
象征意义: 热情, 危险, 爱, 能量, 兴奋
常见搭配: Red apple, Red wine, Red rose, Red light (stop)
固定短语: See red (勃然大怒), Red tape (繁文缛节), In the red (亏损)
相关颜色: Crimson (深红色), Scarlet (猩红色), Burgundy (勃艮第酒红)
Red (红色):
象征意义: 平静, 信任, 忠诚, 悲伤, 智慧
常见搭配: Blue sky, Blue ocean, Blue jeans, Blueberries
固定短语: Feeling blue (感到忧郁), Once in a blue moon (千载难逢), Out of the blue (突然地)
相关颜色: Azure (天蓝色), Navy blue (海军蓝), Teal (蓝绿色)
Blue (蓝色):
象征意义: 快乐, 乐观, 注意, 懦弱, 背叛
常见搭配: Yellow sun, Yellow flowers, Yellow pages (电话黄页), Yellow school bus
固定短语: Yellow-bellied (胆小的), Yellow journalism (黄色新闻), Go yellow (变黄)
相关颜色: Gold (金色), Lemon yellow (柠檬黄), Mustard (芥末黄)
Yellow (黄色):
象征意义: 自然, 健康, 生长, 嫉妒, 金钱
常见搭配: Green grass, Green trees, Green vegetables, Green light (go)
固定短语: Green with envy (嫉妒), Give the green light (批准), Greenhorn (新手)
相关颜色: Emerald green (祖母绿), Olive green (橄榄绿), Lime green (青柠绿)
Green (绿色):
象征意义: 权力, 死亡, 神秘, 优雅, 邪恶
常见搭配: Black cat, Black coffee, Black tie event, Black hole
固定短语: Black sheep (害群之马), Black market (黑市), In the black (盈利)
相关颜色: Charcoal (炭黑), Ebony (乌木黑), Jet black (漆黑)
Black (黑色):
象征意义: 纯洁, 清洁, 无辜, 和平, 新鲜
常见搭配: White snow, White clouds, White dove, White wedding dress
固定短语: White lie (善意的谎言), White elephant (昂贵但无用的东西), White flag (投降)
相关颜色: Ivory (象牙白), Cream (奶油色), Off-white (米白色)
White (白色):
一、基础颜色 (Basic Colors)
象征意义: 活力, 创造力, 热情, 秋天
常见搭配: Orange juice, Orange fruit, Orange sunsets
相关颜色: Tangerine (橘子色), Coral (珊瑚色)
Orange (橙色): Red + Yellow
象征意义: 皇室, 神秘, 智慧, 奢华
常见搭配: Purple grapes, Purple flowers, Purple robes
相关颜色: Lavender (薰衣草紫), Violet (紫罗兰色), Lilac (丁香紫)
Purple (紫色): Red + Blue
象征意义: 柔美, 温柔, 爱, 浪漫
常见搭配: Pink flowers, Pink ribbons, Pink flamingos
相关颜色: Rose (玫瑰色), Fuchsia (紫红色), Salmon (鲑鱼粉)
Pink (粉色): Red + White
象征意义: 大地, 稳定, 可靠, 舒适
常见搭配: Brown soil, Brown hair, Brown wood
相关颜色: Beige (米色), Chocolate (巧克力色), Tan (棕褐色)
Brown (棕色): Red + Yellow + Black
象征意义: 中性, 实用, 忧郁, 正式
常见搭配: Gray clouds, Gray hair, Gray suits
相关颜色: Silver (银色), Charcoal gray (炭灰色), Slate gray (板岩灰)
Gray (灰色): Black + White
二、混合颜色 (Mixed Colors)
Bright (明亮的): Bright red, Bright yellow, Bright green
Dark (深色的): Dark blue, Dark brown, Dark gray
Light (浅色的): Light pink, Light blue, Light green
Pale (苍白的): Pale yellow, Pale pink, Pale blue
Vibrant (鲜艳的): Vibrant colors, Vibrant flowers, Vibrant artwork
Muted (柔和的): Muted tones, Muted colors, Muted decorations
Neon (霓虹色的): Neon green, Neon pink, Neon orange
Pastel (粉蜡笔色的): Pastel colors, Pastel shades, Pastel decorations
Deep (深沉的): Deep blue, Deep red, Deep purple
Intense (强烈的): Intense colors, Intense emotions, Intense light
三、颜色描述词 (Descriptive Adjectives)
"Paint the town red" (狂欢作乐)
"Green thumb" (园艺高手)
"White as a ghost" (脸色苍白)
"Black and white" (是非分明)
"Golden opportunity" (黄金机会)
习语 (Idioms):
文化差异 (Cultural Differences):
作者经常使用颜色来营造氛围和表达情感。 例如,用蓝色来描述悲伤的心情,用红色来描述激情或愤怒。
文学描述 (Literary Description):
商业营销 (Business Marketing):
艺术表达 (Artistic Expression):
四、颜色在英语中的应用 (Applications in English)
五、总结 (Conclusion)
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