# 《四年级英语鲁科版天气思维导图》
**中心主题:Weather (天气)**
**一级分支:Key Vocabulary (关键词汇)**
* **A. Basic Weather Terms (基本天气术语):**
* Sun (太阳): Sunny (晴朗的) - Describing a bright, cloudless day. Example: "It is sunny today, let's go to the park."
* Cloud (云): Cloudy (多云的) - Skies covered with clouds. Example: "The weather is cloudy, it might rain later."
* Rain (雨): Rainy (下雨的) - Precipitation in the form of water droplets. Example: "It is rainy, don't forget your umbrella."
* Wind (风): Windy (刮风的) - Characterized by strong air currents. Example: "It is windy, hold onto your hat!"
* Snow (雪): Snowy (下雪的) - Precipitation in the form of ice crystals. Example: "It is snowy, let's build a snowman."
* Fog (雾): Foggy (有雾的) - A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, reducing visibility. Example: "It is foggy, drive carefully."
* Storm (暴风雨): Stormy (暴风雨的) - Characterized by strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning. Example: "It is stormy, stay inside."
* Hot (热): High temperature. Example: "It is hot, drink plenty of water."
* Cold (冷): Low temperature. Example: "It is cold, wear a coat."
* Warm (暖): Moderate temperature, pleasantly mild. Example: "It is warm, a good day for a picnic."
* Cool (凉爽): Moderately cold. Example: "It is cool, I need a light jacket."
* **B. Temperature Adjectives (温度形容词):**
* Freezing (冰冻的): Extremely cold, below 0 degrees Celsius. Example: "It is freezing, be careful of ice."
* Boiling (沸腾的): Extremely hot. Example: "The water is boiling." (Metaphorically for weather - "It's boiling hot!")
* **C. Other Related Words (其他相关词汇):**
* Rainbow (彩虹): An arc of colors formed in the sky caused by refraction and dispersion of the sun's light by rain or water droplets.
* Lightning (闪电): A sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during an electrical storm.
* Thunder (雷): A loud crash of sound caused by the expansion of air heated by lightning.
* Temperature (温度): A degree of hotness or coldness that can be measured using a thermometer.
* Degree (度): A unit of measurement for temperature (e.g., degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit).
* Season (季节): Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), Winter.
* Weather forecast (天气预报): A prediction of future weather conditions.
* Umbrella (伞): Used to protect from rain.
* Coat (外套): Worn for warmth.
* Scarf (围巾): Worn around the neck for warmth.
* Gloves (手套): Worn on the hands for warmth.
* Boots (靴子): Worn on the feet, especially in rain or snow.
**二级分支:Sentence Structures (句型结构)**
* **A. Describing the Weather (描述天气):**
* "What's the weather like today?" - Asking about the current weather conditions.
* "It's sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy/snowy/foggy." - Stating the current weather.
* "The weather is hot/cold/warm/cool." - Describing the temperature.
* "It's going to rain/snow." - Predicting future weather.
* "There is a rainbow in the sky." - Describing a specific weather phenomenon.
* "The temperature is 25 degrees Celsius." - Giving a specific temperature.
* "It often rains in spring." - Talking about typical weather in a season.
* **B. Expressing Preferences (表达喜好):**
* "I like sunny days." - Expressing a preference for a type of weather.
* "I don't like rainy days." - Expressing a dislike for a type of weather.
* "My favorite season is summer because it's hot." - Explaining a preference for a season based on its weather.
* "What's your favorite weather?" - Asking about someone's preferred weather.
* **C. Making Suggestions (提出建议):**
* "It's raining, take an umbrella." - Making a suggestion based on the weather.
* "It's cold, wear a coat." - Making a suggestion based on the temperature.
* "It's hot, drink plenty of water." - Making a suggestion based on the temperature.
* "Let's go outside, it's sunny!" - Suggesting an activity based on the weather.
**三级分支:Seasons (季节)**
* **A. Spring (春):**
* Typical weather: Warm, rainy, windy.
* Keywords: Flowers bloom, plants grow, new life.
* Activities: Fly a kite, go for a walk, plant seeds.
* Example sentence: "It is warm and rainy in spring, the flowers are blooming."
* **B. Summer (夏):**
* Typical weather: Hot, sunny, sometimes stormy.
* Keywords: Sunshine, vacation, beach, swimming.
* Activities: Go swimming, play on the beach, have a picnic.
* Example sentence: "It is hot and sunny in summer, let's go swimming!"
* **C. Autumn (Fall) (秋):**
* Typical weather: Cool, windy, leaves changing color.
* Keywords: Leaves, harvest, cool, pumpkin.
* Activities: Rake leaves, visit a pumpkin patch, go for a hike.
* Example sentence: "It is cool and windy in autumn, the leaves are changing color."
* **D. Winter (冬):**
* Typical weather: Cold, snowy, freezing.
* Keywords: Snow, ice, holidays, warm clothes.
* Activities: Build a snowman, go ice skating, have a snowball fight.
* Example sentence: "It is cold and snowy in winter, let's build a snowman!"
**四级分支:Culture (文化)**
* **A. Weather and Holidays (天气与节日):**
* Christmas (圣诞节): Often associated with snow and cold weather in some countries. "We hope for a white Christmas."
* Spring Festival (春节): Celebrated in spring, often associated with warmer weather and new beginnings.
* Summer vacation: A time for outdoor activities and travel.
* Halloween (万圣节): Celebrated in autumn, associated with cooler weather and spooky themes.
* **B. Weather and Clothing (天气与服装):**
* Wearing appropriate clothing for different weather conditions. "Wear a coat when it's cold." "Wear a hat when it's sunny."
* **C. Weather Proverbs (天气谚语):**
* Introduce simple English weather proverbs (if age-appropriate). Example: "April showers bring May flowers."
**五级分支: Grammar (语法)**
* **A. Use of "It" as a Subject (使用“It”作为主语):**
* "It is raining." - "It" referring to the weather.
* "It is hot." - "It" referring to the temperature.
* **B. Adjectives (形容词):**
* Use of adjectives to describe the weather: "sunny day," "cold wind."
* **C. Verb "to be" (动词“to be”):**
* "The weather *is* sunny." "It *is* cold."
* **D. Present Continuous Tense (现在进行时):**
* Describing actions happening now related to the weather: "It *is raining*." "The wind *is blowing*."