# 《英语颜色思维导图》
## 中心主题:颜色 (Color)
### 一、基本颜色 (Basic Colors)
* **红色 (Red)**
* **含义:** 爱、热情、危险、愤怒、力量、兴奋、紧急
* **联想:** 血 (Blood), 火 (Fire), 玫瑰 (Rose), 红灯 (Red light), 辣椒 (Chili pepper)
* **短语:**
* See red (勃然大怒)
* Red tape (官僚程序)
* Red herring (转移视线的事)
* **例句:** He saw red when he heard the news. The red rose is a symbol of love.
* **橙色 (Orange)**
* **含义:** 活力、创造力、热情、快乐、吸引力、秋天
* **联想:** 橘子 (Orange fruit), 日落 (Sunset), 南瓜 (Pumpkin), 胡萝卜 (Carrot)
* **短语:**
* Orange peel (橘子皮)
* **例句:** The sunset painted the sky orange. Orange is my favorite citrus fruit.
* **黄色 (Yellow)**
* **含义:** 快乐、乐观、光明、温暖、谨慎、懦弱
* **联想:** 太阳 (Sun), 向日葵 (Sunflower), 香蕉 (Banana), 金子 (Gold), 柠檬 (Lemon)
* **短语:**
* Yellow journalism (煽情新闻)
* Yellow-bellied (胆小的)
* **例句:** The sun is shining bright yellow. He's too yellow to stand up for himself.
* **绿色 (Green)**
* **含义:** 自然、健康、成长、希望、嫉妒、金钱
* **联想:** 草 (Grass), 树叶 (Leaves), 森林 (Forest), 美元 (Dollar), 青蛙 (Frog)
* **短语:**
* Green with envy (非常嫉妒)
* Give the green light (允许)
* Green thumb (园艺技巧)
* **例句:** The grass is always greener on the other side. She was green with envy when she saw my new car.
* **蓝色 (Blue)**
* **含义:** 平静、信任、忠诚、悲伤、智慧、天空、海洋
* **联想:** 天空 (Sky), 海洋 (Ocean), 牛仔裤 (Jeans), 蓝莓 (Blueberry), 忧郁 (Sadness)
* **短语:**
* Feel blue (感到忧郁)
* Out of the blue (突然地)
* Once in a blue moon (千载难逢)
* **例句:** She's feeling blue since her cat died. The opportunity came out of the blue.
* **紫色 (Purple)**
* **含义:** 皇家、神秘、创造力、奢华、魔法、权力
* **联想:** 葡萄 (Grapes), 薰衣草 (Lavender), 紫水晶 (Amethyst), 王权 (Royalty)
* **短语:**
* Born to the purple (出身高贵)
* **例句:** Purple is often associated with royalty. The lavender fields were a beautiful shade of purple.
* **粉色 (Pink)**
* **含义:** 甜美、温柔、浪漫、女性化、健康
* **联想:** 玫瑰花 (Pink rose), 泡泡糖 (Bubble gum), 火烈鸟 (Flamingo), 婴儿 (Baby girl)
* **短语:**
* In the pink (身体健康)
* Rose-colored glasses (乐观视角)
* **例句:** She's always in the pink. She sees the world through rose-colored glasses.
* **棕色 (Brown)**
* **含义:** 可靠、务实、安全、稳定、地球、自然
* **联想:** 泥土 (Soil), 树木 (Trees), 咖啡 (Coffee), 巧克力 (Chocolate), 熊 (Bear)
* **短语:**
* Brownie points (加分)
* **例句:** The house had a warm, brown interior. He tried to earn brownie points with his boss.
* **黑色 (Black)**
* **含义:** 权力、优雅、死亡、邪恶、神秘、正式
* **联想:** 夜晚 (Night), 煤炭 (Coal), 乌鸦 (Raven), 阴影 (Shadow), 西装 (Suit)
* **短语:**
* Black sheep (害群之马)
* In the black (盈利)
* Black market (黑市)
* **例句:** He is the black sheep of the family. The company is finally in the black.
* **白色 (White)**
* **含义:** 纯洁、干净、和平、无辜、光明、简单
* **联想:** 雪 (Snow), 云 (Cloud), 天使 (Angel), 婚纱 (Wedding dress), 鸽子 (Dove)
* **短语:**
* White lie (善意的谎言)
* White elephant (昂贵而无用的东西)
* **例句:** She told a white lie to avoid hurting his feelings. The new project became a white elephant.
### 二、色彩深度与色调 (Shades and Tints)
* **深色 (Dark):** Dark red, Dark blue, Dark green...
* **浅色 (Light):** Light red, Light blue, Light green...
* **鲜艳的 (Bright):** Bright red, Bright blue, Bright green...
* **柔和的 (Soft):** Soft pink, Soft blue, Soft green...
* **哑光的 (Matte):** Matte black, Matte gray...
* **闪亮的 (Shiny):** Shiny red, Shiny gold...
### 三、颜色组合 (Color Combinations)
* **互补色 (Complementary Colors):**
* Red & Green
* Blue & Orange
* Yellow & Purple
* **类似色 (Analogous Colors):**
* Red, Orange, Yellow
* Blue, Green, Purple
* **三原色 (Triadic Colors):**
* Red, Blue, Yellow
### 四、文化与习俗中的颜色 (Colors in Culture and Customs)
* **中国 (China):**
* Red: 喜庆、吉祥 (Celebration, auspiciousness)
* White: 哀悼 (Mourning)
* **印度 (India):**
* Red: 婚姻、繁荣 (Marriage, prosperity)
* White: 纯洁 (Purity)
* **西方 (Western):**
* White: 婚礼 (Wedding)
* Black: 葬礼 (Funeral)
### 五、颜色与心理 (Colors and Psychology)
* **红色 (Red):** 提高心率,增强食欲 (Increases heart rate, stimulates appetite)
* **蓝色 (Blue):** 降低心率,促进放松 (Decreases heart rate, promotes relaxation)
* **黄色 (Yellow):** 刺激思维,提高注意力 (Stimulates the mind, increases focus)
* **绿色 (Green):** 减轻压力,带来平静 (Reduces stress, brings calmness)
### 六、颜色相关的词汇 (Color Related Vocabulary)
* **Hue:** 色调
* **Saturation:** 饱和度
* **Value:** 明度
* **Tint:** 淡色
* **Shade:** 阴影
* **Tone:** 色调
* **Chromatic:** 彩色的
* **Achromatic:** 无色的
### 七、高级颜色词汇 (Advanced Color Vocabulary)
* **Cerulean:** 天蓝色
* **Crimson:** 深红色
* **Magenta:** 洋红色
* **Turquoise:** 蓝绿色
* **Indigo:** 靛蓝色
* **Scarlet:** 猩红色
* **Chartreuse:** 黄绿色
* **Mauve:** 淡紫色
* **Beige:** 米色
* **Ivory:** 象牙色
This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of colors in the English language, covering their meanings, associations, cultural significance, and related vocabulary. It can be a valuable resource for language learners to expand their understanding and usage of color-related expressions.