# 《第一模块思维导图五年级上册英语外研版》
**中心主题:School Days (校园生活)**
**分支一:Vocabulary (词汇)**
* **A. Basic Objects (基础物品):**
* Pencil (铅笔):
* Spelling (拼写): p-e-n-c-i-l
* Use (用途): Writing, drawing
* Color (颜色): Variety
* Book (书):
* Spelling (拼写): b-o-o-k
* Use (用途): Reading, learning
* Types (种类): Textbook, storybook, notebook
* Ruler (尺子):
* Spelling (拼写): r-u-l-e-r
* Use (用途): Measuring, drawing straight lines
* Materials (材料): Plastic, metal
* Pencil Case (铅笔盒):
* Spelling (拼写): p-e-n-c-i-l c-a-s-e
* Use (用途): Holding stationery
* Contents (内容): Pencils, erasers, ruler, etc.
* Rubber (橡皮):
* Spelling (拼写): r-u-b-b-e-r (or eraser)
* Use (用途): Erasing pencil marks
* Types (种类): White, colored
* Pen (钢笔/圆珠笔):
* Spelling (拼写): p-e-n
* Use (用途): Writing
* Ink (墨水): Blue, black, red
* **B. Places in School (校园场所):**
* Classroom (教室):
* Spelling (拼写): c-l-a-s-s-r-o-o-m
* Activities (活动): Learning, studying
* Furniture (家具): Desks, chairs, blackboard
* Library (图书馆):
* Spelling (拼写): l-i-b-r-a-r-y
* Activities (活动): Reading, borrowing books
* Rules (规则): Quietness, respect
* Playground (操场):
* Spelling (拼写): p-l-a-y-g-r-o-u-n-d
* Activities (活动): Playing games, sports
* Equipment (设备): Swings, slides, climbing frames
* Music Room (音乐教室):
* Spelling (拼写): m-u-s-i-c r-o-o-m
* Activities (活动): Singing, playing instruments
* Instruments (乐器): Piano, guitar, drums
* Computer Room (电脑室):
* Spelling (拼写): c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r r-o-o-m
* Activities (活动): Learning computers, doing research
* Equipment (设备): Computers, printers
* **C. Actions (动作):**
* Open (打开):
* Spelling (拼写): o-p-e-n
* Examples (例子): Open the book, open the door
* Opposite (反义词): Close
* Close (关闭):
* Spelling (拼写): c-l-o-s-e
* Examples (例子): Close the window, close the book
* Opposite (反义词): Open
* Write (写):
* Spelling (拼写): w-r-i-t-e
* Examples (例子): Write a letter, write a sentence
* Tools (工具): Pen, pencil
* Read (读):
* Spelling (拼写): r-e-a-d
* Examples (例子): Read a book, read aloud
* Materials (材料): Books, magazines
* Draw (画):
* Spelling (拼写): d-r-a-w
* Examples (例子): Draw a picture, draw a line
* Tools (工具): Pencil, crayons
* Say (说):
* Spelling (拼写): s-a-y
* Examples (例子): Say hello, say goodbye
* Synonyms (同义词): Speak
**分支二:Grammar (语法)**
* **A. Imperative Sentences (祈使句):**
* Structure (结构): Verb + (Object/Adverb)
* Examples (例子): Open your book., Close the door., Write your name., Read the text.
* Positive/Negative (肯定/否定): Do your homework., Don't talk in class.
* Purpose (目的): Giving instructions, making requests.
* **B. Possessive Adjectives (物主形容词):**
* Form (形式): my, your, his, her, its, our, their
* Examples (例子): This is *my* pencil., Is this *your* book?, That is *his* ruler.
* Usage (用法): Shows ownership. Used before nouns.
* Differences (区别): Distinguish between different owners.
* **C. 'Is this…?' Questions and Answers (一般疑问句及回答):**
* Structure (结构): Is this + noun + possessive adjective + noun?
* Answers (回答): Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
* Examples (例子): Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Is this his book? No, it isn't.
* Pronoun Use (代词使用): It refers to the object being questioned.
**分支三:Communication (交流)**
* **A. Greetings (问候):**
* Hello (你好): Formal greeting
* Hi (嗨): Informal greeting
* Good morning (早上好): Greeting used in the morning
* Good afternoon (下午好): Greeting used in the afternoon
* Good evening (晚上好): Greeting used in the evening
* How are you? (你好吗?): Asking about someone's well-being
* **B. Introductions (介绍):**
* My name is… (我的名字是…): Introducing yourself
* I am… (我是…): Introducing yourself
* Nice to meet you (很高兴见到你): Polite response to an introduction
* This is… (这是…): Introducing someone else
* He/She is… (他/她是…): Describing someone
* **C. Classroom Instructions (课堂指令):**
* Open your books (打开书): Instruction to open the textbook
* Close your books (合上书): Instruction to close the textbook
* Look at the board (看黑板): Instruction to focus on the blackboard
* Listen carefully (仔细听): Instruction to pay attention to the speaker
* Write it down (写下来): Instruction to record information
* Repeat after me (跟我读): Instruction to imitate pronunciation
**分支四:Culture (文化)**
* **A. School Life in Different Countries (不同国家的校园生活):**
* Focus (焦点): Comparing and contrasting school systems, activities, and customs.
* Examples (例子): School uniforms, school lunches, extracurricular activities, holidays.
* Research (研究): Encourage students to research and present on school life in different countries.
* Discussion (讨论): Discuss the similarities and differences between their own school life and those of other countries.
* **B. Etiquette in School (校园礼仪):**
* Respect (尊重): Showing respect to teachers, classmates, and school property.
* Politeness (礼貌): Using "please" and "thank you."
* Rules (规则): Following school rules and regulations.
* Kindness (友善): Being kind and helpful to others.
**分支五:Assessment (评估)**
* **A. Vocabulary Test (词汇测试):**
* Format (形式): Matching, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks.
* Content (内容): Testing understanding and spelling of vocabulary words.
* **B. Grammar Exercises (语法练习):**
* Format (形式): Sentence completion, sentence correction, question and answer.
* Content (内容): Testing understanding and application of grammar rules.
* **C. Oral Practice (口语练习):**
* Format (形式): Role-playing, answering questions, describing pictures.
* Content (内容): Assessing fluency and pronunciation.
* **D. Written Assignment (书面作业):**
* Format (形式): Writing a short paragraph or story about school.
* Content (内容): Assessing vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills.
5年级多边形面积 思维导图