# 《Family思维导图英语》
**一、核心家庭成员 (Nuclear Family)**
* **Parents (父母)**
* Mother (妈妈)
* Mom/Mum (口语化称呼)
* Homemaker (家庭主妇)
* Working Mother (职业女性)
* Stay-at-home mom (全职妈妈)
* Qualities: Caring (关爱), Loving (有爱), Supportive (支持), Patient (耐心), Nurturing (养育)
* Actions: Cooks meals (做饭), Cleans the house (打扫房间), Helps with homework (辅导作业), Provides emotional support (提供情感支持), Disciplines children (管教孩子)
* Father (爸爸)
* Dad (口语化称呼)
* Breadwinner (养家糊口的人)
* Qualities: Strong (坚强), Protective (保护), Responsible (负责任), Encouraging (鼓励), Authoritative (权威)
* Actions: Works to earn money (工作挣钱), Does yard work (做庭院工作), Fixes things around the house (修理房屋), Plays with children (和孩子玩耍), Teaches children valuable skills (教孩子有用的技能)
* **Children (孩子)**
* Son (儿子)
* Characteristics: Energetic (精力充沛), Curious (好奇), Playful (爱玩)
* Responsibilities: Doing chores (做家务), Respecting parents (尊重父母), Studying hard (努力学习)
* Daughter (女儿)
* Characteristics: Empathetic (善解人意), Caring (体贴), Creative (有创造力)
* Responsibilities: Helping around the house (帮忙做家务), Being kind to siblings (对兄弟姐妹友善), Obeying rules (遵守规则)
* Siblings (兄弟姐妹)
* Brother (兄弟)
* Older Brother (哥哥): Protective, Role model (榜样)
* Younger Brother (弟弟): Playful, Dependent (依赖)
* Sister (姐妹)
* Older Sister (姐姐): Caring, Nurturing (养育)
* Younger Sister (妹妹): Adorable (可爱), Spoiled (娇惯)
* Relationship: Support (支持), Conflict (冲突), Sharing (分享), Competition (竞争)
**二、大家庭成员 (Extended Family)**
* **Grandparents (祖父母)**
* Grandmother (奶奶/外婆)
* Grandma/Granny (口语化称呼)
* Paternal Grandmother (奶奶): Father's mother
* Maternal Grandmother (外婆): Mother's mother
* Qualities: Wise (智慧), Loving (慈爱), Experienced (经验丰富)
* Actions: Tells stories (讲故事), Gives advice (提供建议), Spends time with grandchildren (和孙辈共度时光)
* Grandfather (爷爷/外公)
* Grandpa/Granddad (口语化称呼)
* Paternal Grandfather (爷爷): Father's father
* Maternal Grandfather (外公): Mother's father
* Qualities: Strong (强壮), Knowledgeable (博学), Patient (耐心)
* Actions: Teaches skills (教技能), Plays games (玩游戏), Offers wisdom (提供智慧)
* **Aunts and Uncles (叔叔阿姨舅舅姑姑)**
* Aunt (阿姨/姑姑/舅妈/姨妈)
* Father's Sister (姑姑)
* Mother's Sister (阿姨/姨妈)
* Father's Brother's Wife (婶婶/伯母)
* Mother's Brother's Wife (舅妈)
* Qualities: Fun (有趣), Supportive (支持), Helpful (乐于助人)
* Actions: Gives gifts (送礼物), Offers advice (提供建议), Babysits (照看孩子)
* Uncle (叔叔/伯伯/舅舅/姨夫/姑父)
* Father's Brother (叔叔/伯伯)
* Mother's Brother (舅舅)
* Father's Sister's Husband (姑父)
* Mother's Sister's Husband (姨夫)
* Qualities: Humorous (幽默), Strong (强壮), Knowledgeable (博学)
* Actions: Plays with children (和孩子玩耍), Tells jokes (讲笑话), Offers guidance (提供指导)
* **Cousins (堂/表兄弟姐妹)**
* First Cousins (堂/表兄弟姐妹): Children of aunts and uncles
* Second Cousins (再从兄弟姐妹): Children of your parents' cousins
* Relationship: Playmates (玩伴), Friends (朋友), Confidants (知己)
