
# 《桃园三结义的思维导图》 ## 中心主题:桃园三结义 ### I. 人物 (Characters) * **A. 刘备 (Liu Bei)** * 1. 外貌特征 (Appearance): * a. 身长七尺五寸 (Height: 7’5’’) * b. 垂手过膝 (Elbows below knees) * c. 双耳垂肩 (Ears touching shoulders) * d. 面如冠玉 (Jade-like face) * e. 唇若涂脂 (Lipstick-red lips) * 2. 性格特点 (Personality): * a. 仁义 (Benevolence) * b. 宽厚 (Generosity) * c. 礼贤下士 (Respectful to scholars) * d. 善于笼络人心 (Skilled at winning hearts) * e. 志向远大 (Ambitious) * 3. 社会地位 (Social Status): * a. 汉室宗亲 (Descendant of the Han imperial family) * b. 落魄贵族 (Impoverished nobility) * c. 以贩卖草鞋、织席为生 (Makes a living selling straw sandals and weaving mats) * 4. 主要事迹 (Key Events before Oath): * a. 年少时立志匡扶汉室 (Early ambition to restore the Han Dynasty) * b. 跟随卢植学习 (Studied under Lu Zhi) * **B. 关羽 (Guan Yu)** * 1. 外貌特征 (Appearance): * a. 身长九尺 (Height: 9’) * b. 面如重枣 (Red jujube-like face) * c. 丹凤眼 (Phoenix eyes) * d. 卧蚕眉 (Silkworm eyebrows) * e. 美髯公 (Magnificent beard) * 2. 性格特点 (Personality): * a. 忠义 (Loyalty) * b. 勇猛 (Bravery) * c. 正义 (Righteousness) * d. 骄傲 (Pride) * e. 重情义 (Values loyalty) * 3. 社会地位 (Social Status): * a. 逃犯 (Fugitive) * b. 因义杀人而逃亡 (Fled after killing a local bully out of righteousness) * 4. 主要武器 (Main Weapon): * a. 青龙偃月刀 (Green Dragon Crescent Blade) * **C. 张飞 (Zhang Fei)** * 1. 外貌特征 (Appearance): * a. 身长八尺 (Height: 8’) * b. 豹头环眼 (Leopard head and round eyes) * c. 燕颔虎须 (Swallow jaw and tiger whiskers) * d. 声若巨雷 (Voice like thunder) * 2. 性格特点 (Personality): * a. 豪爽 (Outgoing) * b. 勇猛 (Brave) * c. 粗犷 (Boorish) * d. 嫉恶如仇 (Hates evil) * e. 耿直 (Forthright) * 3. 社会地位 (Social Status): * a. 屠夫 (Butcher) * b. 地方豪强 (Local strongman) * 4. 主要武器 (Main Weapon): * a. 丈八蛇矛 (Eighteen-foot Serpent Spear) ### II. 地点 (Location) * **A. 桃园 (Peach Garden)** * 1. 环境描述 (Description): * a. 桃花盛开 (Peach blossoms in full bloom) * b. 景色优美 (Beautiful scenery) * 2. 象征意义 (Symbolism): * a. 美好愿景 (Beautiful vision) * b. 理想之地 (Ideal place) * c. 友谊的象征 (Symbol of friendship) ### III. 事件 (Event) * **A. 结义起因 (Reasons for the Oath)** * 1. 共同志向 (Shared Ambitions): * a. 匡扶汉室 (Restore the Han Dynasty) * b. 拯救百姓 (Save the people) * 2. 彼此欣赏 (Mutual Admiration): * a. 英雄惜英雄 (Heroes cherish heroes) * b. 性格互补 (Complementary personalities) * 3. 时局动荡 (Turbulent Times): * a. 黄巾起义 (Yellow Turban Rebellion) * b. 社会动荡 (Social unrest) * **B. 结义过程 (The Oath Ceremony)** * 1. 祭祀天地 (Worship Heaven and Earth) * 2. 焚香祷告 (Burn incense and pray) * 3. 发誓词 (Recite the Oath) * a. 不求同年同月同日生 (Not seeking to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year) * b. 但求同年同月同日死 (But hoping to die on the same day of the same month of the same year) * c. 同心协力,救困扶危 (Work together to help those in need) * d. 上报国家,下安黎庶 (Serve the country and protect the people) * 4. 歃血为盟 (Blood Oath) * 5. 按年龄排序 (Order by age) * a. 刘备为兄 (Liu Bei as the eldest brother) * b. 关羽为二弟 (Guan Yu as the second brother) * c. 张飞为三弟 (Zhang Fei as the youngest brother) * **C. 结义影响 (Impact of the Oath)** * 1. 奠定蜀汉政权基础 (Laying the foundation for the Shu Han regime) * 2. 增强了三人的力量 (Strengthening the three's power) * 3. 成为忠义的典范 (Becoming a model of loyalty and righteousness) * 4. 影响深远,流传至今 (Far-reaching influence, passed down to this day) ### IV. 主题 (Themes) * **A. 忠义 (Loyalty and Righteousness)** * 1. 兄弟情义 (Brotherly Love) * 2. 为国为民 (For the country and the people) * 3. 信守承诺 (Keeping promises) * **B. 理想 (Idealism)** * 1. 匡扶汉室 (Restore the Han Dynasty) * 2. 天下太平 (Peace under heaven) * 3. 为民请命 (Speaking out for the people) * **C. 英雄主义 (Heroism)** * 1. 个人魅力 (Personal Charisma) * 2. 舍生取义 (Sacrificing oneself for righteousness) * 3. 胆识过人 (Exceptional courage and knowledge) ### V. 象征意义 (Symbolic Meanings) * **A. 桃园 (Peach Garden)** * 1. 理想 (Ideal) * 2. 美好 (Beauty) * 3. 希望 (Hope) * **B. 三人 (The Three Brothers)** * 1. 力量 (Strength) * 2. 团结 (Unity) * 3. 忠诚 (Fidelity) * **C. 誓词 (The Oath)** * 1. 承诺 (Promise) * 2. 责任 (Responsibility) * 3. 信念 (Belief) ### VI. 衍生 (Derivatives) * **A. 文学作品 (Literary Works)** * 1. 《三国演义》 (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) * 2. 戏曲 (Opera) * 3. 小说 (Novels) * **B. 艺术作品 (Artistic Works)** * 1. 绘画 (Paintings) * 2. 雕塑 (Sculptures) * 3. 电影 (Movies) * 4. 电视剧 (TV Series) * **C. 文化影响 (Cultural Influence)** * 1. 忠义的象征 (Symbol of loyalty and righteousness) * 2. 兄弟情义的典范 (Model of brotherly love) * 3. 激励后人 (Inspiring future generations)
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 闪闪的红星思维导图模板

