
Store (商店): general, department store, supermarket, bookstore, clothing store, shoe store, electronic store, toy store, sports store, etc.
Item (物品): price, cost, discount, sale, bargain, brand, size, color, style, quality, material, receipt, refund
Money (钱): dollar, cent, yuan, fen, change, bill, coin, cash, credit card, debit card, wallet
People (人): shopper, customer, shop assistant/salesperson, cashier, manager
General Nouns (一般名词)
Buy (买): purchase, order, select, choose, pick out
Sell (卖): offer, provide, display, promote
Pay (支付): spend, cost, charge, pay by cash, pay by credit card
Try (尝试): try on (衣服), try out (电器)
Look for (寻找): search for, find, discover
Compare (比较): compare prices, compare quality
Action Verbs (动作动词)
Describing Items (描述物品): expensive, cheap, affordable, fashionable, popular, comfortable, durable, new, old, beautiful, ugly, big, small, long, short, good, bad, broken
Describing Sales (描述销售): on sale, discounted, half-price, special offer
Adjectives (形容词)
9.1.1 Vocabulary (词汇)
Countable Nouns (可数名词): a/an, some, any, many, few, a few
Uncountable Nouns (不可数名词): some, any, much, little, a little
Both Countable & Uncountable (可数和不可数名词): lots of, a lot of
Expressions of Quantity (数量表达): a pair of (shoes, gloves), a bottle of (water, juice), a kilo of (apples, meat), a bar of (soap, chocolate)
Quantifiers (数量词)
How much does it cost?
How much is this/that?
It costs…/It is…
That’s expensive/cheap/reasonable.
How much…? (多少钱?)
Can I help you? / May I help you?
Yes, please. I’m looking for…
No, thank you. I’m just looking around.
Do you have…?
What size do you need?
Can I try it on?
Where is the…?
Could you show me…?
Asking for Help (请求帮助)
9.1.2 Grammar (语法)
I’d like to buy…
How much is this/that?
Do you have this in another color/size?
Can I pay by credit card?
Here’s your change.
Making a Purchase (购物)
Can I help you find anything?
We have a special offer on…
These are very popular right now.
Let me know if you need anything.
Offering Assistance (提供帮助)
This is broken.
I’d like to return this.
I have a receipt.
Can I get a refund?
Dealing with Problems (处理问题)
9.1.3 Functional Language (功能用语)
Reading shop descriptions
Understanding advertisements
Extracting information from price tags and labels
Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)
Writing a shopping list
Writing a description of a shopping experience
Writing a short advertisement
Writing a request for a refund
Writing Tasks (写作任务)
9.1.4 Reading & Writing (阅读与写作)
9.1 Shopping (购物)
Roads (道路): street, avenue, road, lane, way, highway
Buildings (建筑物): school, hospital, bank, post office, library, restaurant, hotel, supermarket, shop, cinema, museum, park, train station, bus station, airport
Landmarks (地标): statue, monument, fountain, tower, bridge
Places (地点)
Cardinal Directions (基本方向): north, south, east, west
Relative Directions (相对方向): left, right, straight ahead, turn around, go back
Prepositions of Place (地点介词): on, in, at, next to, near, far from, between, opposite, behind, in front of, beside, above, below
Directions (方向)
Corner, block, crossroad/intersection, traffic light, sidewalk/pavement, map
Other Useful Words (其他有用词语)
9.2.1 Vocabulary (词汇)
Turn left/right.
Go straight ahead.
Walk down the street.
Cross the road.
Stop at the traffic lights.
Imperatives (祈使句)
The bank is next to the post office.
The school is opposite the park.
The library is between the supermarket and the cinema.
The restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Oak Avenue.
Prepositions of Place (地点介词)
First, …
Then, …
After that, …
Finally, …
Giving Instructions (给出指示)
9.2.2 Grammar (语法)
Excuse me, how do I get to…?
Where is the…?
Is it far from here?
Could you tell me the way to…?
Am I on the right road for…?
Asking for Directions (问路)
Go straight ahead.
Turn left/right at the corner.
It’s on your left/right.
You’ll see it on the corner.
It’s about a 5-minute walk.
It's next to the…
You can't miss it.
Giving Directions (指路)
9.2.3 Functional Language (功能用语)
Understanding written directions
Interpreting maps
Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)
Writing directions to a specific place
Drawing a simple map with directions
Writing a conversation where someone asks for and receives directions
Writing Tasks (写作任务)
9.2.4 Reading & Writing (阅读与写作)
9.2 Giving Directions (指路)
Revisiting key vocabulary from both shopping and giving directions topics.
Vocabulary games and activities (e.g., matching, crosswords, word searches).
Creating flashcards for difficult words.
9.3.1 Review of Vocabulary (词汇复习)
Practice exercises on quantifiers, "how much" questions, imperatives, and prepositions of place.
Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in sentences.
Sentence building activities using the grammar points learned.
9.3.2 Review of Grammar (语法复习)
Role-playing scenarios for shopping and giving directions.
Dialogues and conversations incorporating the functional language.
Creating mini-skits based on the unit's themes.
9.3.3 Functional Language Practice (功能用语练习)
Reading comprehension passages that combine elements of shopping and giving directions.
Writing tasks that require students to use both vocabulary and grammar from the unit.
Listening comprehension exercises involving conversations about shopping or asking for directions.
Oral presentations on topics related to the unit.
9.3.4 Integrated Skills Practice (综合技能练习)
Vocabulary quiz
Grammar test
Reading comprehension assessment
Writing assignment (e.g., writing a shopping list, giving directions)
Speaking assessment (e.g., role-playing a conversation)
9.3.5 Assessment (评估)
9.3 Revision & Consolidation (复习与巩固)
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上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 鲁迅思维导图简单又漂亮六年级

