
# 《哈利波特思维导图英语》 ## I. Characters (角色) ### A. Main Characters (主要角色) * **1. Harry Potter (哈利·波特):** * **Traits (性格特点):** Brave (勇敢), Loyal (忠诚), Resilient (坚韧), Inquisitive (好奇), Selfless (无私). * **Relationships (关系):** * Ron Weasley (罗恩·韦斯莱): Best friend (最好的朋友), Confidant (知己). (Vocabulary: *bromance*, *fellowship*) * Hermione Granger (赫敏·格兰杰): Best friend (最好的朋友), Intellectual support (智力支持). (Vocabulary: *intellect*, *erudite*) * Albus Dumbledore (阿不思·邓布利多): Mentor (导师), Father figure (父亲形象). (Vocabulary: *guidance*, *wise*) * Lord Voldemort (伏地魔): Nemesis (宿敌). (Vocabulary: *arch-enemy*, *adversary*) * Sirius Black (小天狼星·布莱克): Godfather (教父). (Vocabulary: *kin*, *guardian*) * **Skills (技能):** Quidditch (魁地奇) - Seeker (找球手), Defense Against the Dark Arts (黑魔法防御术). (Vocabulary: *agility*, *precision*, *spellcasting*) * **Vocabulary Associated:** Scar (伤疤), Wizard (巫师), Chosen One (被选中的人), Patronus (守护神), Gryffindor (格兰芬多). * **2. Hermione Granger (赫敏·格兰杰):** * **Traits (性格特点):** Intelligent (聪明), Studious (好学), Logical (逻辑性强), Compassionate (富有同情心), Resourceful (足智多谋). * **Relationships (关系):** * Harry Potter (哈利·波特): Best friend (最好的朋友). * Ron Weasley (罗恩·韦斯莱): Best friend, Eventually romantic partner (最终的爱人). (Vocabulary: *romantic interest*, *comrade*) * **Skills (技能):** Spellcasting (咒语), Knowledge of Charms (魔法), Research (研究), Organisation (组织能力). (Vocabulary: *potion-making*, *herbology*) * **Vocabulary Associated:** Muggle-born (麻瓜出身), Witch (女巫), Bookworm (书虫), Time-Turner (时间转换器), S.P.E.W. (家养小精灵福利促进协会). * **3. Ron Weasley (罗恩·韦斯莱):** * **Traits (性格特点):** Loyal (忠诚), Humorous (幽默), Supportive (支持性的), Insecure (缺乏安全感), Brave (勇敢). * **Relationships (关系):** * Harry Potter (哈利·波特): Best friend. * Hermione Granger (赫敏·格兰杰): Best friend, Eventually romantic partner. * **Skills (技能):** Quidditch - Keeper (守门员), Chess (国际象棋), Comic relief (喜剧担当). (Vocabulary: *strategy*, *lighthearted*) * **Vocabulary Associated:** Weasley family (韦斯莱家族), Quidditch, Chess, Scabbers (斑斑), Chudley Cannons (查德利火炮队). ### B. Antagonists (反派角色) * **1. Lord Voldemort (伏地魔):** * **Traits (性格特点):** Evil (邪恶), Power-hungry (渴望权力), Cruel (残忍), Arrogant (傲慢), Fearful (害怕). * **Motivations (动机):** Immortality (永生), Control (控制), Pure-blood supremacy (纯血至上). (Vocabulary: *domination*, *hierarchy*) * **Skills (技能):** Dark magic (黑魔法), Legilimency (摄神取念), Parseltongue (蛇语), Horcruxes (魂器). (Vocabulary: *necromancy*, *telepathy*) * **Vocabulary Associated:** Death Eaters (食死徒), Dark Lord (黑魔王), Killing Curse (杀戮咒), He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (神秘人). * **2. Bellatrix Lestrange (贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇):** * **Traits (性格特点):** Insane (疯狂), Fanatical (狂热), Cruel (残忍), Loyal to Voldemort (忠于伏地魔). (Vocabulary: *psychopathic*, *zealous*) * **Skills (技能):** Torture (折磨), Dark magic. * **Vocabulary Associated:** Cruciatus Curse (钻心咒), Azkaban (阿兹卡班), Pure-blood fanatic (纯血狂热者). ## II. Locations (地点) * **A. