## 《英语思维导图画春节经常做的事情》
**中心主题:Chinese New Year Activities**
### 一、Pre-Festival Preparations (节前准备)
* **分支 1: Cleaning & Decorating (清洁与装饰)**
* Concept: Spring Cleaning (大扫除)
* Details: Sweeping the house (扫房子), wiping windows (擦窗户), dusting furniture (掸灰尘), getting rid of old items (清理旧物)
* Phrases: "Sweep away bad luck" (扫除霉运), "A fresh start" (新的开始), "Make way for good fortune" (为好运让路)
* Concept: Decorations (装饰品)
* Details: Hanging red lanterns (挂红灯笼), pasting Spring Festival couplets (贴春联), paper cuttings (剪纸), displaying plum blossoms (摆放梅花), decorating with Chinese knots (装饰中国结)
* Phrases: "Red symbolizes good luck" (红色象征好运), "Couplets express wishes for the new year" (春联表达新年祝福), "Paper cuttings add festive atmosphere" (剪纸增添节日气氛)
* Concept: Buying New Clothes (买新衣)
* Details: Shopping for new outfits (购买新衣服), especially red clothes (特别是红色衣服), buying new shoes (买新鞋)
* Phrases: "New clothes symbolize a new beginning" (新衣服象征新的开始), "Wearing red brings good fortune" (穿红色带来好运)
* **分支 2: Food Preparation (食物准备)**
* Concept: Stocking Up (囤货)
* Details: Buying groceries for the holiday feast (购买节日盛宴的食材), stocking up on snacks (囤积零食), preparing ingredients for traditional dishes (准备传统菜肴的配料)
* Phrases: "Prepare for a week-long celebration" (为期一周的庆祝活动做准备), "A bountiful feast" (丰盛的盛宴)
* Concept: Making Dumplings (包饺子)
* Details: Preparing the dough (准备面团), making the filling (制作馅料), wrapping dumplings (包饺子), boiling or steaming them (煮或蒸饺子)
* Phrases: "Dumplings symbolize wealth" (饺子象征财富), "The shape resembles ancient Chinese money" (形状像古代中国货币), "A family activity" (家庭活动)
* Concept: Preparing Other Traditional Foods (准备其他传统食物)
* Details: Making glutinous rice cakes (年糕), preparing dried fruits and nuts (准备干果和坚果), cooking longevity noodles (长寿面)
* Phrases: "Glutinous rice cakes symbolize progress and prosperity" (年糕象征进步和繁荣), "Longevity noodles symbolize a long life" (长寿面象征长寿)
* **分支 3: Travel Arrangements (旅行安排)**
* Concept: Booking Tickets (订票)
* Details: Booking train tickets (订火车票), plane tickets (机票), bus tickets (汽车票)
* Phrases: "The Spring Festival travel rush" (春运), "A challenging task to get tickets" (抢票是项艰巨的任务)
* Concept: Packing Luggage (打包行李)
* Details: Packing clothes (打包衣服), gifts (礼物), and essentials (必需品)
* Phrases: "Traveling home for the holidays" (回家过节), "Excitement and anticipation" (兴奋和期待)
### 二、Festival Celebrations (节日庆祝活动)
* **分支 1: Reunion Dinner (年夜饭)**
* Concept: Family Gathering (家庭团聚)
* Details: The most important meal of the year (一年中最重要的一餐), all family members gather together (所有家庭成员聚集在一起)
* Phrases: "A time for bonding and togetherness" (是联系感情和团聚的时刻), "Strengthening family ties" (加强家庭关系)
* Concept: Traditional Dishes (传统菜肴)
* Details: Fish (鱼 - symbolizing surplus), dumplings (饺子), spring rolls (春卷), hot pot (火锅)
* Phrases: "Each dish has a symbolic meaning" (每道菜都有象征意义), "A feast for the senses" (一场感官盛宴)
* Concept: Red Envelopes (红包)
* Details: Giving red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried adults (给孩子和未婚成年人发红包)
* Phrases: "A symbol of good luck and prosperity" (象征好运和繁荣), "Passed down from elders to younger generations" (从长辈传给年轻一代)
* **分支 2: Watching Spring Festival Gala (看春晚)**
* Concept: CCTV New Year's Gala (中央电视台春节联欢晚会)
* Details: A popular television program watched by millions of people (数百万观众观看的热门电视节目), featuring singing, dancing, and comedy skits (包括唱歌、跳舞和喜剧小品)
* Phrases: "A tradition for many families" (许多家庭的传统), "A festive and entertaining program" (一个喜庆而有趣的节目)
* **分支 3: Visiting Relatives and Friends (拜年)**
* Concept: Greetings and Blessings (问候与祝福)
* Details: Visiting relatives and friends to wish them a happy new year (拜访亲朋好友,祝他们新年快乐), offering gifts (赠送礼物)
* Phrases: "Wishing you good luck and prosperity" (祝你万事如意,财源广进), "Happy New Year!" (新年快乐!), "Kung Hei Fat Choy!" (恭喜发财!)
* Concept: Receiving Red Envelopes (收红包)
* Details: Children often receive red envelopes from relatives (孩子们经常收到亲戚的红包)
* Phrases: "A cherished tradition" (珍视的传统), "Excitement and anticipation" (兴奋和期待)
* **分支 4: Setting Off Fireworks and Firecrackers (放鞭炮)**
* Concept: Noise and Celebration (噪音和庆祝)
* Details: Setting off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and celebrate the new year (燃放烟花爆竹以驱赶邪灵并庆祝新年)
* Phrases: "The loud noise scares away bad luck" (巨大的噪音吓跑霉运), "A vibrant and colorful display" (充满活力和色彩缤纷的景象)
* **分支 5: Temple Fairs (逛庙会)**
* Concept: Traditional Performances and Food (传统表演和美食)
* Details: Attending temple fairs with traditional performances (参加有传统表演的庙会), enjoying local snacks and delicacies (品尝当地小吃和美食), buying souvenirs (购买纪念品)
* Phrases: "A lively and festive atmosphere" (热闹喜庆的气氛), "A chance to experience traditional culture" (一个体验传统文化的机会)
### 三、Post-Festival Activities (节后活动)
* **分支 1: Returning to Work/School (返回工作/学校)**
* Concept: Back to Routine (回到日常生活)
* Details: Resuming work or school after the holiday break (在假期结束后恢复工作或学习)
* Phrases: "A time to focus on new goals" (是时候专注于新目标了), "Looking forward to a productive year" (期待富有成效的一年)
* **分支 2: Lantern Festival (元宵节)**
* Concept: Celebrating the End of the Spring Festival (庆祝春节结束)
* Details: Eating tangyuan (汤圆), watching lantern displays (观赏灯笼), solving lantern riddles (猜灯谜)
* Phrases: "Tangyuan symbolizes family reunion" (汤圆象征家庭团圆), "A beautiful and colorful celebration" (一个美丽而多彩的庆祝活动)