人教版新起点(一年级起)五下unit4 shopping day的思维导图
# 《人教版新起点(一年级起)五下unit4 shopping day的思维导图》
## 中心主题:Shopping Day (购物日)
### I. 词汇 (Vocabulary)
* **A. 购物场所 (Shopping Places):**
* *1. Supermarket (超市):*
* * 新鲜蔬果 (Fresh Fruits & Vegetables): apples, bananas, oranges, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes*
* * 肉类 (Meat): chicken, beef, pork*
* * 奶制品 (Dairy Products): milk, yogurt, cheese*
* * 面包糕点 (Bread & Pastries): bread, cake, cookies*
* *2. Clothes Shop (服装店):*
* * 上衣 (Tops): T-shirt, shirt, sweater, jacket*
* * 裤子 (Bottoms): trousers, jeans, shorts, skirt*
* * 鞋子 (Shoes): shoes, boots, sandals*
* *3. Toy Shop (玩具店):*
* * 玩偶 (Dolls): doll, teddy bear*
* * 汽车模型 (Toy Cars): car, bus, truck*
* * 积木 (Building Blocks): blocks, Lego*
* * 游戏 (Games): board game, video game*
* *4. Bookstore (书店):*
* * 故事书 (Storybooks): fairy tales, adventures*
* * 漫画书 (Comic Books): superhero comics, funny comics*
* * 教科书 (Textbooks): English textbook, Chinese textbook*
* * 练习册 (Workbooks): math workbook, science workbook*
* *5. Fruit Shop (水果店):*
* * 常见水果 (Common Fruits): apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, watermelon, strawberries*
* * 季节性水果 (Seasonal Fruits): peaches (夏天), pears (秋天)*
* **B. 购物相关物品 (Shopping Related Items):**
* *1. Money (钱):*
* * 人民币 (Renminbi): yuan, jiao, fen*
* * 硬币 (Coins)*
* * 纸币 (Bills)*
* *2. Shopping Bag (购物袋):*
* * 塑料袋 (Plastic bag)*
* * 环保袋 (Reusable bag)*
* *3. Receipt (收据):*
* * 购买清单 (List of items purchased)*
* * 价格 (Price)*
* * 总价 (Total cost)*
* *4. Trolley/Basket (购物车/购物篮)*
* **C. 常用动词 (Common Verbs):**
* *1. Buy (买): Buy apples, buy a shirt.*
* *2. Sell (卖): Sell fruits, sell toys.*
* *3. Pay (支付): Pay for the groceries.*
* *4. Cost (花费): How much does it cost? It costs ten yuan.*
* *5. Want (想要): I want to buy a doll.*
* *6. Need (需要): I need some apples.*
* *7. Look (看): Look at the toys.*
* *8. Choose (选择): Choose a book.*
* **D. 常用形容词 (Common Adjectives):**
* *1. Cheap (便宜的)*
* *2. Expensive (昂贵的)*
* *3. Big (大的)*
* *4. Small (小的)*
* *5. New (新的)*
* *6. Old (旧的)*
* *7. Many (许多的)*
* *8. Some (一些)*
### II. 语法 (Grammar)
* **A. How much is/are…? (多少钱?):**
* * How much is the apple? It is two yuan.*
* * How much are the apples? They are ten yuan.*
* **B. I want… (我想要…):**
* * I want an apple.*
* * I want some apples.*
* * I want to buy a toy.*
* **C. Can I have…? (我可以要…吗?):**
* * Can I have an apple, please?*
* * Can I have some apples, please?*
* **D. There is/are… (有…):**
* * There is an apple on the table.*
* * There are some apples in the bag.*
* * There aren't any apples in the box.* (否定)
* **E. Plural Nouns (复数名词):**
* * Add -s to most nouns: apple -> apples, book -> books, bag -> bags*
