thetraditionalculture 的思维导图
# 《The Traditional Culture 的思维导图》
## I. 核心价值观 (Core Values)
* ### A. 伦理道德 (Ethics & Morality)
* **1. 孝道 (Filial Piety):**
* 尊重长辈 (Respect for Elders)
* 赡养父母 (Supporting Parents)
* 祭祀祖先 (Ancestral Veneration)
* 传承家风 (Family Tradition Preservation)
* **2. 仁义 (Benevolence & Righteousness):**
* 关爱他人 (Caring for Others)
* 正直诚实 (Integrity and Honesty)
* 公平公正 (Fairness and Justice)
* 同情心 (Compassion)
* **3. 礼仪 (Etiquette & Propriety):**
* 行为规范 (Behavioral Norms)
* 尊重他人 (Respect for Others)
* 社会秩序 (Social Order)
* 谦逊 (Humility)
* **4. 中庸 (The Doctrine of the Mean):**
* 平衡和谐 (Balance and Harmony)
* 适度 (Moderation)
* 避免极端 (Avoiding Extremes)
* 追求完美 (Pursuit of Perfection)
* **5. 忠诚 (Loyalty):**
* 对国家 (To the Nation)
* 对家庭 (To the Family)
* 对朋友 (To Friends)
* 信守承诺 (Keeping Promises)
* ### B. 和谐共生 (Harmony & Coexistence)
* **1. 天人合一 (Unity of Heaven and Humanity):**
* 尊重自然 (Respect for Nature)
* 顺应自然规律 (Following Natural Laws)
* 环境保护 (Environmental Protection)
* 人与自然和谐共生 (Harmonious Coexistence of Humans and Nature)
* **2. 家庭和睦 (Family Harmony):**
* 互相理解 (Mutual Understanding)
* 互相支持 (Mutual Support)
* 互相关爱 (Mutual Care)
* 长幼有序 (Order of Seniority)
* **3. 社会和谐 (Social Harmony):**
* 合作共赢 (Cooperation and Win-Win)
* 互助互爱 (Mutual Assistance and Love)
* 共同发展 (Common Development)
* 社会稳定 (Social Stability)
* **4. 世界和平 (World Peace):**
* 和平共处 (Peaceful Coexistence)
* 互相尊重 (Mutual Respect)
* 合作发展 (Cooperative Development)
* 避免冲突 (Avoiding Conflicts)
## II. 文化艺术 (Culture & Arts)
* ### A. 文学 (Literature)
* **1. 诗歌 (Poetry):**
* 唐诗 (Tang Poetry)
* 宋词 (Song Lyrics)
* 元曲 (Yuan Drama)
* 诗经 (The Book of Songs)
* **2. 散文 (Prose):**
* 史记 (Records of the Grand Historian)
* 唐宋八大家 (Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties)
* 古典小说 (Classical Novels)
* **3. 小说 (Novels):**
* 四大名著 (Four Great Classical Novels):
* 三国演义 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)
* 水浒传 (Water Margin)
* 西游记 (Journey to the West)
* 红楼梦 (Dream of the Red Chamber)
* ### B. 艺术 (Arts)
* **1. 绘画 (Painting):**
* 山水画 (Landscape Painting)
* 花鸟画 (Flower-and-Bird Painting)
* 人物画 (Figure Painting)
* 书法 (Calligraphy)
* **2. 音乐 (Music):**
* 古琴 (Guqin)
* 二胡 (Erhu)
* 琵琶 (Pipa)
* 民族音乐 (Folk Music)
* **3. 戏曲 (Opera):**
* 京剧 (Peking Opera)
* 昆曲 (Kunqu Opera)
* 地方戏 (Local Opera)
* **4. 雕塑 (Sculpture):**
* 石窟艺术 (Grotto Art)
* 玉雕 (Jade Carving)
* 木雕 (Wood Carving)
* **5. 建筑 (Architecture):**
* 宫殿 (Palaces)
* 园林 (Gardens)
