# 《初一英语每单元思维导图》
## Unit 1 Hello!
**核心主题:** 问候与介绍
* **Greetings (问候语):**
* Formal (正式):
* Hello
* Good morning / afternoon / evening
* Informal (非正式):
* Hi
* Hey
* Responding (回应):
* Same as greetings
* How do you do? (回应How do you do?)
* **Introductions (介绍):**
* Introducing Yourself (自我介绍):
* My name is…
* I’m…
* Introducing Others (介绍他人):
* This is…
* Meet…
* Asking for Names (询问姓名):
* What's your name?
* How do you spell that?
* **Farewells (告别):**
* Goodbye
* Bye
* See you (later / tomorrow)
* Good night
* **Alphabet (字母):**
* Pronunciation (发音)
* Spelling (拼写)
* Common abbreviations (常用缩写) (Mr., Ms., Mrs.)
* **Numbers 1-10 (数字1-10):**
* Counting (数数)
* Age (年龄)
* Telephone numbers (电话号码)
## Unit 2 Is This Your Pencil?
**核心主题:** 物品归属与颜色
* **Possessive Adjectives (物主形容词):**
* my
* your
* his
* her
* its
* our
* their
* **Possessive Pronouns (物主代词):**
* mine
* yours
* his
* hers
* its (罕用)
* ours
* theirs
* **Demonstrative Pronouns (指示代词):**
* this (单数,近指)
* that (单数,远指)
* these (复数,近指)
* those (复数,远指)
* **Colors (颜色):**
* red
* blue
* yellow
* green
* black
* white
* orange
* purple
* pink
* brown
* grey/gray
* **School Objects (学习用品):**
* pen
* pencil
* eraser
* book
* notebook
* ruler
* pencil case
* backpack
* **Question Words (疑问词):**
* What (什么)
* Whose (谁的)
* **Simple Questions & Answers (简单问答):**
* Is this your…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
* Whose… is this? It’s mine / It's Mary's.
* **Plural nouns (名词复数):**
* Regular plurals (规则复数): add -s or -es
* Irregular plurals (不规则复数): child - children, foot - feet
## Unit 3 Is This Your Bedroom?
**核心主题:** 房间与物品位置
* **Rooms in a House (房间):**
* bedroom
* living room
* kitchen
* bathroom
* dining room
* study
* garden
* **Furniture (家具):**
* bed
* table
* chair
* sofa
* desk
* wardrobe
* bookshelf
* TV
* **Prepositions of Place (介词):**
* in
* on
* under
* near
* next to
* behind
* in front of
* between
* **The Verb 'be' (动词'be'):**
* am
* is
* are
* Affirmative (肯定句)
* Negative (否定句)
* Interrogative (疑问句)
* **Singular and Plural (单数和复数):**
* This is a…
* These are…
* There is…
* There are…
## Unit 4 Where Is My Seat?
**核心主题:** 地点与方位
* **Places in a School (学校场所):**
* classroom
* library
* gym
* playground
* canteen
* office
* teacher's office
* computer room
* **Directions (方向):**
* left
* right
* straight ahead
* up
* down
* across from
* **Giving Directions (指路):**
* Turn left/right.
* Go straight ahead.
* It’s on your left/right.
* **Using 'Excuse me' (使用'Excuse me'):**
* Asking for directions
* Apologizing for interrupting
* **Asking for Information (询问信息):**
* Where is the…?
* How can I get to…?
* **Simple Maps (简单地图):**
* Identifying places on a map
* Following directions on a map
## Unit 5 Do You Have a Soccer Ball?
**核心主题:** 拥有与活动
* **Sports Equipment (运动器材):**
* soccer ball
* basketball
* tennis racket
* baseball bat
* ping pong ball
* volleyball
* swimsuit
* **Hobbies (爱好):**
* reading
* drawing
* singing
* dancing
* collecting stamps/coins
* playing sports
* watching TV
* **The Verb 'have' (动词'have'):**
* Affirmative (肯定句)
* Negative (否定句) (don't have / doesn't have)
* Interrogative (疑问句) (Do you have…? / Does he/she have…?)
* **Expressing Likes and Dislikes (表达喜欢与不喜欢):**
* like
* love
* don't like
* hate
* **Frequency Adverbs (频率副词):** (基础概念,初步接触)
* always (总是)
* usually (通常)
* often (经常)
* sometimes (有时)
* never (从不)
* **Can (能):**
* Ability (能力): I can swim.
* Permission (许可): Can I go to the toilet?
## Unit 6 Do You Like Bananas?
**核心主题:** 食物与饮品
* **Food (食物):**
* Fruits (水果): apple, banana, orange, pear, grape
* Vegetables (蔬菜): carrot, tomato, potato, onion
* Meat (肉类): chicken, beef, pork
* Grains (谷物): rice, bread, noodles
* Sweets (甜点): candy, ice cream, chocolate
* **Drinks (饮品):**
* water
* milk
* juice
* soda
* coffee
* tea
* **Expressing Preferences (表达偏好):**
* I like…
* I love…
* I don't like…
* I hate…
* My favorite… is…
* **Countable and Uncountable Nouns (可数与不可数名词):**
* a/an + countable singular noun (一个/一只)
* some + countable plural noun / uncountable noun (一些)
* any + countable plural noun / uncountable noun (任何) (用于否定句和疑问句)
* **Quantifiers (数量词):**
* many (许多) (可数)
* much (许多) (不可数)
* a lot of / lots of (许多) (可数/不可数)
* a little (一点) (不可数)
* a few (一些) (可数)
This detailed outline provides a comprehensive overview of the key topics and grammar points covered in each unit of a typical first-year English textbook. The mind map format helps to visualize the relationships between different concepts and facilitates a deeper understanding of the material. Remember to supplement this outline with specific examples, exercises, and practice activities to reinforce learning.