
## 《三年级英语颜色归类思维导图》 ### 中心主题:Color (颜色) #### 一级分支:Basic Colors (基本颜色) * **Red (红色)** * **常见物品:** Apple (苹果), Strawberry (草莓), Fire truck (消防车), Tomato (西红柿), Rose (玫瑰), Blood (血液) * **常见短语:** Red light (红灯), Seeing red (怒火中烧), Red tape (繁文缛节) * **联想形容词:** Bright (明亮的), Hot (热的), Energetic (精力充沛的), Passionate (充满激情的) * **Blue (蓝色)** * **常见物品:** Sky (天空), Sea (大海), Blueberry (蓝莓), Jeans (牛仔裤), Sapphire (蓝宝石) * **常见短语:** Feeling blue (感到沮丧), Out of the blue (突然地), True blue (忠诚的) * **联想形容词:** Calm (平静的), Peaceful (宁静的), Cool (凉爽的), Sad (悲伤的) * **Yellow (黄色)** * **常见物品:** Sun (太阳), Banana (香蕉), Lemon (柠檬), Sunflower (向日葵), Bus (公交车) * **常见短语:** Yellow card (黄牌), Yellow fever (黄热病), Yellow journalism (黄色新闻) * **联想形容词:** Cheerful (欢快的), Happy (快乐的), Sunny (阳光的), Bright (明亮的) * **Green (绿色)** * **常见物品:** Grass (草), Tree (树), Leaf (叶子), Pea (豌豆), Frog (青蛙) * **常见短语:** Green light (绿灯), Green thumb (园艺能手), Green with envy (嫉妒) * **联想形容词:** Natural (自然的), Fresh (新鲜的), Healthy (健康的), Growing (生长的) * **Black (黑色)** * **常见物品:** Night (夜晚), Coal (煤炭), Ink (墨水), Crow (乌鸦), Blackboard (黑板) * **常见短语:** Black sheep (害群之马), Black market (黑市), Black and white (黑白分明) * **联想形容词:** Dark (黑暗的), Mysterious (神秘的), Elegant (优雅的), Formal (正式的) * **White (白色)** * **常见物品:** Snow (雪), Cloud (云), Milk (牛奶), Paper (纸), Wedding dress (婚纱) * **常见短语:** White lie (善意的谎言), White flag (白旗), White elephant (累赘) * **联想形容词:** Pure (纯洁的), Clean (干净的), Innocent (天真的), Peaceful (宁静的) #### 一级分支:Secondary Colors (二级颜色) * **Orange (橙色)** * **混合色:** Red + Yellow * **常见物品:** Orange (橙子), Carrot (胡萝卜), Pumpkin (南瓜), Goldfish (金鱼) * **联想形容词:** Warm (温暖的), Energetic (精力充沛的), Cheerful (欢快的) * **Purple (紫色)** * **混合色:** Red + Blue * **常见物品:** Grape (葡萄), Plum (李子), Lavender (薰衣草), Eggplant (茄子) * **联想形容词:** Royal (皇家的), Mysterious (神秘的), Creative (有创造力的) * **Green (绿色)** * **(重复,已在基本颜色中涵盖,这里可以强调混合色)** * **混合色:** Yellow + Blue #### 一级分支:Other Colors (其他颜色) * **Pink (粉色)** * **描述:** Light red (浅红色) * **常见物品:** Pig (猪), Flamingo (火烈鸟), Rose (玫瑰), Bubble gum (泡泡糖) * **联想形容词:** Cute (可爱的), Sweet (甜美的), Girly (女孩气的), Gentle (温柔的) * **Brown (棕色)** * **描述:** A mix of red, yellow, and blue (红色、黄色和蓝色的混合) * **常见物品:** Tree trunk (树干), Chocolate (巧克力), Bear (熊), Soil (土壤) * **联想形容词:** Earthy (泥土味的), Natural (自然的), Warm (温暖的), Simple (简单的) * **Gray (灰色)** * **描述:** A mix of black and white (黑色和白色的混合) * **常见物品:** Elephant (大象), Cloud (云), Stone (石头), Mouse (老鼠) * **联想形容词:** Neutral (中性的), Calm (平静的), Dull (沉闷的), Sophisticated (成熟的) * **Gold (金色)** * **描述:** A bright yellow color (一种明亮的黄色) * **常见物品:** Gold coins (金币), Jewelry (珠宝), Trophy (奖杯) * **联想形容词:** Valuable (有价值的), Precious (珍贵的), Luxurious (豪华的), Shiny (闪亮的) * **Silver (银色)** * **描述:** A light gray color (一种浅灰色) * **常见物品:** Silverware (银器), Coins (硬币), Jewelry (珠宝), Mirror (镜子) * **联想形容词:** Shiny (闪亮的), Modern (现代的), Sleek (时尚的), Valuable (有价值的) #### 一级分支:Color Words in Sentences (颜色词在句子中的应用) * **简单句型:** * The apple is **red**. * The sky is **blue**. * The sun is **yellow**. * The grass is **green**. * The cat is **black**. * The snow is **white**. * **进阶句型:** * My favorite color is **purple** because it's so beautiful. * The **orange** pumpkin is on the table. * She is wearing a **pink** dress. * The **brown** dog is playing in the park. * The elephant is **gray** and very big. * He won a **gold** medal in the competition. * The **silver** car is very fast. #### 一级分支:Color Idioms & Expressions (颜色相关的习语和表达) * **See red:** 勃然大怒 * **Feeling blue:** 感到忧郁 * **Green with envy:** 非常嫉妒 * **Once in a blue moon:** 极少发生 * **Paint the town red:** 狂欢作乐 * **Catch someone red-handed:** 当场抓住 * **White lie:** 善意的谎言 * **Black sheep:** 害群之马 #### 一级分支:Activities (相关活动) * **Coloring Pages (涂色页):** 提供各种物体轮廓,让学生涂色并说出颜色名称。 * **Color Mixing (颜色混合):** 让学生用颜料混合不同的颜色,观察并记录混合后的颜色。 * **Color Scavenger Hunt (颜色寻宝游戏):** 让学生在教室或户外寻找指定颜色的物品。 * **Color Bingo (颜色宾果):** 制作包含各种颜色名称的宾果卡,老师念出颜色名称,学生标记,先连成线的获胜。 * **Drawing and Labeling (绘画和标注):** 让学生画一幅画,并用英语标注画中物体的颜色。 * **Flashcard Game (闪卡游戏):** 使用带有颜色和物品图片的闪卡进行配对或记忆游戏。 * **"I Spy" game (我看见):** "I spy with my little eye something that is (color)." 让其他学生猜是什么。 #### 一级分支:Vocabulary Extension (词汇扩展) * **Light (浅):** Light blue (浅蓝色), Light green (浅绿色) * **Dark (深):** Dark blue (深蓝色), Dark green (深绿色) * **Bright (明亮的):** Bright red (鲜红色), Bright yellow (明亮的黄色) * **Pale (苍白的/淡的):** Pale pink (淡粉色), Pale yellow (淡黄色) * **Colorful (色彩鲜艳的)** * **Colorless (无色的)** * **Rainbow (彩虹):** Contains all the colors of the rainbow (包含彩虹的所有颜色). Rainbow colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (红橙黄绿蓝靛紫). This comprehensive mind map provides a detailed breakdown of colors, associated vocabulary, common expressions, and engaging activities suitable for third-grade English learners. It aims to enhance their understanding and application of color-related language in a fun and interactive way.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 精卵结合孕育新的生命思维导图