**三、家庭关系 (Family Relationships)**
* **Love (爱)**
* Unconditional Love (无条件的爱)
* Affection (喜爱)
* Caring (关心)
* **Respect (尊重)**
* Respecting elders (尊重长辈)
* Respecting each other's opinions (尊重彼此的意见)
* Respecting boundaries (尊重界限)
* **Communication (沟通)**
* Open communication (开放式沟通)
* Active listening (积极倾听)
* Expressing feelings (表达感受)
* **Support (支持)**
* Emotional support (情感支持)
* Financial support (经济支持)
* Moral support (精神支持)
* **Conflict Resolution (冲突解决)**
* Compromise (妥协)
* Forgiveness (原谅)
* Understanding (理解)
* **Family Traditions (家庭传统)**
* Holidays (节日)
* Christmas (圣诞节)
* Thanksgiving (感恩节)
* New Year's Day (元旦)
* Birthdays (生日)
* Family Meals (家庭聚餐)
* Family Vacations (家庭旅行)
* Family Game Nights (家庭游戏夜)
* **Family Values (家庭价值观)**
* Honesty (诚实)
* Integrity (正直)
* Responsibility (责任)
* Kindness (善良)
* Compassion (同情心)
* Hard work (努力工作)
* Education (教育)
**四、常用表达 (Useful Expressions)**
* "My family means the world to me." (我的家人对我来说至关重要。)
* "I love spending time with my family." (我喜欢和家人一起度过时光。)
* "Family is everything." (家庭就是一切。)
* "Blood is thicker than water." (血浓于水。)
* "Like father, like son." (有其父必有其子。)
* "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." (苹果不会掉到离树很远的地方。)(比喻子女和父母相似)
* "He/She is the black sheep of the family." (他/她是家里的害群之马。)
* "She/He is the apple of my eye." (她/他是我的掌上明珠。)
* "He/She is a chip off the old block." (他/她是像他/她父亲(母亲)一样的人。)
* "We are a close-knit family." (我们是一个关系紧密的家庭。)
* "We have our ups and downs." (我们有起起落落。)
* "We always support each other through thick and thin." (我们总是互相支持,同甘共苦。)
**五、扩展词汇 (Extended Vocabulary)**
* **Ancestors (祖先)**
* **Descendants (后代)**
* **Genealogy (家谱)**
* **Heritage (遗产)**
* **Household (家庭)**
* **Kinship (亲属关系)**
* **Marriage (婚姻)**
* **Divorce (离婚)**
* **Adoption (收养)**
* **Foster care (寄养)**
* **Stepfamily (继亲家庭)**
* **Single-parent family (单亲家庭)**
**六、 语法与句型 (Grammar and Sentence Structures)**
* **Possessive adjectives (所有格形容词):** my, your, his, her, its, our, their (e.g., My mother is a teacher.)
* **Possessive pronouns (所有格代词):** mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs (e.g., This is my car. It is mine.)
* **Genitive case (所有格):** 's (e.g., My father's car is blue.)
* **Relative clauses (关系从句):** who, which, that (e.g., My brother, who is a doctor, lives in London.)
* **Conditional sentences (条件句):** If...then... (e.g., If I have time, I will visit my grandparents.)
**七、 文化差异 (Cultural Differences)**
* Family size (家庭规模)
* Roles of family members (家庭成员的角色)
* Respect for elders (对长辈的尊重)
* Family values (家庭价值观)
* Family traditions (家庭传统)
* Different family structures (不同的家庭结构) around the world. (e.g., Extended families are more common in some cultures.)
* Collectivism vs. Individualism: The emphasis on family versus individual needs varies across cultures.