
# 《被子植物的一生思维导图七年级》 ## 中心主题:被子植物的一生 ### I. 种子萌发 (Seed Germination) * **A. 种子结构 (Seed Structure)** * 1. 种皮 (Seed Coat): * 保护作用 (Protection) * 防止水分散失 (Prevent water loss) * 2. 胚 (Embryo): * 胚根 (Radicle): 发育成根 (Develops into root) * 胚芽 (Plumule): 发育成茎和叶 (Develops into stem and leaves) * 胚轴 (Hypocotyl): 连接胚根和胚芽 (Connects radicle and plumule) * 子叶 (Cotyledon): 提供养分 (Provides nutrients) * 单子叶植物 (Monocotyledons): 一片子叶 (One cotyledon) * 双子叶植物 (Dicotyledons): 两片子叶 (Two cotyledons) * 3. 胚乳 (Endosperm): * 储存养分 (Stores nutrients) * 并非所有种子都存在 (Not present in all seeds) * **B. 萌发条件 (Germination Conditions)** * 1. 水分 (Water): * 软化种皮 (Softens seed coat) * 激活酶的活性 (Activates enzyme activity) * 运输养分 (Transports nutrients) * 2. 适宜的温度 (Suitable Temperature): * 促进酶的活性 (Promotes enzyme activity) * 不同植物的适宜温度不同 (Optimal temperature varies among plants) * 3. 氧气 (Oxygen): * 进行呼吸作用,提供能量 (For respiration, provides energy) * 种子需进行有氧呼吸 (Seeds need aerobic respiration) * 4. 光照 (Light): * 部分种子需要光照刺激 (Some seeds need light stimulation) * 并非所有种子都需要 (Not required for all seeds) * **C. 萌发过程 (Germination Process)** * 1. 吸水 (Water Absorption): 种子吸水膨胀 (Seed absorbs water and swells) * 2. 胚根突破种皮 (Radicle Emergence): 胚根首先突破种皮 (Radicle emerges first) * 3. 胚轴伸长 (Hypocotyl Elongation): 胚轴伸长,将子叶推出地面 (Hypocotyl elongates, pushes cotyledons above ground) 或子叶留在地下(根据植物种类不同)(or cotyledons remain underground, depending on the plant species) * 4. 胚芽生长 (Plumule Growth): 胚芽展开,形成真叶 (Plumule unfolds, forming true leaves) ### II. 营养生长 (Vegetative Growth) * **A. 根 (Root)** * 1. 功能 (Functions): * 吸收水分和无机盐 (Absorption of water and mineral salts) * 固定植物 (Anchoring the plant) * 储存养分 (Nutrient storage) * 2. 类型 (Types): * 直根系 (Taproot System): 主根发达,侧根较少 (Prominent main root, fewer lateral roots) * 须根系 (Fibrous Root System): 主根不明显,侧根发达 (Main root indistinct, abundant lateral roots) * 3. 结构 (Structure): * 根冠 (Root Cap): 保护根尖 (Protects root tip) * 分生区 (Meristematic Zone): 细胞分裂旺盛 (Active cell division) * 伸长区 (Elongation Zone): 细胞体积增大 (Cell enlargement) * 成熟区 (Maturation Zone): 细胞分化,形成根毛 (Cell differentiation, forms root hairs) * **B. 茎 (Stem)** * 1. 功能 (Functions): * 支持叶、花和果实 (Support for leaves, flowers, and fruits) * 运输水分和养分 (Transport of water and nutrients) * 储存养分 (Nutrient storage) * 2. 类型 (Types): * 直立茎 (Erect Stem) * 缠绕茎 (Twining Stem) * 匍匐茎 (Creeping Stem) * 3. 结构 (Structure): * 节 (Node): 叶着生处 (Point where leaves attach) * 节间 (Internode): 两节之间的部分 (Section between two nodes) * 芽 (Bud): * 顶芽 (Terminal Bud): 位于茎的顶端 (Located at the tip of the stem) * 侧芽 (Axillary Bud): 位于叶腋 (Located in the leaf axil) * 4. 维管束 (Vascular Bundle): * 木质部 (Xylem): 运输水分和无机盐 (Transports water and mineral salts) * 韧皮部 (Phloem): 运输有机物 (Transports organic substances) * **C. 叶 (Leaf)** * 1. 功能 (Functions): * 光合作用 (Photosynthesis) * 蒸腾作用 (Transpiration) * 呼吸作用 (Respiration) * 2. 结构 (Structure): * 叶片 (Leaf Blade) * 叶柄 (Petiole) * 叶脉 (Veins): 运输水分和养分 (Transports water and nutrients) * 3. 