# 《小学英语五年级上册单词思维导图》
**I. Unit 1 My Day**
* **Main Idea:** Daily Routines and Time
* **Keywords:** day, get up, o'clock, half past, a quarter past, breakfast, lunch, dinner, go to school, go home, do homework, watch TV, go to bed
* **Branches:**
* **Time:**
* o'clock (整点)
* Example: 7 o'clock
* half past (半点)
* Example: half past seven
* a quarter past (一点一刻)
* Example: a quarter past seven
* a quarter to (差一刻)
* Example: a quarter to seven
* **Morning Activities:**
* get up (起床)
* Synonym: wake up
* Related: bed, pillow, blanket
* have breakfast (吃早餐)
* Examples: cereal, milk, bread, eggs
* Related: kitchen, dining table
* go to school (去上学)
* Means of transportation: bus, car, walk, bike
* Related: classroom, teacher, students
* **Afternoon Activities:**
* have lunch (吃午饭)
* Examples: sandwich, salad, fruit
* Related: canteen, schoolyard
* do homework (做作业)
* Subjects: English, Maths, Science
* Related: pen, pencil, book, notebook
* **Evening Activities:**
* have dinner (吃晚饭)
* Examples: rice, vegetables, meat
* Related: kitchen, dining table
* watch TV (看电视)
* Programs: cartoons, news, movies
* Related: remote control, sofa
* go to bed (睡觉)
* Related: pajamas, toothbrush, bedtime story
**II. Unit 2 My Favourite Season**
* **Main Idea:** Seasons and Weather
* **Keywords:** season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, weather, sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, warm, hot, cool, cold
* **Branches:**
* **Seasons:**
* spring (春天)
* Associated: flowers, green, birds
* Related verbs: bloom, grow
* summer (夏天)
* Associated: sun, beach, swimming
* Related adjectives: hot, bright
* autumn (秋天)
* Associated: leaves, harvest, wind
* Related adjectives: golden, cool
* winter (冬天)
* Associated: snow, ice, cold
* Related verbs: snow, freeze
* **Weather:**
* sunny (晴朗的)
* Associated: sun, blue sky
* Opposite: cloudy
* rainy (下雨的)
* Associated: rain, umbrella
* Related nouns: puddle, raincoat
* windy (刮风的)
* Associated: wind, kite
* Related nouns: leaves, trees
* snowy (下雪的)
* Associated: snow, snowman
* Related verbs: snow, build
* **Temperature:**
* warm (温暖的)
* hot (热的)
* cool (凉爽的)
* cold (冷的)
**III. Unit 3 My Family**
* **Main Idea:** Family Members and Relationships
* **Keywords:** family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, parents, children, son, daughter
* **Branches:**
* **Parents:**
* father (爸爸)
* Synonym: dad, daddy
* Related: job, hobbies
* mother (妈妈)
* Synonym: mum, mommy
* Related: cooking, caring
* **Siblings:**
* brother (哥哥/弟弟)
* Older: older brother
* Younger: younger brother
* sister (姐姐/妹妹)
* Older: older sister
* Younger: younger sister
* **Grandparents:**
* grandfather (爷爷/外公)
* Synonym: grandpa, granddad
* grandmother (奶奶/外婆)
* Synonym: grandma, granny
* **Children:**
* son (儿子)
* daughter (女儿)
* **Relationships:**
* parents (父母)
* children (孩子)
**IV. Unit 4 My School**
* **Main Idea:** School Environment and Activities
* **Keywords:** school, classroom, teacher, student, blackboard, desk, chair, book, pencil, pen, ruler, library, playground, gym, computer room
* **Branches:**
* **Classroom:**
* classroom (教室)
* teacher (老师)
* student (学生)
* blackboard (黑板)
* desk (课桌)
* chair (椅子)
* book (书)
* pencil (铅笔)
* pen (钢笔)
* ruler (尺子)
* Related activities: study, learn, write, read
* **Other Rooms:**
* library (图书馆)
* Related: books, reading, librarian
* playground (操场)
* Related: games, sports, running
* gym (体育馆)
* Related: basketball, volleyball, exercise
* computer room (电脑室)
* Related: computer, internet, typing
**V. Unit 5 My Hobbies**
* **Main Idea:** Hobbies and Interests
* **Keywords:** hobby, like, love, enjoy, play, sing, dance, draw, paint, collect, read, write, swim, run, watch, listen
* **Branches:**
* **Sports:**
* swim (游泳)
* Related: pool, goggles, swimsuit
* run (跑步)
* Related: track, shoes, marathon
* play basketball (打篮球)
* play football (踢足球)
* play volleyball (打排球)
* **Arts:**
* sing (唱歌)
* Related: music, microphone, stage
* dance (跳舞)
* Related: music, rhythm, stage
* draw (画画)
* Related: pencil, paper, sketch
* paint (绘画)
* Related: brush, paint, canvas
* **Collecting:**
* collect stamps (集邮)
* collect coins (集硬币)
* **Other Hobbies:**
* read (阅读)
* Related: books, library, stories
* write (写作)
* Related: pen, paper, diary
* watch TV (看电视)
* listen to music (听音乐)