* 寺庙 (Temples)
* 民居 (Folk Houses)
## III. 哲学思想 (Philosophical Thought)
* ### A. 儒家 (Confucianism)
* **1. 孔子 (Confucius):**
* 仁 (Benevolence)
* 义 (Righteousness)
* 礼 (Propriety)
* 智 (Wisdom)
* 信 (Trustworthiness)
* **2. 孟子 (Mencius):**
* 性善论 (Theory of Human Nature's Innate Goodness)
* 仁政 (Benevolent Governance)
* **3. 荀子 (Xunzi):**
* 性恶论 (Theory of Human Nature's Innate Evil)
* 礼治 (Governance by Ritual)
* ### B. 道家 (Taoism)
* **1. 老子 (Lao Tzu):**
* 道 (The Tao)
* 无为 (Wu Wei - Non-Action)
* 自然 (Nature)
* 清静 (Tranquility)
* **2. 庄子 (Zhuang Zhou):**
* 逍遥游 (Wandering Freely)
* 齐物论 (Equality of Things)
* 天人合一 (Unity of Heaven and Humanity)
* ### C. 佛教 (Buddhism)
* **1. 禅宗 (Zen Buddhism):**
* 顿悟 (Sudden Enlightenment)
* 实相 (Reality)
* 禅定 (Meditation)
* **2. 净土宗 (Pure Land Buddhism):**
* 念佛 (Recitation of Buddha's Name)
* 往生 (Rebirth in the Pure Land)
## IV. 生活习俗 (Lifestyle & Customs)
* ### A. 节日 (Festivals)
* **1. 春节 (Spring Festival):**
* 团圆 (Family Reunion)
* 拜年 (New Year Greetings)
* 红包 (Red Envelopes)
* 年夜饭 (New Year's Eve Dinner)
* **2. 元宵节 (Lantern Festival):**
* 赏花灯 (Enjoying Lanterns)
* 猜灯谜 (Solving Lantern Riddles)
* 吃元宵 (Eating Yuanxiao)
* **3. 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival):**
* 赛龙舟 (Dragon Boat Racing)
* 吃粽子 (Eating Zongzi)
* 挂艾草 (Hanging Mugwort)
* **4. 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival):**
* 赏月 (Moon Viewing)
* 吃月饼 (Eating Mooncakes)
* 团圆 (Family Reunion)
* ### B. 饮食 (Cuisine)
* **1. 八大菜系 (Eight Culinary Traditions):**
* 川菜 (Sichuan Cuisine)
* 粤菜 (Cantonese Cuisine)
* 淮扬菜 (Huaiyang Cuisine)
* 鲁菜 (Shandong Cuisine)
* 浙菜 (Zhejiang Cuisine)
* 闽菜 (Fujian Cuisine)
* 湘菜 (Hunan Cuisine)
* 徽菜 (Anhui Cuisine)
* **2. 茶文化 (Tea Culture):**
* 茶道 (Tea Ceremony)
* 茶叶种类 (Types of Tea)
* 品茶 (Tea Tasting)
* ### C. 服饰 (Clothing)
* **1. 汉服 (Hanfu):**
* 交领右衽 (Cross-Collar Right-Closing)
* 宽袍大袖 (Wide Sleeves and Robes)
* **2. 旗袍 (Qipao):**
* 修身 (Body-Hugging)
* 优雅 (Elegant)
## V. 传统技艺 (Traditional Crafts)
* ### A. 工艺美术 (Arts and Crafts)
* **1. 陶瓷 (Ceramics):**
* 景德镇陶瓷 (Jingdezhen Porcelain)
* 龙泉青瓷 (Longquan Celadon)
* **2. 丝绸 (Silk):**
* 苏绣 (Suzhou Embroidery)
* 杭州丝绸 (Hangzhou Silk)
* **3. 剪纸 (Paper Cutting):**
* 窗花 (Window Decorations)
* 装饰 (Ornamentation)
* ### B. 传统医学 (Traditional Medicine)
* **1. 中医 (Traditional Chinese Medicine):**
* 针灸 (Acupuncture)
* 中药 (Herbal Medicine)
* 推拿 (Tuina Massage)
* **2. 养生 (Health Preservation):**
* 气功 (Qigong)
* 太极拳 (Tai Chi)