内部结构 (Internal Structure): * 表皮 (Epidermis): 保护作用 (Protection) * 叶肉 (Mesophyll): 光合作用的主要场所 (Main site of photosynthesis) * 栅栏组织 (Palisade Mesophyll) * 海绵组织 (Spongy Mesophyll) * 气孔 (Stomata): 气体交换的通道 (Passageway for gas exchange) ### III. 生殖生长 (Reproductive Growth) * **A. 花 (Flower)** * 1. 结构 (Structure): * 花托 (Receptacle): 花的其他部分着生处 (Base of the flower) * 花萼 (Sepals): 保护花蕾 (Protects the flower bud) * 花瓣 (Petals): 吸引昆虫传粉 (Attracts insects for pollination) * 雄蕊 (Stamen): * 花药 (Anther): 产生花粉 (Produces pollen) * 花丝 (Filament): 支持花药 (Supports the anther) * 雌蕊 (Pistil): * 柱头 (Stigma): 接受花粉 (Receives pollen) * 花柱 (Style): 连接柱头和子房 (Connects stigma and ovary) * 子房 (Ovary): 含有胚珠 (Contains ovules) * 2. 类型 (Types): * 完全花 (Complete Flower): 具有花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊 (Has sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils) * 不完全花 (Incomplete Flower): 缺少至少一种花部 (Lacks at least one floral part) * 两性花 (Perfect Flower): 同时具有雄蕊和雌蕊 (Has both stamens and pistils) * 单性花 (Imperfect Flower): 只有雄蕊或只有雌蕊 (Has only stamens or only pistils) * **B. 传粉 (Pollination)** * 1. 定义 (Definition): 花粉从雄蕊的花药传到雌蕊的柱头上的过程 (The process of pollen transfer from the anther of a stamen to the stigma of a pistil) * 2. 类型 (Types): * 自花传粉 (Self-Pollination): 花粉传到同一朵花的柱头上 (Pollen is transferred to the stigma of the same flower) * 异花传粉 (Cross-Pollination): 花粉传到另一朵花的柱头上 (Pollen is transferred to the stigma of a different flower) * 3. 传粉媒介 (Pollination Agents): * 昆虫 (Insects): 虫媒花 (Insect-pollinated flowers) * 风 (Wind): 风媒花 (Wind-pollinated flowers) * 水 (Water): 水媒花 (Water-pollinated flowers) * 动物 (Animals): 鸟媒花,兽媒花 (Bird-pollinated flowers, animal-pollinated flowers) * **C. 受精 (Fertilization)** * 1. 过程 (Process): * 花粉落到柱头上 (Pollen lands on the stigma) * 花粉管萌发 (Pollen tube germinates) * 精子进入胚珠 (Sperm enters the ovule) * 一个精子与卵细胞结合形成受精卵 (One sperm fuses with the egg cell to form a zygote) * 另一个精子与极核结合形成胚乳核 (Another sperm fuses with the polar nuclei to form the endosperm nucleus) * 双受精 (Double Fertilization): 被子植物特有的受精方式 (Fertilization unique to angiosperms) * **D. 果实和种子的形成 (Fruit and Seed Formation)** * 1. 子房发育成果实 (Ovary develops into fruit) * 果皮 (Pericarp): 由子房壁发育而来 (Develops from the ovary wall) * 2. 胚珠发育成种子 (Ovule develops into seed) * 受精卵发育成胚 (Zygote develops into embryo) * 胚乳核发育成胚乳 (Endosperm nucleus develops into endosperm) * 3. 果实类型 (Fruit Types): * 真果 (True Fruit): 仅由子房发育而来 (Develops only from the ovary) * 假果 (False Fruit): 除子房外,还有花的其他部分参与形成 (Develops from the ovary plus other floral parts) * 4. 种子传播 (Seed Dispersal): * 风力传播 (Wind Dispersal) * 水力传播 (Water Dispersal) * 动物传播 (Animal Dispersal) * 机械传播 (Mechanical Dispersal) ### IV. 植物的生命周期 (Plant Life Cycle) * **A. 一年生植物 (Annuals):** 在一年内完成生命周期 (Complete their life cycle in one year) * **B. 两年生植物 (Biennials):** 需要两年完成生命周期 (Take two years to complete their life cycle) * **C. 多年生植物 (Perennials):** 可以存活多年 (Can live for many years)
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