中心主题: Weather (天气)
I. Elements & Components (要素与组成)
- A. Temperature (温度)
- Measurement Units (测量单位)
- a. Celsius (°C)
- b. Fahrenheit (°F)
- c. Kelvin (K)
- Measurement Units (测量单位)
- Factors Affecting (影响因素)
- a. Solar Radiation (太阳辐射)
- b. Altitude (海拔高度)
- c. Latitude (纬度)
- d. Proximity to Water Bodies (靠近水体)
- e. Wind (风)
- f. Urban Heat Island Effect (城市热岛效应)
- Factors Affecting (影响因素)
- Temperature Extremes (极端温度)
- a. Heatwaves (热浪)
- b. Cold Snaps (寒潮)
- c. Record Highs and Lows (历史最高和最低温度)
- Temperature Extremes (极端温度)
- B. Precipitation (降水)
- Types (类型)
- a. Rain (雨)
- b. Snow (雪)
- c. Sleet (雨夹雪)
- d. Hail (冰雹)
- e. Drizzle (毛毛雨)
- Types (类型)
- Formation Processes (形成过程)
- a. Condensation (凝结)
- b. Coalescence (合并)
- c. Ice Crystal Growth (冰晶增长)
- Formation Processes (形成过程)
- Measurement (测量)
- a. Rain Gauge (雨量计)
- b. Snow Gauge (雪量计)
- c. Doppler Radar (多普勒雷达)
- Measurement (测量)
- C. Wind (风)
- Measurement (测量)
- a. Anemometer (风速计)
- b. Wind Vane (风向标)
- Measurement (测量)
- Types (类型)
- a. Prevailing Winds (盛行风)
- b. Local Winds (地方风)
- i. Sea Breeze (海风)
- ii. Land Breeze (陆风)
- iii. Mountain Breeze (山风)
- iv. Valley Breeze (谷风)
- c. Jet Stream (急流)
- Types (类型)
- Factors Affecting (影响因素)
- a. Pressure Gradient Force (气压梯度力)
- b. Coriolis Effect (科里奥利效应)
- c. Friction (摩擦力)
- Factors Affecting (影响因素)
- D. Humidity (湿度)
- Types (类型)
- a. Absolute Humidity (绝对湿度)
- b. Relative Humidity (相对湿度)
- Types (类型)
- Measurement (测量)
- a. Hygrometer (湿度计)
- b. Psychrometer (干湿球温度计)
- Measurement (测量)
- Impact (影响)
- a. Comfort Level (舒适度)
- b. Dew Point (露点)
- c. Precipitation Formation (降水形成)
- Impact (影响)
- E. Atmospheric Pressure (大气压力)
- Measurement (测量)
- a. Barometer (气压计)
- Measurement (测量)
- Units (单位)
- a. Pascals (Pa)
- b. Millibars (mb)
- c. Inches of Mercury (inHg)
- Units (单位)
- Relation to Weather Systems (与天气系统关系)
- a. High Pressure (高压)
- b. Low Pressure (低压)
- Relation to Weather Systems (与天气系统关系)
II. Weather Systems (天气系统)
- A. Fronts (锋面)
- Types (类型)
- a. Cold Front (冷锋)
- b. Warm Front (暖锋)
- c. Stationary Front (静止锋)
- d. Occluded Front (锢囚锋)
- Types (类型)
- Weather Associated (相关天气)
- a. Precipitation (降水)
- b. Temperature Changes (温度变化)
- c. Wind Shifts (风向变化)
- Weather Associated (相关天气)
- B. Air Masses (气团)
- Types (类型)
- a. Maritime Tropical (mT)
- b. Continental Tropical (cT)
- c. Maritime Polar (mP)
- d. Continental Polar (cP)
- e. Arctic (A)
- Types (类型)
- Characteristics (特征)
- a. Temperature (温度)
- b. Humidity (湿度)
- Characteristics (特征)
- C. Cyclones (气旋)
- Tropical Cyclones (热带气旋)
- a. Hurricanes (飓风)
- b. Typhoons (台风)
- c. Cyclones (气旋)
- d. Formation Conditions (形成条件)
- e. Impact (影响)
- Tropical Cyclones (热带气旋)
- Extratropical Cyclones (温带气旋)
- a. Formation (形成)
- b. Characteristics (特征)
- c. Associated Weather (相关天气)
- Extratropical Cyclones (温带气旋)
- D. Anticyclones (反气旋)
- Characteristics (特征)
- a. Sinking Air (下沉气流)
- b. Clear Skies (晴朗天空)
- Characteristics (特征)
- Associated Weather (相关天气)
III. Weather Forecasting (天气预报)
- A. Observation (观测)
- Surface Observations (地面观测)
- Upper-Air Observations (高空观测)
- a. Radiosondes (无线电探空仪)
- b. Weather Balloons (气象气球)
- Upper-Air Observations (高空观测)
- Satellite Observations (卫星观测)
- a. Visible Imagery (可见光图像)
- b. Infrared Imagery (红外图像)
- c. Water Vapor Imagery (水汽图像)
- Satellite Observations (卫星观测)
- Radar Observations (雷达观测)
- a. Doppler Radar (多普勒雷达)
- Radar Observations (雷达观测)
- B. Weather Models (天气模型)
- Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) (数值天气预报)
- Types of Models (模型类型)
- a. Global Models (全球模型)
- b. Regional Models (区域模型)
- Types of Models (模型类型)
- C. Forecast Products (预报产品)
- Short-Range Forecasts (短时预报)
- Medium-Range Forecasts (中期预报)
- Long-Range Forecasts (长期预报)
- Severe Weather Outlooks (强天气展望)
IV. Impacts of Weather (天气的影响)
- A. Agriculture (农业)
- Crop Growth (作物生长)
- Irrigation (灌溉)
- Pest Control (病虫害防治)
- B. Transportation (交通运输)
- Aviation (航空)
- Maritime (海运)
- Road (公路)
- C. Human Health (人类健康)
- Heatstroke (中暑)
- Hypothermia (体温过低)
- Respiratory Problems (呼吸系统问题)
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (季节性情感障碍)
- D. Energy (能源)
- Demand (需求)
- Renewable Energy Production (可再生能源生产)
- a. Solar (太阳能)
- b. Wind (风能)
- c. Hydro (水力)
- Renewable Energy Production (可再生能源生产)
- E. Economy (经济)
- Tourism (旅游业)
- Construction (建筑业)
- Retail (零售业)
V. Extreme Weather Events (极端天气事件)
- A. Heatwaves (热浪)
- B. Droughts (干旱)
- C. Floods (洪水)
- D. Severe Storms (强风暴)
- Thunderstorms (雷暴)
- Tornadoes (龙卷风)
- Hailstorms (冰雹)
- E. Blizzards (暴风雪)
- F. Wildfires (野火)
VI. Climate Change & Weather (气候变化与天气)
- A. Increased Frequency & Intensity of Extreme Events (极端事件的频率和强度增加)
- B. Changes in Precipitation Patterns (降水模式变化)
- C. Sea Level Rise (海平面上升)
- D. Impact on Weather Systems (对天气系统的影响)
- E. Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies (减缓和适应策略)