# 《六年级上册英语中国节日思维导图》
## 中心主题:中国节日 (Chinese Festivals)
### 一级分支:春节 (Spring Festival / Chinese New Year)
* **核心概念:** 最重要的节日,庆祝农历新年开始
* **时间:** 农历正月初一 (First day of the Lunar Calendar)
* **习俗:**
* 贴春联 (Paste Spring Couplets):
* Red paper with auspicious wishes written in calligraphy
* Placed on doors and around the house to ward off evil and bring good luck
* 常见短语举例 (Common phrases):"恭喜发财" (Gong Xi Fa Cai - Wishing you prosperity), "新年快乐" (Xin Nian Kuai Le - Happy New Year)
* 放鞭炮 (Set off Firecrackers):
* To scare away evil spirits and celebrate the New Year
* 象征意义 (Symbolic meaning): drive away bad luck and welcome good luck
* 吃年夜饭 (Eat Reunion Dinner/New Year's Eve Dinner):
* A large family feast
* 鱼 (Fish): 象征年年有余 (symbolizes abundance and surplus)
* 饺子 (Dumplings): 象征财富 (symbolize wealth due to their shape resembling ancient Chinese money)
* 年糕 (Rice Cake): 象征步步高升 (symbolizes progress and improvement)
* 发红包 (Give Red Envelopes/Red Packets):
* 红包 (Red envelopes) filled with money
* Given to children and unmarried adults
* 象征祝福和好运 (Symbolizes good luck and blessings)
* 拜年 (Pay New Year's Visits):
* Visiting relatives and friends to exchange New Year greetings
* 说吉祥话 (Say auspicious words) like "新年快乐" (Happy New Year) and "身体健康" (Good Health)
* 舞龙舞狮 (Dragon and Lion Dances):
* Performed in streets and public places
* Symbolize good luck, strength, and wisdom
* 庆祝活动的一部分 (Part of the celebration)
* **相关英语词汇:** lunar calendar, fortune, auspicious, blessings, reunion, ancestors, family gathering
### 一级分支:元宵节 (Lantern Festival)
* **核心概念:** 春节后的第一个月圆之夜,庆祝活动以灯笼为主
* **时间:** 农历正月十五 (Fifteenth day of the Lunar Calendar)
* **习俗:**
* 赏花灯 (Admire Lanterns):
* Various colorful and artistic lanterns are displayed
* Often shaped like animals, plants, or historical figures
* 灯笼上常有谜语 (Lanterns often have riddles)
* 猜灯谜 (Guess Lantern Riddles):
* Riddles written on lanterns
* A popular game to play during the festival
* 考验智慧和知识 (Tests wit and knowledge)
* 吃元宵/汤圆 (Eat Tangyuan/Yuanxiao):
* Sweet glutinous rice balls filled with sweet fillings
* Symbolize family togetherness and completeness
* 不同地区的做法不同 (Different regions have different ways of making them)
* 舞龙舞狮 (Dragon and Lion Dances):
* 与春节相似 (Similar to Spring Festival)
* 热闹气氛 (Lively atmosphere)
* **相关英语词汇:** lantern, riddle, glutinous rice ball, family reunion, festive atmosphere
### 一级分支:清明节 (Tomb Sweeping Day / Qingming Festival)
* **核心概念:** 祭扫祖先,追思逝者,踏青赏春
* **时间:** 公历4月4日或5日 (April 4th or 5th)
* **习俗:**
* 扫墓 (Tomb Sweeping):
* Visiting ancestral graves to clean and tidy them up
* Showing respect and remembrance for deceased ancestors
* 带来供品 (Bring offerings) like food, flowers, and paper money
* 祭拜 (Offer Sacrifices):
* Burning incense and paper money
* Praying for blessings from ancestors
* 表达对逝者的怀念 (Expressing remembrance for the deceased)
* 踏青 (Enjoy the Spring Scenery):
* Going on outings to enjoy the blooming flowers and fresh air
* A time to relax and appreciate nature
* 放风筝 (Flying kites) is a common activity
* **相关英语词汇:** tomb, ancestral grave, sacrifice, incense, paper money, remembrance, spring outing, kite
### 一级分支:端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival)
* **核心概念:** 纪念爱国诗人屈原,赛龙舟,吃粽子
* **时间:** 农历五月初五 (Fifth day of the Fifth Lunar Month)
* **习俗:**
* 赛龙舟 (Dragon Boat Races):
* Teams of people paddling long, narrow boats decorated like dragons
* A competitive and exciting event
* 象征团结和力量 (Symbolizes unity and strength)
* 吃粽子 (Eat Zongzi/Rice Dumplings):
* Glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves
* Filled with various ingredients like meat, beans, and dates
* 纪念屈原 (To commemorate Qu Yuan)
* 佩戴香包 (Wear Perfume Pouches/Scented Sachets):
* Small pouches filled with herbs and fragrant spices
* To ward off evil spirits and diseases
* 通常是手工制作的 (Often handmade)
* 喝雄黄酒 (Drink Realgar Wine):
* A type of Chinese liquor believed to have medicinal properties
* To ward off evil spirits and insects
* 现在很多人不喝,因为有毒性 (Many people don't drink it now due to its toxicity)
* **相关英语词汇:** dragon boat, rice dumpling, perfume pouch, realgar wine, patriotism, commemorate, legend
### 一级分支:中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival / Moon Festival)
* **核心概念:** 团圆节,赏月,吃月饼
* **时间:** 农历八月十五 (Fifteenth day of the Eighth Lunar Month)
* **习俗:**
* 赏月 (Admire the Moon):
* The moon is believed to be the fullest and brightest on this day
* Families gather to admire the moon and enjoy its beauty
* 象征团圆 (Symbolizes family reunion)
* 吃月饼 (Eat Mooncakes):
* Round pastries filled with sweet or savory fillings
* Different regional varieties
* 月饼上的图案寓意吉祥 (Patterns on mooncakes often have auspicious meanings)
* 祭月 (Offer Sacrifices to the Moon):
* Setting up an altar and offering sacrifices to the moon goddess
* 祈求平安和幸福 (Praying for peace and happiness)
* 团圆 (Family Reunion):
* Families gather together to celebrate the festival
* Often a time for distant relatives to return home
* 家庭聚餐 (Family dinners) are common
* **相关英语词汇:** mooncake, full moon, family reunion, moon goddess, harvest, gratitude
### 一级分支:重阳节 (Double Ninth Festival / Chongyang Festival)
* **核心概念:** 敬老节,登高,赏菊
* **时间:** 农历九月初九 (Ninth day of the Ninth Lunar Month)
* **习俗:**
* 登高 (Climbing Mountains):
* Climbing to high places to avoid misfortune
* Symbolizes rising above challenges
* 欣赏风景 (Enjoying the scenery)
* 赏菊 (Appreciating Chrysanthemums):
* Chrysanthemums are in full bloom during this time
* Symbolizes longevity and good fortune
* 菊花展 (Chrysanthemum exhibitions) are common
* 敬老 (Respecting the Elderly):
* A day to show respect and care for senior citizens
* Visiting elderly relatives and friends
* 送礼物 (Giving gifts) to the elderly
* 喝菊花酒 (Drink Chrysanthemum Wine):
* Believed to have health benefits
* 驱邪避凶 (To ward off evil spirits)
* **相关英语词汇:** chrysanthemum, longevity, senior citizens, respect, health, good fortune
### 关键词总结:
* **Family Reunion (家庭团圆)**
* **Good Luck (好运)**
* **Tradition (传统)**
* **Culture (文化)**
* **Celebration (庆祝)**
* **Auspicious (吉祥的)**
* **Respect (尊敬)**
* **Remembrance (纪念)**