一级分支:单词 (Words)
- 颜色 (Colors)
- 思维导图元素:七彩颜色的色块,每个色块上写对应的英语单词 (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, pink)。
- 拓展:
- 句子:My shirt is red. The sky is blue.
- 联想:红苹果 (red apple),黄香蕉 (yellow banana),蓝色的海 (blue sea),绿色的草 (green grass)。
- 游戏:颜色捉迷藏,找出房间里指定颜色的物品。
- 动物 (Animals)
- 思维导图元素:常见动物的简笔画 (cat, dog, bird, fish, rabbit, monkey)。
- 拓展:
- 声音:What does a cat say? (Meow!) What does a dog say? (Woof!)
- 习性:Where does a fish live? (In the water.) What does a bird eat? (Seeds.)
- 歌曲:Old MacDonald Had a Farm.
- 游戏:动物模仿秀,模仿动物的动作和叫声。
- 食物 (Food)
- 思维导图元素:常见食物的简笔画 (apple, banana, bread, milk, rice, egg)。
- 拓展:
- 口味:Is an apple sweet? Is a lemon sour?
- 搭配:Bread and milk. Rice and egg.
- 问答:Do you like apples? Yes, I do./No, I don't.
- 儿歌:Apples and Bananas.
- 数字 (Numbers)
- 思维导图元素:数字 1-10,每个数字旁边用圆点或图形表示数量。
- 拓展:
- 数数:Count the objects in the classroom.
- 简单加减:One plus one is two. Two minus one is one.
- 日期:Today is the first day of the month.
- 游戏:数数游戏,例如“一二三,木头人”。
- 身体部位 (Body Parts)
- 思维导图元素:卡通人体简图,标出各个身体部位 (head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, legs, feet)。
- 拓展:
- 功能:What do you use your eyes for? (Seeing.) What do you use your hands for? (Writing.)
- 歌曲:Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
- 游戏:Simon Says.
一级分支:语法 (Grammar)
- 人称代词 (Pronouns)
- 思维导图元素:I, you, he, she, it。每个人称代词旁边画对应的人物或事物简笔画。
- 拓展:
- 例句:I am a boy. You are a girl. He is a teacher. She is a student. It is a book.
- 替换:Replace the nouns with pronouns. (The boy is playing. He is playing.)
- 动词 (Verbs)
- 思维导图元素:常见动作的简笔画 (run, jump, walk, eat, drink, sleep)。
- 拓展:
- 句子:I can run. I can jump. I can walk.
- 时态:I am running. I ran yesterday.
- 命令:Run! Jump! Walk!
- 系动词 (Linking Verb)
- 思维导图元素:“is”,旁边画一个等于号。
- 拓展:
- 例句:I am happy. The book is blue. The dog is cute.
- 练习:Fill in the blank: The sky ___ blue. (is)
- 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)
- 思维导图元素:This, that, these, those。 用箭头指向近处和远处的物体。
- 拓展:
- 句子:This is my book. That is your pen. These are my pencils. Those are your rulers.
- 区分:Point to objects and ask: What is this? What is that?
- 介词 (Prepositions)
- 思维导图元素:On, in, under, next to。用简笔画表示物体的位置关系。
- 拓展:
- 句子:The book is on the table. The cat is in the box. The dog is under the table. The ball is next to the chair.
- 游戏:Where is the…? Hide an object and ask: Where is the…?
一级分支:日常用语 (Daily Expressions)
- 问候 (Greetings)
- 思维导图元素:Hello, Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night。配上对应时间段的场景图。
- 拓展:
- 对话:Hello! Hi! How are you? I'm fine, thank you.
- 情景模拟:Greeting friends in different situations.
- 告别 (Farewells)
- 思维导图元素:Goodbye, Bye, See you later。配上挥手告别的图。
- 拓展:
- 对话:Goodbye! Bye! See you later! See you tomorrow!
- 情景模拟:Saying goodbye after school.
- 礼貌用语 (Polite Expressions)
- 思维导图元素:Please, Thank you, You're welcome, Excuse me, Sorry。配上礼貌行为的图。
- 拓展:
- 情景模拟:Asking for something politely.
- 角色扮演:Using polite expressions in different situations.
- 提问 (Questions)
- 思维导图元素:What, Who, Where, When, Why, How。 每个疑问词旁边画一个问号。
- 拓展:
- What is this? Who is he? Where is the park? When is your birthday? Why are you sad? How are you?
- 游戏:问答游戏。
一级分支:阅读 (Reading)
- 简单故事 (Simple Stories)
- 思维导图元素:故事场景简笔画,突出故事的主题。
- 拓展:
- 朗读:Read aloud simple stories with clear pronunciation.
- 角色扮演:Act out the story with classmates.
- 复述:Retell the story in your own words.
- 短文 (Short Passages)
- 思维导图元素:短文主题的简笔画。
- 拓展:
- 阅读理解:Answer simple questions about the passage.
- 词汇积累:Learn new words from the passage.
- 主题讨论:Discuss the main idea of the passage.
中心主题连接词:快乐学习 (Happy Learning)