五年级一到六 单元思维导图英语手抄报
# 《五年级一到六单元思维导图英语手抄报》
**I. Unit 1: My New School**
* **核心词汇:**
* school, class, classroom, teacher, student, friend, desk, chair, blackboard, computer, library, playground, canteen, gym, lab (laboratory), art room, music room
* new, happy, excited, nervous, ready, shy, helpful, friendly, kind
* be, have, like, meet, greet, introduce, say, see, hear, learn, study, play, eat, drink
* **语法重点:**
* 一般现在时 (现在的情况、习惯)
* 肯定句: I/You/We/They + like/have… He/She/It + likes/has…
* 否定句: I/You/We/They + don't like/have… He/She/It + doesn't like/have…
* 一般疑问句: Do I/You/We/They + like/have…? Does He/She/It + like/have…?
* 特殊疑问句: What/Where/Who/How/When + do/does + 主语 + 动词原形…?
* 形容词的用法:描述人或物的特征
* 位置:名词前,系动词后
* 比较级和最高级 (初步接触)
* **句型:**
* What's your name? My name is…
* Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
* What do you like? I like…
* I'm happy/excited/nervous.
* Welcome to our school/class.
* **文化拓展:**
* 介绍不同国家的学校生活 (简单对比,图片展示)
* 鼓励学生分享自己的学校生活体验
**II. Unit 2: My Week**
* **核心词汇:**
* day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekday, weekend
* morning, afternoon, evening, night
* time, o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to
* have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go to school, go home, do homework, watch TV, play sports, read books, sleep, get up, brush teeth, wash face, take a shower
* **语法重点:**
* 时间表达法: o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to
* 现在进行时 (正在发生的事情)
* 肯定句: 主语 + is/am/are + doing…
* 否定句: 主语 + is/am/are + not + doing…
* 一般疑问句: Is/Am/Are + 主语 + doing…?
* 频率副词 (always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom/rarely, never)
* 位置:be动词后,实意动词前
* **句型:**
* What day is it today? It's…
* What time is it? It's… o'clock/half past…/quarter past…/quarter to…
* What are you doing? I'm…
* I usually… on…
* **文化拓展:**
* 不同国家的一周安排 (图片或简短文字介绍)
* 时间观念的重要性
**III. Unit 3: My Family**
* **核心词汇:**
* family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, parents, grandparents, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin
* tall, short, thin, fat, strong, weak, old, young, beautiful, handsome, kind, clever, funny
* cook, clean, wash, work, read, play, watch, listen, help, love
* **语法重点:**
* 人称代词的所有格 (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
* 形容词的比较级和最高级
* 规则变化:一般加-er和-est,以-e结尾加-r和-st,单音节词以单辅音字母结尾且前面只有一个元音字母,要双写辅音字母再加-er和-est
* 不规则变化:good/well - better - best; bad/ill - worse - worst; many/much - more - most; little - less - least; far - farther/further - farthest/furthest
* **句型:**
* Who's this? This is my…
* He/She is…
* He/She likes…
* My … is taller/shorter/stronger… than…
* He/She is the tallest/shortest/strongest… in my family.
* **文化拓展:**
* 不同国家家庭的构成和文化 (图片展示,简短描述)
* 家庭的重要性,感恩父母
**IV. Unit 4: At the Zoo**
* **核心词汇:**
* zoo, animal, lion, tiger, elephant, monkey, panda, bear, zebra, giraffe, kangaroo, snake, bird, fish
* big, small, long, short, fast, slow, strong, weak, loud, quiet, cute, dangerous
* run, jump, swim, fly, eat, drink, sleep, roar, climb, walk
* **语法重点:**
* can (能够,可以)
* 肯定句: 主语 + can + 动词原形
* 否定句: 主语 + cannot/can't + 动词原形
* 一般疑问句: Can + 主语 + 动词原形…?
* 介词的用法 (on, in, under, near, behind, in front of, next to, between)
* **句型:**
* What's that? That's a/an…
* Can it…? Yes, it can./No, it can't.
* The… is… It can…
* The… is on/in/under… the…
* **文化拓展:**
* 介绍不同国家的动物园 (图片展示)
* 保护动物的重要性
**V. Unit 5: Food and Drinks**
* **核心词汇:**
* food, drink, rice, noodles, bread, meat, fish, chicken, beef, pork, vegetable, fruit, apple, banana, orange, pear, grape, juice, milk, water, tea, coffee, soda, chocolate, ice cream
* delicious, yummy, tasty, sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter
* eat, drink, like, want, need, buy, cook, make, have
* **语法重点:**
* 可数名词和不可数名词
* 可数名词:有复数形式,可用a/an修饰
* 不可数名词:无复数形式,不能用a/an修饰,通常用some, any, much, a lot of, little等修饰
* How much/How many
* How much + 不可数名词?
* How many + 可数名词复数?
* **句型:**
* What do you like to eat/drink? I like to eat/drink…
* Do you want…? Yes, please./No, thank you.
* How much/How many…?
* I want some…
* **文化拓展:**
* 不同国家的饮食文化 (图片展示,简短描述)
* 健康饮食的重要性
**VI. Unit 6: Shopping**
* **核心词汇:**
* shop, store, supermarket, clothes shop, toy shop, bookstore, shoes shop, bag shop, price, money, dollar, cent
* expensive, cheap, big, small, long, short, new, old, beautiful, ugly
* buy, sell, pay, spend, cost, want, need, look, try, wear, like, have
* **语法重点:**
* How much does it cost? It costs…
* 询问价格和购买物品的表达
* There is/are…
* There is + 单数名词
* There are + 复数名词
* **句型:**
* Can I help you? Yes, I'm looking for…
* How much does it cost? It costs… dollars/cents.
* I want to buy…
* I like this one.
* **文化拓展:**
* 不同国家的购物文化 (图片展示,简短描述)
* 理性消费,节约用钱
* **颜色:** 鲜艳明快的颜色 (红色、黄色、蓝色、绿色)
* **图片:** 与主题相关的简笔画或卡通图片
* **排版:** 思维导图结构,清晰易懂,重点突出
* **字体:** 工整清晰,大小适中
* 简洁、活泼、有趣、充满童趣。
* 各单元内容用不同颜色区分,方便阅读。
* 注重视觉效果,图文并茂。
* 突出重点词汇和语法,方便记忆。