六年级animals in danger思维导图简单
六年级 Animals in Danger 思维导图简单
中心主题: Animals in Danger (濒危动物)
主分支 1: Causes of Endangerment (濒危原因)
- 1.1 Habitat Loss (栖息地丧失)
- 1.1.1 Deforestation (森林砍伐)
- 原因: Logging (伐木), Agriculture (农业耕作), Urban Expansion (城市扩张)
- 例子: Orangutans (猩猩) in Borneo and Sumatra (婆罗洲和苏门答腊)
- 影响: No shelter (没有庇护所), No food (没有食物), Increased competition (竞争加剧)
- 1.1.2 Pollution (污染)
- 种类: Air pollution (空气污染), Water pollution (水污染), Soil pollution (土壤污染)
- 来源: Factories (工厂), Vehicles (车辆), Agricultural runoff (农业径流)
- 例子: Aquatic animals (水生动物) affected by oil spills (石油泄漏) and plastic waste (塑料垃圾)
- 影响: Poisoning (中毒), Reproductive problems (繁殖问题), Habitat destruction (栖息地破坏)
- 1.1.3 Climate Change (气候变化)
- 影响: Rising sea levels (海平面上升), Extreme weather events (极端天气事件), Changes in temperature (气温变化)
- 例子: Polar bears (北极熊) losing their ice habitat (失去冰栖息地), Coral reefs (珊瑚礁) bleaching (白化)
- 影响: Loss of hunting grounds (失去狩猎场地), Displacement (流离失所), Food scarcity (食物短缺)
- 1.1.4 Natural Disasters (自然灾害)
- 类型: Earthquakes (地震), Volcanoes (火山), Floods (洪水), Droughts (干旱)
- 例子: Animals affected by wildfires (野火) in Australia
- 影响: Immediate death (立即死亡), Habitat destruction (栖息地破坏), Food shortages (食物短缺)
- 1.2 Overhunting/Poaching (过度捕猎/盗猎)
- 原因: Demand for products (产品需求) (e.g., ivory (象牙), rhino horns (犀牛角), fur (皮毛)), Illegal wildlife trade (非法野生动物贸易), Bushmeat (丛林肉)
- 例子: Elephants (大象) for ivory, Rhinos (犀牛) for horns, Tigers (老虎) for bones and skin (骨骼和皮毛)
- 影响: Rapid population decline (人口快速下降), Extinction (灭绝), Disruption of ecosystems (破坏生态系统)
- 1.3 Invasive Species (入侵物种)
- 定义: Species introduced to a non-native environment (引入非本地环境的物种)
- 影响: Competition with native species (与本地物种竞争), Predation (捕食), Disease transmission (疾病传播)
- 例子: Burmese pythons (缅甸蟒) in Florida, Rabbits (兔子) in Australia
- 影响: Disruption of food chains (破坏食物链), Habitat alteration (改变栖息地), Extinction of native species (本地物种灭绝)
主分支 2: Examples of Endangered Animals (濒危动物例子)
- 2.1 Mammals (哺乳动物)
- Giant Panda (大熊猫)
- Threats: Habitat loss, low reproductive rate (繁殖率低)
- Location: China
- Conservation Efforts: Habitat protection, captive breeding programs (圈养繁殖计划)
- Snow Leopard (雪豹)
- Threats: Poaching, habitat loss, climate change
- Location: Central Asia
- Conservation Efforts: Anti-poaching patrols (反盗猎巡逻), community-based conservation programs (基于社区的保护计划)
- Amur Leopard (远东豹)
- Threats: Poaching, habitat loss
- Location: Russia, China
- Conservation Efforts: Habitat protection, anti-poaching measures (反盗猎措施)
- Black Rhino (黑犀牛)
- Threats: Poaching for rhino horn
- Location: Africa
- Conservation Efforts: Anti-poaching patrols, translocation (异地搬迁)
- 2.2 Birds (鸟类)
- California Condor (加州秃鹫)
- Threats: Lead poisoning (铅中毒), habitat loss
- Location: Western United States
- Conservation Efforts: Captive breeding programs, lead ammunition ban (禁止使用铅弹)
- Philippine Eagle (菲律宾鹰)
- Threats: Habitat loss, hunting
- Location: Philippines
- Conservation Efforts: Habitat protection, community education (社区教育)
- 2.3 Reptiles (爬行动物)
- Hawksbill Sea Turtle (玳瑁海龟)
- Threats: Poaching for shell (龟壳), habitat destruction, entanglement in fishing gear (缠绕在渔具中)
- Location: Tropical oceans
- Conservation Efforts: Beach protection, fishing regulations (渔业法规)
- 2.4 Amphibians (两栖动物)
- Golden Poison Frog (金色箭毒蛙)
- Threats: Habitat loss, climate change, fungal disease (真菌病)
- Location: Colombia
- Conservation Efforts: Habitat protection
主分支 3: Conservation Efforts (保护措施)
- 3.1 Habitat Protection (栖息地保护)
- Establishing National Parks and Reserves (建立国家公园和保护区)
- Reforestation (植树造林)
- Sustainable Land Management (可持续土地管理)
- 3.2 Anti-Poaching Measures (反盗猎措施)
- Law Enforcement (执法)
- Community Involvement (社区参与)
- Use of Technology (使用技术) (e.g., drones (无人机), camera traps (相机陷阱))
- 3.3 Captive Breeding Programs (圈养繁殖计划)
- Reintroduction to the Wild (重新引入野外)
- Maintaining Genetic Diversity (保持基因多样性)
- 3.4 Raising Awareness (提高意识)
- Education (教育)
- Public Campaigns (公众宣传活动)
- Supporting Conservation Organizations (支持保护组织)
- 3.5 Sustainable Practices (可持续实践)
- Reducing Consumption (减少消费)
- Recycling (回收利用)
- Supporting Sustainable Agriculture (支持可持续农业)
- Reducing Carbon Footprint (减少碳足迹)
- 3.6 International Cooperation (国际合作)
- Treaties and Agreements (条约和协议)
- Sharing Resources and Expertise (分享资源和专业知识)
- Combating Illegal Wildlife Trade (打击非法野生动物贸易)
- Endangered Species (濒危物种): A species at risk of extinction (面临灭绝风险的物种).
- Extinction (灭绝): The complete disappearance of a species from Earth (物种从地球上完全消失).
- Conservation (保护): Protecting and preserving natural resources and the environment (保护和维护自然资源和环境).
- Ecosystem (生态系统): A community of living organisms and their physical environment (生物及其物理环境的群落).
- Biodiversity (生物多样性): The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem (世界或特定栖息地或生态系统中生命的丰富性).