* * Add -es to nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x: bus -> buses, dish -> dishes, watch -> watches, box -> boxes*
* * Some irregular plural nouns: child -> children, foot -> feet, tooth -> teeth, mouse -> mice*
### III. 课文内容 (Text Content)
* **A. 主要人物 (Main Characters):**
* * Lily*
* * Tom*
* * Parents (父母)*
* * Shopkeepers (店主)*
* **B. 主要情节 (Main Plot):**
* * 计划去购物 (Planning to go shopping)*
* * 去不同的商店 (Visiting different shops)*
* * 购买需要的物品 (Buying necessary items)*
* * 计算总价 (Calculating the total cost)*
* * 分享购物的快乐 (Sharing the joy of shopping)*
* **C. 关键对话 (Key Dialogues):**
* * "How much is this T-shirt?"*
* * "It's 20 yuan."*
* * "I want to buy this doll."*
* * "Can I have some apples, please?"*
* * "Here you are."*
* * "Thank you!"*
* * "You're welcome!"*
### IV. 文化拓展 (Cultural Extension)
* **A. 中国的购物文化 (Shopping Culture in China):**
* * 街头小贩 (Street vendors)*
* * 传统市场 (Traditional markets)*
* * 在线购物 (Online shopping): Taobao, JD.com*
* * 讨价还价 (Bargaining)*
* **B. 世界各地的购物文化 (Shopping Culture around the world):**
* * 美国的超市 (Supermarkets in America)*
* * 欧洲的集市 (Markets in Europe)*
* * 日本的便利店 (Convenience stores in Japan)*
* **C. 环保购物 (Eco-friendly Shopping):**
* * 使用环保袋 (Using reusable bags)*
* * 购买本地产品 (Buying local products)*
* * 减少过度包装 (Reducing excessive packaging)*
### V. 练习与活动 (Exercises and Activities)
* **A. 角色扮演 (Role Play):**
* * 学生扮演顾客和店主 (Students act as customers and shopkeepers)*
* * 模拟购物场景 (Simulating shopping scenarios)*
* **B. 购物清单 (Shopping List):**
* * 制作购物清单 (Making a shopping list)*
* * 根据清单购物 (Shopping based on the list)*
* **C. 价格计算 (Price Calculation):**
* * 计算不同商品的总价 (Calculating the total cost of different items)*
* * 使用计算器 (Using a calculator)*
* **D. 购物分享 (Shopping Sharing):**
* * 分享购物经历 (Sharing shopping experiences)*
* * 展示购买的物品 (Showing off purchased items)*
* **E. 歌曲和游戏 (Songs and Games):**
* * 与购物相关的歌曲 (Songs related to shopping)*
* * 购物主题的游戏 (Shopping themed games)*
### VI. 情感态度价值观 (Affective Domain)
* **A. 培养节约意识 (Cultivating the awareness of thrift):**
* * 不浪费钱 (Not wasting money)*
* * 理性消费 (Rational consumption)*
* **B. 培养礼貌待人的习惯 (Cultivating the habit of being polite):**
* * 使用礼貌用语 (Using polite language)*
* * 尊重他人 (Respecting others)*
* **C. 培养良好的购物习惯 (Cultivating good shopping habits):**
* * 有计划地购物 (Shopping with a plan)*
* * 保护环境 (Protecting the environment)*
### VII. 评估 (Assessment)
* **A. 词汇听写 (Vocabulary Dictation):**
* * 听写Unit 4的词汇 (Dictating vocabulary from Unit 4)*
* **B. 句型运用 (Sentence Structure Application):**
* * 运用Unit 4的句型造句 (Creating sentences using sentence structures from Unit 4)*
* **C. 情景对话 (Situational Dialogue):**
* * 根据情景进行对话 (Conducting dialogues based on scenarios)*
* **D. 综合练习 (Comprehensive Exercises):**
* * 完成Unit 4的综合练习题 (Completing comprehensive exercises for Unit 4)*