# 《春节习俗英文思维导图》
## Central Idea: Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) Traditions
### I. Pre-Festival Preparations (Preparing for the New Year)
* **A. Cleaning & Decoration (扫尘与装饰)**
* 1. **Thorough Cleaning (大扫除)**: *Sweeping away bad luck and welcoming good fortune.*
* a. Dusting (掸尘): *Removing accumulated dust and dirt.*
* b. Washing (清洗): *Cleaning floors, windows, and furniture.*
* c. Disposing of old items (丢弃旧物): *Getting rid of unwanted possessions.*
* 2. **New Year Decorations (新年装饰)**: *Adding festive atmosphere.*
* a. Red Lanterns (红灯笼): *Symbolizing prosperity and good luck.*
* b. Paper Cuttings (剪纸): *Intricate designs pasted on windows and doors.*
* i. Common themes: *Good fortune, happiness, longevity.*
* c. Spring Couplets (春联): *Paired verses expressing good wishes.*
* i. Posted on door frames (贴在门框上): *Bringing blessings to the household.*
* d. Upside-down "Fu" Character (倒福字): *Signifying that good fortune has arrived (福到了).*
* e. New Year Paintings (年画): *Depicting auspicious symbols and stories.*
* **B. Shopping (购物)**
* 1. **New Clothes (新衣服)**: *Wearing new attire symbolizes a fresh start.*
* a. Red is a popular color (红色很流行): *Represents good luck and prosperity.*
* 2. **Food Ingredients (食材)**: *Preparing for New Year's Eve dinner.*
* a. Meat (肉类): *Pork, chicken, duck, fish.*
* b. Vegetables (蔬菜): *Various seasonal vegetables.*
* c. Fruits (水果): *Oranges, tangerines, apples.*
* d. Nuts and Seeds (坚果和种子): *Symbolizing abundance and fertility.*
* 3. **Gifts (礼物)**: *For family and friends.*
* a. Traditional snacks (传统零食): *Candies, cookies, dried fruits.*
* b. Tea (茶叶): *A popular gift item.*
* c. Alcohol (酒): *For celebrations.*
* **C. Travel (旅行)**
* 1. **Spring Festival Travel Rush (春运)**: *The largest annual human migration.*
* a. Returning home to family (回家团圆): *The most important aspect of the holiday.*
* b. Increased traffic (交通拥堵): *Trains, buses, and airplanes are crowded.*
* 2. **Planning Ahead (提前计划)**: *Booking tickets and accommodations in advance.*
### II. New Year's Eve (除夕)
* **A. Reunion Dinner (年夜饭)**: *A lavish feast with family.*
* 1. **Symbolic Dishes (象征性菜肴)**: *Each dish has a special meaning.*
* a. Fish (鱼): *Abundance and surplus (年年有余).*
* b. Dumplings (饺子): *Wealth and prosperity (形状像元宝).*
* i. Making dumplings together (一起包饺子): *A family activity.*
* ii. Hiding a coin inside (藏一枚硬币): *Good luck for the person who finds it.*
* c. Spring Rolls (春卷): *Wealth and prosperity (形状像金条).*
* d. Noodles (面条): *Longevity.*
* e. Tangyuan (汤圆): *Family reunion and togetherness (团团圆圆).*
* 2. **Toasting and Greetings (敬酒和祝福)**: *Expressing good wishes for the New Year.*
* **B. Watching CCTV New Year's Gala (看春晚)**: *A popular television program.*
* 1. **Singing, dancing, and comedy (唱歌、跳舞和喜剧)**: *Variety of performances.*
* 2. **A family tradition (家庭传统)**: *Watching the gala together is a common practice.*
* **C. Giving Red Envelopes (压岁钱)**: *Lucky money given to children and unmarried adults.*
* 1. **Symbolizing good luck and blessings (象征好运和祝福)**: *Warding off evil spirits.*
* 2. **Presented by elders (由长辈赠送)**: *A gesture of care and affection.*
* **D. Staying Up Late (守岁)**: *Symbolizing warding off evil spirits and wishing for longevity.*
* 1. **Playing games (玩游戏)**: *Mahjong, cards, or other traditional games.*
* 2. **Chatting and catching up (聊天和叙旧)**: *Spending quality time with family.*
* **E. Fireworks and Firecrackers (燃放烟花爆竹)**: *Scaring away evil spirits and celebrating the New Year.*
* 1. **Loud noises and bright colors (喧闹的声音和鲜艳的色彩)**: *Creating a festive atmosphere.*
* 2. **Strict regulations in some cities (一些城市有严格的规定)**: *Due to safety concerns and pollution.*
### III. New Year's Day and Subsequent Days (新年及后续几天)
* **A. Visiting Relatives and Friends (拜年)**: *Extending New Year greetings.*
* 1. **Giving gifts (送礼物)**: *Fruit, snacks, or other small presents.*
* 2. **Saying "Happy New Year" (新年快乐)**: *Expressing good wishes.*
* 3. **Receiving red envelopes (收红包)**: *Children often receive red envelopes.*
* **B. Temple Fairs (庙会)**: *Traditional outdoor festivals.*
* 1. **Food stalls (小吃摊位)**: *Selling a variety of local delicacies.*
* 2. **Performances (表演)**: *Traditional dances, acrobatic shows, and opera.*
* 3. **Games and activities (游戏和活动)**: *Carnival games and traditional crafts.*
* **C. Lion and Dragon Dances (舞狮舞龙)**: *Traditional performances symbolizing good luck and prosperity.*
* **D. Lantern Festival (元宵节)**: *Marking the end of the Spring Festival celebrations (15th day of the Lunar New Year).*
* 1. **Lantern Displays (灯笼展览)**: *Elaborate and colorful lanterns.*
* 2. **Eating Tangyuan (吃汤圆)**: *Sweet glutinous rice balls.*
* 3. **Solving Lantern Riddles (猜灯谜)**: *A traditional game.*
### IV. Key Concepts & Values
* **A. Family Reunion (家庭团聚)**: *The most important value of the Spring Festival.*
* **B. Respect for Elders (尊敬长辈)**: *Honoring and caring for elderly family members.*
* **C. Good Fortune and Prosperity (好运和繁荣)**: *Wishing for a prosperous New Year.*
* **D. New Beginnings (新的开始)**: *A time to reflect and start anew.*
* **E. Cultural Heritage (文化遗产)**: *Preserving and celebrating Chinese traditions.*
灰尘的旅行思维导图怎么画 四年级