* ii. Sources (来源): Fruits (水果), Honey (蜂蜜), Table sugar (食用糖), Dairy products (乳制品).
* b. Complex Carbohydrates (复合碳水化合物):
* i. Starches (淀粉): Bread (面包), Pasta (意大利面), Rice (米饭), Potatoes (土豆), Corn (玉米).
* ii. Fiber (纤维): Soluble fiber (可溶性纤维), Insoluble fiber (不可溶性纤维).
* iii. Sources (来源): Whole grains (全谷物), Vegetables (蔬菜), Legumes (豆类), Fruits (水果).
* 2. **Functions (功能):**
* a. Primary energy source (主要能量来源): Fuels the body and brain.
* b. Fiber aids digestion (纤维帮助消化): Promotes bowel regularity.
* c. Glycogen storage (糖原储存): Short-term energy reserve in muscles and liver.
* 3. **Recommended Intake (推荐摄入量):**
* a. 45-65% of daily calories (占每日卡路里的45-65%).
* b. Emphasize complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates (强调复合碳水化合物而不是简单碳水化合物).
* 4. **Concerns (注意事项):**
* a. Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates (过量摄入精制碳水化合物): Can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.
* b. Insufficient fiber intake (纤维摄入不足): Can contribute to constipation, heart disease, and certain cancers.
* **B. Proteins (蛋白质):**
* 1. **Types (类型):**
* a. Complete Proteins (完全蛋白质): Contain all nine essential amino acids.
* i. Sources (来源): Meat (肉类), Poultry (家禽), Fish (鱼类), Eggs (鸡蛋), Dairy products (乳制品).
* b. Incomplete Proteins (不完全蛋白质): Lack one or more essential amino acids.
* i. Sources (来源): Beans (豆类), Lentils (小扁豆), Nuts (坚果), Seeds (种子), Grains (谷物).
* c. Complementary Proteins (互补蛋白质): Combining two or more incomplete proteins to obtain all essential amino acids.
* i. Example (例子): Beans and rice (豆子和米饭).
* 2. **Functions (功能):**
* a. Building and repairing tissues (构建和修复组织): Essential for growth and development.
* b. Enzyme and hormone production (酶和激素的产生).
* c. Immune function (免疫功能): Antibodies are proteins.
* d. Energy source (能量来源): Less efficient than carbohydrates and fats.
* 3. **Recommended Intake (推荐摄入量):**
* a. 10-35% of daily calories (占每日卡路里的10-35%).
* b. Varies based on activity level, age, and health status (因活动水平、年龄和健康状况而异).
* 4. **Concerns (注意事项):**
* a. Excessive protein intake (过量摄入蛋白质): Can strain the kidneys and liver.
* b. Protein deficiency (蛋白质缺乏): Can lead to muscle loss, weakened immunity, and stunted growth.
* **C. Fats (脂肪):**
* 1. **Types (类型):**
* a. Saturated Fats (饱和脂肪):
* i. Sources (来源): Red meat (红肉), Butter (黄油), Cheese (奶酪), Coconut oil (椰子油), Palm oil (棕榈油).
* ii. Health Implications (健康影响): Can raise LDL cholesterol levels (坏胆固醇), increasing the risk of heart disease.
* b. Unsaturated Fats (不饱和脂肪):
* i. Monounsaturated Fats (单不饱和脂肪): Olive oil (橄榄油), Avocados (牛油果), Nuts (坚果).
* Health Implications (健康影响): Can lower LDL cholesterol levels.
* ii. Polyunsaturated Fats (多不饱和脂肪): Omega-3 fatty acids (Omega-3脂肪酸), Omega-6 fatty acids (Omega-6脂肪酸).
* Sources (来源): Fatty fish (肥鱼), Flaxseeds (亚麻籽), Walnuts (核桃), Vegetable oils (植物油).
* Health Implications (健康影响): Important for brain health, heart health, and inflammation reduction.
* c. Trans Fats (反式脂肪):
* i. Sources (来源): Processed foods (加工食品), Fried foods (油炸食品).
* ii. Health Implications (健康影响): Raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol (好胆固醇), significantly increasing the risk of heart disease.
* 2. **Functions (功能):**
* a. Energy storage (能量储存): Most concentrated source of energy.
* b. Hormone production (激素的产生).
* c. Cell membrane structure (细胞膜结构).
* d. Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (脂溶性维生素的吸收): Vitamins A, D, E, and K.