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (霍格沃茨魔法学校):** * **Houses (学院):** Gryffindor (格兰芬多), Hufflepuff (赫奇帕奇), Ravenclaw (拉文克劳), Slytherin (斯莱特林). (Vocabulary: *affiliation*, *allegiance*) * **Rooms (房间):** Great Hall (礼堂), Library (图书馆), Forbidden Forest (禁林), Dungeons (地牢), Classrooms (教室). (Vocabulary: *sanctuary*, *archives*) * **Subjects (科目):** Charms (魔咒学), Potions (魔药学), Transfiguration (变形术), Herbology (草药学), Defence Against the Dark Arts (黑魔法防御术), Astronomy (天文学). * **Vocabulary Associated:** Sorting Hat (分院帽), Ghosts (幽灵), Portraits (肖像), Quidditch pitch (魁地奇球场), Headmaster's Office (校长办公室). * **B. Diagon Alley (对角巷):** * **Shops (商店):** Ollivanders (奥利凡德), Gringotts Wizarding Bank (古灵阁银行), Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (韦斯莱魔法把戏坊). * **Vocabulary Associated:** Wands (魔杖), Cauldron (坩埚), Ingredients (原料), Magical creatures (神奇生物), Gold (金子). * **C. The Ministry of Magic (魔法部):** * **Departments (部门):** Department of Magical Law Enforcement (魔法法律执行司), Department of Mysteries (神秘事务司). * **Vocabulary Associated:** Aurors (傲罗), Regulations (规章), Bureaucracy (官僚主义). ## III. Themes (主题) * **A. Good vs. Evil (善与恶):** * **Vocabulary:** Morality (道德), Corruption (腐败), Sacrifice (牺牲), Redemption (救赎). * **B. Friendship (友谊):** * **Vocabulary:** Loyalty (忠诚), Trust (信任), Support (支持), Camaraderie (友情). * **C. Prejudice (偏见):** * **Vocabulary:** Discrimination (歧视), Inequality (不平等), Tolerance (宽容), Acceptance (接受). * **D. Death (死亡):** * **Vocabulary:** Loss (失去), Grief (悲伤), Mortality (死亡率), Afterlife (来世), Resurrection (复活). ## IV. Magic and Spells (魔法与咒语) * **A. Types of Spells (咒语类型):** * **Charms (魔咒):** Wingardium Leviosa (漂浮咒). (Vocabulary: *levitation*, *incantation*) * **Hexes (恶咒):** Stinging Hex (刺痛咒). (Vocabulary: *inflict*, *discomfort*) * **Curses (诅咒):** Avada Kedavra (阿瓦达索命). (Vocabulary: *lethal*, *irreversible*) * **Jinxes (小障碍):** Locomotor Mortis (腿锁咒). (Vocabulary: *temporary*, *hindrance*) * **B. Magical Objects (魔法物品):** * **Wands (魔杖):** Different woods and cores (不同的木材和杖芯). (Vocabulary: *inflexible*, *compatible*) * **Brooms (飞天扫帚):** Nimbus 2000, Firebolt. (Vocabulary: *aerodynamics*, *speed*) * **Invisibility Cloak (隐形衣):** (Vocabulary: *camouflage*, *undetectable*) * **Time-Turner (时间转换器):** (Vocabulary: *temporal*, *paradox*) * **Marauder's Map (活点地图):** (Vocabulary: *secret passages*, *location*) ## V. Grammar & Vocabulary (语法与词汇) * **A. Figurative Language (修辞手法):** * **Similes (明喻):** e.g., "As brave as a lion." * **Metaphors (暗喻):** e.g., "He was a tower of strength." * **Personification (拟人):** e.g., "The wind whispered secrets." * **Alliteration (头韵):** e.g., "Peter Pettigrew plotted patiently." * **B. Advanced Vocabulary (高级词汇):** * **Arcane (神秘的), Ethereal (飘渺的), Ineffable (难以形容的), Serendipitous (意外发现的), Ubiquitous (普遍存在的).** * **C. Idiomatic Expressions (习语):** * "To be in hot water" (陷入困境). * "To pull someone's leg" (开玩笑). * "A piece of cake" (小菜一碟). This structured approach, using a mind map format, allows for a more organised and comprehensive exploration of the English language within the Harry Potter universe. It encourages active recall and association, aiding in vocabulary acquisition and comprehension. Furthermore, the inclusion of grammar points and figurative language promotes a deeper understanding of English language nuances. This framework can be expanded upon with specific examples from the books to further enhance the learning experience.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 数与代数的思维导图五上

