
1. Country Park (乡村公园)
Activities: hiking, having a picnic, enjoying nature
Example Sentence: Let's go to the country park this weekend.
2. Beach (海滩)
Activities: swimming, building sandcastles, sunbathing
Example Sentence: I like to play volleyball on the beach.
3. Mountains (山)
Activities: climbing, hiking, camping
Example Sentence: We can see beautiful scenery in the mountains.
4. Zoo (动物园)
Animals: lions, tigers, monkeys, elephants
Example Sentence: The zoo is a fun place to see animals.
5. Museum (博物馆)
Exhibits: historical artifacts, art, science exhibits
Example Sentence: I learned a lot about history at the museum.

A. 地点 (Places)

1. Train (火车)
Related Words: station, tracks, carriage
Example Sentence: The train is a fast way to travel.
2. Airplane (飞机)
Related Words: airport, pilot, wings
Example Sentence: I want to fly in an airplane someday.
3. Car (汽车)
Related Words: road, wheels, driver
Example Sentence: We can drive to the beach in our car.
4. Ship (轮船)
Related Words: sea, ocean, captain
Example Sentence: The ship sailed across the ocean.

B. 交通工具 (Transportation)

1. Travel (旅行)
Related Phrases: travel around the world, travel by plane, travel with friends
Example Sentence: I love to travel to new places.
2. Map (地图)
Related Phrases: read a map, draw a map, a map of the world
Example Sentence: We used a map to find our way.
3. Camera (相机)
Related Phrases: take a picture, photo, smile
Example Sentence: I took a lot of pictures with my camera.

C. 其他 (Other words)

I. 词汇 (Vocabulary)
Structure: Subject + can/can't + verb (base form)
Usage: Expressing ability or possibility.
I can swim.
He can't fly.
Can you speak English?
A. Can / Can't (能/不能)
Usage: Asking about locations.
Structure: Where + is/are + subject?
Where is the beach?
Where are the mountains?
B. Where (哪里)
Usage: Indicating the existence of something.
There is is used with singular nouns.
There are is used with plural nouns.
There is a train station in the town.
There are many animals in the zoo.
C. There is / There are (有)
II. 语法 (Grammar)
Example: I can swim in the sea.
A. I can… (我能…)
Example: Let's go to the mountains.
B. Let's go to… (让我们去…)
Example: Where is the zoo?
C. Where is…? (…在哪里?)
Example: There is a park near my house.
D. There is a… (有一个…)
Example: There are many trees in the park.
E. There are… (有…)
III. 句型 (Sentence Patterns)
"The Wheels on the Bus" (可用于复习交通工具词汇)
"If You're Happy and You Know It" (可改编歌词,加入旅行相关的动作和地点)
Original song focusing on travel vocabulary and grammar points from the module.
A. 相关歌曲示例:
IV. 歌曲 (Songs)
Scenario: Traveling to different places, asking for directions, describing activities.
Example: A tourist asks a local for directions to the museum.
A. 角色扮演 (Role Play)
Guessing Game: "I spy with my little eye something...at the beach."
Matching Game: Match pictures of places with their names.
Board Game: A simple board game with places as spaces, requiring students to use target vocabulary.
B. 游戏 (Games)
Create a travel brochure for a specific place (e.g., the zoo, the beach).
Draw a map of a place and label different locations.
C. 手工 (Craft)
Discuss favorite places to travel and activities to do there.
Plan a dream vacation.
D. 小组讨论 (Group Discussion)
V. 活动 (Activities)
示例:长城 (Great Wall of China), 埃菲尔铁塔 (Eiffel Tower), 金字塔 (Pyramids of Giza)
A. 不同国家的标志性景点 (Landmarks)
VI. 文化 (Culture)
Listen to dialogues about travel plans and answer comprehension questions.
A. 听力练习 (Listening Practice)
Describe places and activities using the target vocabulary and grammar.
B. 口语练习 (Speaking Practice)
Read short passages about travel experiences and answer comprehension questions.
C. 阅读练习 (Reading Practice)
Write simple sentences about favorite places and activities.
Write a short paragraph about a dream vacation.
D. 写作练习 (Writing Practice)
VII. 练习 (Practice)
Students create presentations about different countries and places.
A. Project-Based Learning
Discuss local tourist attractions.
Share personal travel experiences.
B. Real-World Connections
VIII. 扩展 (Extension)
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上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 三年级颜色的思维导图

