请以where is为主题画一张思维导图

1.1.1 建筑物 (Buildings): Where is the Eiffel Tower? Where is the Empire State Building? Where is the Forbidden City? (国家,城市,地标,坐标,结构)
1.1.2 自然景观 (Natural Landscapes): Where is the Amazon rainforest? Where is Mount Everest? Where is the Sahara Desert? (地形,气候,生态系统,海拔)
1.1.3 城市 (Cities): Where is Tokyo? Where is New York? Where is London? (国家,人口,文化,经济)
1.1.4 国家 (Countries): Where is China? Where is the United States? Where is Brazil? (政治体制,国土面积,资源,人口)
1.1.5 水体 (Bodies of Water): Where is the Pacific Ocean? Where is the Nile River? Where is Lake Baikal? (深度,面积,盐度,生物多样性)
卫星定位 (GPS Coordinates)
地图 (Map reference)
相对位置 (Relative position: e.g., North of...)
四级分支 (针对1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3等):
1.1 具体地点 (Specific Places):
1.2.1 想象地点 (Imaginary Places): Where is Narnia? Where is Hogwarts? Where is Middle-earth? (小说,电影,文学,神话)
1.2.2 比喻地点 (Figurative Places): Where is my peace of mind? Where is my happiness? Where is my dream job? (心理状态,情感,目标)
1.2.3 理论地点 (Theoretical Places): Where is the center of the universe? Where is the edge of space? Where is the singularity in a black hole? (物理学,天文学,数学)
1.2 抽象地点 (Abstract Locations):

1. 地理位置 (Geographical Location)

2.1.1 家具 (Furniture): Where is the sofa? Where is the table? Where is the chair? (房间,材料,用途)
2.1.2 工具 (Tools): Where is the hammer? Where is the screwdriver? Where is the wrench? (功能,存放位置,类型)
2.1.3 书籍 (Books): Where is the book on the shelf? (书架,作者,主题)
最后一次看到的时间 (Last Seen Time)
最后一次看到的地点 (Last Seen Place)
可能被移动到的地方 (Possible Locations)
2.1 静态物体 (Stationary Objects):
2.2.1 车辆 (Vehicles): Where is my car? Where is the bus? Where is the train? (路线,时间表,状态)
2.2.2 动物 (Animals): Where is my cat? Where is the bird? Where is the squirrel? (习性,栖息地,食物)
2.2.3 人 (People): Where is John? Where is Mary? (行程,目的地,联系方式)
追踪技术 (Tracking Technology: GPS, RFID)
目击报告 (Eyewitness Accounts)
预测模型 (Predictive Models)
2.2 动态物体 (Moving Objects):

2. 物体位置 (Object Location)

3.1.1 电脑 (Computer): Where is the file on my computer? (硬盘,文件夹,文件名)
3.1.2 云存储 (Cloud Storage): Where is the file on Google Drive? Where is the file on Dropbox? (账号,共享权限,版本控制)
3.1.3 服务器 (Server): Where is the file on the server? (域名,IP地址,权限)
文件名 (File Name)
文件类型 (File Type)
创建/修改时间 (Creation/Modification Date)
3.1 文件位置 (File Location):
3.2.1 本地仓库 (Local Repository): Where is the code in my local Git repository? (目录,分支,提交)
3.2.2 远程仓库 (Remote Repository): Where is the code on GitHub? Where is the code on GitLab? (URL,权限,版本控制)
3.2.3 数据库 (Database): Where is the data in the database? (表名,列名,查询语句)
3.2 代码位置 (Code Location):

3. 数据位置 (Data Location)

4.1.1 书籍 (Books): Where is the information about quantum physics? (章节,页码,索引)
4.1.2 网站 (Websites): Where is the information about climate change? (URL,搜索关键词,权威性)
4.1.3 文档 (Documents): Where is the information about the company's policies? (段落,标题,版本)
4.1 信息位置 (Information Location):
4.2.1 历史事件 (Historical Events): Where did World War II begin? Where did the French Revolution take place? (国家,城市,时间)
4.2.2 当前事件 (Current Events): Where is the conflict happening? Where is the protest taking place? (新闻报道,社交媒体,地理位置)
4.2 事件发生地 (Location of Events):

4. 抽象概念的位置 (Location of Abstract Concepts)

5.1.1 人工搜索 (Manual Search): 仔细观察,询问他人,查看记录. (视觉搜索,听觉搜索,记忆)
5.1.2 工具辅助 (Tools Assisted): 使用金属探测器,使用地图,使用指南针. (地图应用,导航系统)
5.1 物理搜索 (Physical Search):
5.2.1 搜索引擎 (Search Engines): 使用Google, 使用Bing, 使用DuckDuckGo. (关键词,过滤器,高级搜索)
5.2.2 数据库查询 (Database Queries): 使用SQL, 使用NoSQL. (查询语句,索引,优化)
5.2.3 地图服务 (Mapping Services): 使用Google Maps, 使用Apple Maps. (地址,坐标,导航)
5.2 数字搜索 (Digital Search):

5. 检索方法 (Methods of Finding)

《请以where is为主题画一张思维导图》
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