

核心主题:Going to the Zoo

I. Vocabulary (词汇)

  • A. Animals (动物)

      1. Mammals (哺乳动物)
        • a. Lion (狮子):Physical characteristics (mane, claws, teeth), Habitat (savanna, grasslands), Diet (meat), Behavior (roaring, hunting), Conservation status (vulnerable)
        • b. Tiger (老虎):Stripes, Habitat (forests, jungles), Diet (meat), Behavior (stalking, pouncing), Conservation status (endangered)
        • c. Elephant (大象):Trunk, tusks, Habitat (savannas, forests), Diet (plants), Behavior (communication, migration), Conservation status (vulnerable)
        • d. Monkey (猴子):Tail, agility, Habitat (forests, jungles), Diet (fruits, insects), Behavior (climbing, grooming), Different types (e.g., chimpanzee, gorilla)
        • e. Zebra (斑马):Stripes, Habitat (grasslands, savannas), Diet (grass), Behavior (herding), Purpose of stripes (camouflage, insect repellent?)
      1. Birds (鸟类)
        • a. Parrot (鹦鹉):Colorful feathers, beak, Habitat (tropical forests), Diet (seeds, nuts, fruits), Behavior (mimicking, talking)
        • b. Eagle (鹰):Sharp eyesight, talons, Habitat (mountains, forests), Diet (meat), Behavior (soaring, hunting)
        • c. Penguin (企鹅):Flightless, adapted to cold, Habitat (Antarctica), Diet (fish), Behavior (waddling, swimming)
      1. Reptiles (爬行动物)
        • a. Snake (蛇):Scales, no limbs, Habitat (various), Diet (meat), Behavior (slithering, shedding), Types (e.g., cobra, python)
        • b. Crocodile (鳄鱼):Scales, powerful jaws, Habitat (rivers, swamps), Diet (meat), Behavior (ambushing, swimming)
        • c. Turtle (海龟):Shell, slow movement, Habitat (oceans, beaches), Diet (various), Behavior (laying eggs)
      1. Insects (昆虫)
        • a. Butterfly (蝴蝶):Wings, metamorphosis, Habitat (various), Diet (nectar), Behavior (flying, pollinating)
        • b. Ant (蚂蚁):Social insects, colony, Habitat (various), Diet (various), Behavior (working, communicating)
  • B. Places (地点)

      1. Zoo (动物园):Cages, enclosures, habitats, visitors, zookeepers
      1. Cage (笼子):Used for keeping animals safe and secure
      1. Enclosure (围栏):Larger area than a cage, allows for more natural movement
      1. Habitat (栖息地):Natural environment where an animal lives
      1. Entrance (入口):Where you enter the zoo
      1. Gift shop (礼品店):Where you can buy souvenirs
  • C. Actions (动作)

      1. Look at (看):Paying attention to something with your eyes
      1. Feed (喂):Giving food to an animal
      1. Clean (打扫):Making something tidy and free from dirt
      1. Protect (保护):Keeping something safe from harm
      1. Watch (观看):Observing something for a period of time
      1. Climb (攀爬):Moving upwards using your hands and feet
      1. Swim (游泳):Moving through water
  • D. Adjectives (形容词)

      1. Big (大的):Large in size
      1. Small (小的):Little in size
      1. Tall (高的):High in height
      1. Short (矮的):Low in height
      1. Beautiful (美丽的):Pleasing to the eye
      1. Dangerous (危险的):Likely to cause harm
      1. Interesting (有趣的):Arousing curiosity or interest
      1. Cute (可爱的): Attractive in a sweet or endearing way.

II. Grammar (语法)

  • A. "Going to" Future Tense (将来时)

      1. Affirmative Statements (肯定句): Subject + be (am/is/are) + going to + verb (base form)
        • Example: I am going to visit the zoo tomorrow.
      1. Negative Statements (否定句): Subject + be (am/is/are) + not + going to + verb (base form)
        • Example: He is not going to feed the lions.
      1. Questions (疑问句): Be (Am/Is/Are) + Subject + going to + verb (base form)?
        • Example: Are you going to see the monkeys?
      1. Short Answers (简短回答): Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn't. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren't.
      1. Uses:
        • a. Plans and Intentions (计划和意图):Expressing future plans that have already been made.
        • b. Predictions Based on Evidence (基于证据的预测):Predicting something that is likely to happen based on current evidence. Example: Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain.
  • B. "Can/Can't" for Ability (情态动词can/can't 表示能力)

      1. Affirmative Statements (肯定句): Subject + can + verb (base form)
        • Example: The monkey can climb trees.
      1. Negative Statements (否定句): Subject + cannot/can't + verb (base form)
        • Example: The penguin can't fly.
      1. Questions (疑问句): Can + Subject + verb (base form)?
        • Example: Can the parrot talk?
      1. Short Answers (简短回答): Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can. / No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can't.
      1. Uses:
        • a. Expressing Ability (表达能力):Showing what someone or something is able to do.
        • b. Expressing Possibility (表达可能性):Showing what is possible to do.

III. Functions (功能)

  • A. Talking about future plans (讨论未来计划)

    • Examples: "I am going to see the elephants." "What are you going to do at the zoo?" "We are going to have a picnic."
  • B. Asking and answering questions about animal abilities (询问和回答关于动物能力的问题)

    • Examples: "Can tigers swim?" "Yes, they can." "Can snakes fly?" "No, they can't." "What can the monkeys do?" "They can climb and swing."
  • C. Describing animals (描述动物)

    • Examples: "The lion is big and strong." "The parrot is colorful and beautiful." "The elephant has a long trunk."
  • D. Giving instructions at the zoo (在动物园给出指示)

    • Examples: "Don't feed the animals." "Look at the map to find the monkeys." "Be quiet near the lion's cage." "Protect the environment."

IV. Culture (文化)

  • A. The importance of zoos (动物园的重要性)

      1. Conservation (保护):Protecting endangered species.
      1. Education (教育):Teaching people about animals and their habitats.
      1. Research (研究):Studying animal behavior and health.
      1. Recreation (娱乐):Providing a fun and educational experience for visitors.
  • B. Animal conservation efforts (动物保护工作)

      1. Endangered species (濒危物种):Animals at risk of extinction.
      1. Habitat loss (栖息地丧失):Destruction of animal environments.
      1. Poaching (偷猎):Illegal hunting of animals.
      1. Organizations working to protect animals (例如: WWF, National Geographic)

V. Pronunciation (发音)

  • Focus on clear pronunciation of animal names and key vocabulary. Pay attention to:
    • Vowel sounds: /i:/ (see), /æ/ (cat), /ɑ:/ (father), /u:/ (zoo)
    • Consonant sounds: /θ/ (thin), /ð/ (this), /ʃ/ (she), /tʃ/ (chew)
    • Stress patterns in multi-syllable words (e.g., e-le-phant, but-ter-fly).
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 民间故事马头琴思维导图