* 3. **Recommended Intake (推荐摄入量):**
* a. 20-35% of daily calories (占每日卡路里的20-35%).
* b. Emphasize unsaturated fats over saturated and trans fats (强调不饱和脂肪而不是饱和脂肪和反式脂肪).
* 4. **Concerns (注意事项):**
* a. Excessive intake of saturated and trans fats (过量摄入饱和脂肪和反式脂肪): Increases the risk of heart disease.
* b. Essential fatty acid deficiency (必需脂肪酸缺乏): Can lead to various health problems.
**II. Micronutrients (微量营养素)**
* **A. Vitamins (维生素):**
* 1. **Fat-Soluble Vitamins (脂溶性维生素):** A, D, E, K.
* a. Stored in the body (储存在体内).
* b. Excessive intake can lead to toxicity (过量摄入可能导致中毒).
* 2. **Water-Soluble Vitamins (水溶性维生素):** B vitamins (B族维生素), Vitamin C.
* a. Not stored in the body (不储存在体内).
* b. Excess is excreted in urine (多余部分通过尿液排出).
* 3. **Functions (功能):** Vary depending on the specific vitamin; generally involved in metabolic processes, immune function, and cell growth (因特定维生素而异;通常参与代谢过程、免疫功能和细胞生长).
* 4. **Sources (来源):** Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fortified foods (水果、蔬菜、全谷物、强化食品).
* **B. Minerals (矿物质):**
* 1. **Major Minerals (主要矿物质):** Calcium (钙), Phosphorus (磷), Potassium (钾), Sodium (钠), Magnesium (镁).
* a. Required in larger amounts (需要量较大).
* b. Functions (功能): Bone health, nerve function, fluid balance (骨骼健康、神经功能、体液平衡).
* 2. **Trace Minerals (微量矿物质):** Iron (铁), Zinc (锌), Iodine (碘), Selenium (硒), Copper (铜).
* a. Required in smaller amounts (需要量较小).
* b. Functions (功能): Enzyme function, immune function, hormone regulation (酶功能、免疫功能、激素调节).
* 3. **Sources (来源):** Variety of foods depending on the specific mineral (取决于特定矿物质的各种食物).
**III. Water (水)**
* **A. Importance (重要性):**
* 1. Crucial for many bodily functions (对许多身体功能至关重要).
* 2. Regulates body temperature (调节体温).
* 3. Transports nutrients (运输营养).
* 4. Eliminates waste (清除废物).
* **B. Recommended Intake (推荐摄入量):** Varies depending on activity level, climate, and health status (因活动水平、气候和健康状况而异).
* **C. Sources (来源):** Water, beverages, fruits, vegetables (水、饮料、水果、蔬菜).
**IV. Healthy Eating Habits (健康饮食习惯)**
* **A. Balanced Diet (均衡饮食):** Including all food groups in appropriate proportions (以适当比例包括所有食物组).
* **B. Portion Control (份量控制):** Eating appropriate serving sizes (食用适当的份量).
* **C. Mindful Eating (正念饮食):** Paying attention to hunger and fullness cues (注意饥饿和饱腹感信号).
* **D. Regular Meal Times (规律的用餐时间):** Eating at consistent times each day (每天在固定时间用餐).
* **E. Limiting Processed Foods (限制加工食品):** Reducing intake of foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats (减少高糖、高盐和不健康脂肪的食物的摄入).
* **F. Reading Food Labels (阅读食品标签):** Understanding the nutritional content of foods (了解食物的营养成分).
* **G. Staying Hydrated (保持水分):** Drinking enough water throughout the day (全天饮用足够的水).
**V. Common Dietary Concerns (常见饮食问题)**
* **A. Food Allergies (食物过敏):** Immune system reaction to certain foods (免疫系统对某些食物的反应).
* **B. Food Intolerances (食物不耐受):** Digestive discomfort after eating certain foods (食用某些食物后出现消化不适).
* **C. Eating Disorders (饮食失调):** Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder (神经性厌食症、神经性贪食症、暴食症).
* **D. Vegetarianism and Veganism (素食主义和纯素食主义):** Requires careful planning to ensure adequate nutrient intake (需要仔细计划以确保摄入足够的营养).
* **E. Obesity (肥胖):** Excessive accumulation of body fat (体内脂肪过度积累).
* **F. Malnutrition (营养不良):** Deficiency of essential nutrients (缺乏必需营养素).
This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of diet and health in English, covering macronutrients, micronutrients, water, healthy eating habits, and common dietary concerns. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice.