
# 《小说思维导图模板》 **中心主题:小说创作** **I. 故事构思 (Story Conception)** * **A. 核心概念 (Core Concept)** * 1. **主题 (Theme):** * a. 主要思想/价值观/道德准则 (Central idea/value/moral) * b. 象征意义 (Symbolism) * c. 普遍性 (Universality – how does it relate to the human experience?) * 2. **类型 (Genre):** * a. 科幻 (Sci-fi) * b. 奇幻 (Fantasy) * c. 言情 (Romance) * d. 悬疑 (Mystery/Thriller) * e. 历史 (Historical Fiction) * f. 其他 (Specify) * 3. **基调 (Tone):** * a. 严肃 (Serious) * b. 幽默 (Humorous) * c. 悲观 (Melancholy) * d. 乐观 (Optimistic) * e. 讽刺 (Ironic) * 4. **目标读者 (Target Audience):** * a. 年龄段 (Age range) * b. 性别 (Gender) * c. 兴趣 (Interests) * d. 教育程度 (Education level) * **B. 情节大纲 (Plot Outline)** * 1. **前提 (Premise):** * a. 故事的起点 (The initial situation) * b. 主要冲突的起因 (The cause of the main conflict) * c. 故事的独特之处 (What makes the story unique?) * 2. **冲突 (Conflict):** * a. 主要冲突 (Main conflict – Protagonist vs. Antagonist/Self/Society/Nature) * b. 次要冲突 (Secondary conflicts – contribute to character development or subplot) * 3. **情节发展 (Plot Development):** * a. 开端 (Exposition - Setting the scene, introducing characters) * b. 上升行动 (Rising Action - Building tension, developing conflicts) * c. 高潮 (Climax - The turning point of the story) * d. 下降行动 (Falling Action - Consequences of the climax) * e. 结局 (Resolution - Conflict is resolved, loose ends tied up) * 4. **关键节点 (Key Plot Points):** * a. 转折点 (Plot twists) * b. 高潮点 (Climaxes of subplots) * c. 启示点 (Moments of realization for characters) * **C. 世界观设定 (Worldbuilding)** * 1. **背景 (Setting):** * a. 时间 (Time period/Era) * b. 地点 (Location – geographical, social, political) * c. 文化 (Customs, traditions, beliefs) * 2. **规则 (Rules):** * a. 物理法则 (Laws of physics - magic systems, technology limitations) * b. 社会规则 (Laws, customs, social norms) * c. 经济系统 (Economic system - currency, trade) * 3. **历史 (History):** * a. 重要事件 (Key historical events that impact the story) * b. 种族关系 (Racial tensions, historical alliances) * c. 传说与神话 (Myths and legends) * 4. **生物 (Creatures/Beings):** * a. 人类 (Human societies and cultures) * b. 其他生物 (Fantastic creatures, alien races) * c. 生物特性 (Abilities, weaknesses) **II. 人物塑造 (Character Development)** * **A. 主角 (Protagonist):** * 1. **背景故事 (Backstory):** * a. 童年经历 (Childhood experiences) * b. 重要关系 (Important relationships) * c. 关键事件 (Significant life events) * 2. **性格 (Personality):** * a. 优点 (Strengths) * b. 缺点 (Weaknesses) * c. 独特之处 (Quirks) * 3. **动机 (Motivation):** * a. 目标 (Goals) * b. 驱动力 (Driving forces) * c. 内心冲突 (Internal conflicts) * 4. **发展轨迹 (Character Arc):** * a. 变化 (How does the character change throughout the story?) * b. 成长 (What lessons does the character learn?) * c. 最终状态 (The character's final state) * **B. 反派 (Antagonist):** * 1. **动机 (Motivation):** * a. 目标 (Goals) * b. 原因 (Reasons for their actions) * 2. **性格 (Personality):** * a. 力量 (Strengths) * b. 弱点 (Weaknesses) * 3. **与主角的关系 (Relationship to Protagonist):** * a. 对立 (Opposition) * b. 相似之处 (Similarities) * 4. **背景故事 (Backstory):** * a. 塑造反派的原因 (Events that shaped the antagonist) * **C. 配角 (Supporting Characters):** * 1. **作用 (Role):** * a. 支持主角 (Supporting the protagonist) * b. 推动情节 (Driving the plot forward) * c. 提供视角 (Offering different perspectives) * 2. **背景故事 (Backstory):** * a. 与主角的联系 (Connection to the protagonist) * 3. **性格 (Personality):** * a. 鲜明特点 (Distinctive traits) **III. 写作技巧 (Writing Techniques)** * **A. 叙事角度 (Point of View):** * 1. **第一人称 (First Person):** "I" * 2. **第二人称 (Second Person):** "You" * 3. **第三人称 (Third Person):** "He/She/It/They" * a. 限制视角 (Limited Omniscient) * b. 全知视角 (Omniscient) * 4. **选择理由 (Reason for choice):** How does the chosen POV affect the story? * **B. 写作风格 (Writing Style):** * 1. **语言 (Language):** * a. 正式 (Formal) * b. 非正式 (Informal) * c. 诗意 (Poetic) * 2. **节奏 (Pacing):** * a. 快速 (Fast-paced) * b. 缓慢 (Slow-paced) * 3. **描写 (Description):** * a. 生动 (Vivid) * b. 简洁 (Concise) * **C. 对话 (Dialogue):** * 1. **目的 (Purpose):** * a. 推动情节 (Advance the plot) * b. 揭示人物性格 (Reveal character) * c. 构建世界观 (Build the world) * 2. **风格 (Style):** * a. 自然 (Natural) * b. 有特色 (Distinctive to each character) * **D. 修辞 (Figurative Language):** * 1. **比喻 (Metaphors)** * 2. **拟人 (Personification)** * 3. **象征 (Symbolism)** * 4. **反讽 (Irony)** * 5. **其他 (Others)** **IV. 故事修订 (Story Revision)** * **A. 初稿审查 (First Draft Review):** * 1. **情节 (Plot):** * a. 逻辑性 (Logical consistency) * b. 节奏 (Pacing) * c. 悬念 (Suspense) * 2. **人物 (Characters):** * a. 可信度 (Believability) * b. 一致性 (Consistency) * c. 深度 (Depth) * 3. **世界观 (Worldbuilding):** * a. 一致性 (Consistency) * b. 细节 (Details) * **B. 反馈 (Feedback):** * 1. **测试读者 (Beta readers):** * a. 选择 (Selection criteria) * b. 问题 (Specific questions to ask) * 2. **专业编辑 (Professional editor):** * a. 类型 (Type of editing needed – developmental, copyediting) * **C. 修改 (Revision):** * 1. **基于反馈 (Based on feedback):** Address issues raised by beta readers and editors. * 2. **自查 (Self-editing):** Grammar, spelling, punctuation, style. 这仅仅是一个模板,可以根据具体的需要进行调整和修改。 重要的是要有一个清晰的框架来组织你的想法,并帮助你构建一个引人入胜的故事。
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 物理九年级第二十章思维导图

