## 《哈利波特英语思维导图》
### I. 主要角色 (Main Characters)
* **A. 哈利·波特 (Harry Potter)**
* **1. Background (背景):**
* Orphaned (孤儿)
* Lived with abusive relatives (受虐待的亲戚) - The Dursleys (德思礼一家)
* 'The Boy Who Lived' (大难不死的男孩) - Survived Voldemort's attack (在伏地魔的攻击中幸存)
* Scar (伤疤) - Lightning bolt shaped (闪电形状)
* **2. Traits (性格特点):**
* Brave (勇敢)
* Loyal (忠诚)
* Determined (坚决)
* Selfless (无私)
* Resilient (有韧性)
* **3. Skills (技能):**
* Quidditch (魁地奇) - Seeker (找球手)
* Defense Against the Dark Arts (黑魔法防御术)
* Patronus Charm (守护神咒)
* Parseltongue (蛇佬腔)
* **4. Relationships (关系):**
* Ron Weasley (罗恩·韦斯莱) - Best friend (最好的朋友)
* Hermione Granger (赫敏·格兰杰) - Best friend (最好的朋友)
* Albus Dumbledore (阿不思·邓布利多) - Mentor figure (导师形象)
* Sirius Black (小天狼星布莱克) - Godfather (教父)
* Voldemort (伏地魔) - Nemesis (死敌)
* **B. 罗恩·韦斯莱 (Ron Weasley)**
* **1. Background (背景):**
* From a large, poor wizarding family (来自一个庞大且贫困的巫师家庭)
* Sixth of seven children (七个孩子中的第六个)
* **2. Traits (性格特点):**
* Humorous (幽默)
* Loyal (忠诚)
* Insecure (缺乏安全感)
* Brave (勇敢) - Especially when pushed (尤其是在被逼迫时)
* **3. Skills (技能):**
* Chess (国际象棋) - Strategic thinker (战略思想家)
* Quidditch (魁地奇) - Keeper (守门员)
* **4. Relationships (关系):**
* Harry Potter (哈利·波特) - Best friend (最好的朋友)
* Hermione Granger (赫敏·格兰杰) - Best friend, eventual love interest (最好的朋友,最终的爱人)
* Weasley family (韦斯莱一家) - Supportive and loving (支持和爱)
* **C. 赫敏·格兰杰 (Hermione Granger)**
* **1. Background (背景):**
* Muggle-born (麻瓜出身)
* Exceptionally intelligent (极其聪明)
* **2. Traits (性格特点):**
* Intelligent (聪明)
* Logical (逻辑性强)
* Bookish (爱读书)
* Empathetic (有同情心)
* **3. Skills (技能):**
* Spellcasting (施咒)
* Research (研究)
* Problem-solving (解决问题)
* **4. Relationships (关系):**
* Harry Potter (哈利·波特) - Best friend (最好的朋友)
* Ron Weasley (罗恩·韦斯莱) - Best friend, eventual love interest (最好的朋友,最终的爱人)
* Professor McGonagall (麦格教授) - Admiration and respect (钦佩和尊敬)
* **D. 伏地魔 (Voldemort)**
* **1. Background (背景):**
* Born Tom Riddle (原名汤姆·里德尔)
* Orphaned (孤儿)
* Obsessed with immortality and power (痴迷于永生和权力)
* **2. Traits (性格特点):**
* Cruel (残酷)
* Power-hungry (权力至上)
* Ruthless (无情)
* Manipulative (有操控欲)
* **3. Skills (技能):**
* Dark Arts (黑魔法)
* Legilimency (摄神取念)
* Occlumency (大脑封闭术)
* **4. Relationships (关系):**
* Death Eaters (食死徒) - Followers (追随者)
* Harry Potter (哈利·波特) - Arch-enemy (死敌)
### II. 主要地点 (Main Locations)
* **A. 霍格沃茨魔法学校 (Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)**
* **1. Description (描述):**
* A castle (城堡)
* Founded by four great wizards (由四位伟大的巫师创立)
* Located in Scotland (位于苏格兰)
* **2. Houses (学院):**
* Gryffindor (格兰芬多) - Bravery, chivalry, determination (勇敢、侠义、决心)
* Hufflepuff (赫奇帕奇) - Hard work, dedication, loyalty (努力、奉献、忠诚)
* Ravenclaw (拉文克劳) - Intelligence, learning, wit (智慧、学习、机智)
* Slytherin (斯莱特林) - Ambition, cunning, resourcefulness (野心、狡猾、足智多谋)
* **3. Key Areas (主要区域):**
* Great Hall (大礼堂)
* Library (图书馆)
* Dungeons (地牢)
* Forbidden Forest (禁林)
* Quidditch pitch (魁地奇球场)
* **B. 女贞路4号 (4 Privet Drive)**
* **1. Description (描述):**
* Harry's home with the Dursleys (哈利与德思礼一家同住的家)
* A mundane, suburban house (一栋平凡的郊区住宅)
* **2. Significance (意义):**
* Represents Harry's difficult childhood (代表哈利艰难的童年)
* Contrasts with the magical world (与魔法世界形成对比)
* **C. 对角巷 (Diagon Alley)**
* **1. Description (描述):**
* A wizarding shopping street in London (伦敦的一条巫师购物街)
* Hidden from Muggles (对麻瓜隐藏)
* **2. Key Shops (主要商店):**
* Ollivander's (奥利凡德魔杖店)
* Flourish and Blotts (丽痕书店)
* Gringotts Wizarding Bank (古灵阁巫师银行)
* Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (韦斯莱魔法把戏坊)
### III. 主要主题 (Main Themes)
* **A. 友谊 (Friendship)**
* The importance of loyalty and support (忠诚和支持的重要性)
* Harry, Ron, and Hermione's bond (哈利、罗恩和赫敏的纽带)
* **B. 勇气 (Courage)**
* Facing fear and adversity (面对恐惧和逆境)
* Harry's constant battle against Voldemort (哈利与伏地魔的持续战斗)
* **C. 牺牲 (Sacrifice)**
* Putting others before oneself (将他人置于自己之前)
* Lily Potter's protection (莉莉·波特的保护)
* Dumbledore's strategies (邓布利多的策略)
* **D. 爱 (Love)**
* The power of love to overcome evil (爱的力量战胜邪恶)
* Harry's mother's love protecting him (哈利母亲的爱保护着他)
* **E. 偏见 (Prejudice)**
* Discrimination against those who are different (歧视与众不同的人)
* Pure-blood supremacy (纯血至上主义)
### IV. 关键情节 (Key Plot Points)
* **A. 哈利收到霍格沃茨的来信 (Harry receives his Hogwarts letter)**
* Initiation into the wizarding world (进入魔法世界)
* **B. 伏地魔的复活 (Voldemort's return)**
* The rising threat of darkness (黑暗势力的崛起)
* **C. 邓布利多的死亡 (Dumbledore's death)**
* A devastating loss for Harry (哈利遭受毁灭性的损失)
* **D. 寻找魂器 (The Horcrux hunt)**
* The quest to destroy Voldemort's immortality (摧毁伏地魔永生的任务)
* **E. 霍格沃茨大战 (The Battle of Hogwarts)**
* The final confrontation between good and evil (正义与邪恶的最终对抗)
### V. 魔法元素 (Magical Elements)
* **A. 魔杖 (Wands)**
* A tool for channeling magic (引导魔法的工具)
* Chosen by the wand, not the wizard (由魔杖选择巫师,而不是巫师选择魔杖)
* **B. 咒语 (Spells)**
* Verbal incantations with magical effects (带有魔法效果的口头咒语)
* Examples: *Wingardium Leviosa* (悬浮咒), *Expelliarmus* (除你武器)
* **C. 魔药 (Potions)**
* Magical concoctions with various effects (具有各种效果的魔法混合物)
* Brewing requires precise ingredients and techniques (酿造需要精确的成分和技术)
* **D. 生物 (Creatures)**
* Diverse range of magical creatures (各种各样的魔法生物)
* Examples: Dragons, Hippogriffs, Centaurs, House-elves
* **E. 魁地奇 (Quidditch)**
* A wizarding sport played on broomsticks (一种在飞天扫帚上进行的巫师运动)
* Involves Seekers, Chasers, Beaters, and Keepers (包括找球手、追球手、击球手和守门员)