
# 《Animals英语思维导图》 ## 一、 Mammals (哺乳动物) ### 1.1. Characteristics (特征) * Warm-blooded (温血动物) * Have fur/hair (有毛发) * Give birth to live young (胎生) * Produce milk to feed young (哺乳) * Breathe air with lungs (用肺呼吸) ### 1.2. Examples (例子) * **Domestic Animals (家畜)** * Dog (狗): Breeds (品种 - e.g., Labrador, Bulldog, Poodle), Traits (特征 - e.g., loyal, friendly, energetic), Uses (用途 - e.g., pet, guard dog, service dog) * Cat (猫): Breeds (品种 - e.g., Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon), Traits (特征 - e.g., independent, playful, affectionate), Uses (用途 - e.g., pet, pest control) * Cow (牛): Breeds (品种 - e.g., Holstein, Angus, Jersey), Products (产品 - e.g., milk, beef, leather), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., farm, pasture) * Horse (马): Breeds (品种 - e.g., Arabian, Thoroughbred, Clydesdale), Uses (用途 - e.g., riding, racing, farm work), Diet (饮食 - e.g., hay, grass, grains) * Pig (猪): Breeds (品种 - e.g., Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire), Products (产品 - e.g., pork, bacon, ham), Intelligence (智力 - e.g., intelligent, trainable) * **Wild Animals (野生动物)** * Lion (狮子): Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., savanna, grassland), Diet (饮食 - e.g., carnivore, zebra, wildebeest), Social Structure (社会结构 - e.g., pride) * Elephant (大象): Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., savanna, forest), Diet (饮食 - e.g., herbivore, leaves, fruit), Characteristics (特征 - e.g., trunk, tusks) * Giraffe (长颈鹿): Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., savanna), Diet (饮食 - e.g., herbivore, leaves), Adaptations (适应性 - e.g., long neck) * Bear (熊): Types (种类 - e.g., Grizzly, Black, Polar), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., forest, tundra), Diet (饮食 - e.g., omnivore, fish, berries) * Monkey (猴子): Types (种类 - e.g., Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Macaque), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., forest, jungle), Diet (饮食 - e.g., omnivore, fruit, insects) * **Marine Mammals (海洋哺乳动物)** * Whale (鲸): Types (种类 - e.g., Blue Whale, Humpback Whale), Diet (饮食 - e.g., krill, plankton), Migration (迁徙) * Dolphin (海豚): Intelligence (智力), Communication (交流), Social Behavior (社会行为) * Seal (海豹): Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., arctic, coastal), Diet (饮食 - e.g., fish, squid), Adaptations (适应性 - e.g., blubber) ## 二、 Birds (鸟类) ### 2.1. Characteristics (特征) * Feathers (羽毛) * Wings (翅膀) * Lay eggs (卵生) * Hollow bones (空心骨) * Beaks (喙) ### 2.2. Examples (例子) * **Birds of Prey (猛禽)** * Eagle (鹰): Sight (视力), Hunting (狩猎), Symbolism (象征意义) * Hawk (隼): Speed (速度), Agility (敏捷), Migration (迁徙) * Owl (猫头鹰): Nocturnal (夜间活动), Hearing (听力), Camouflage (伪装) * **Water Birds (水鸟)** * Duck (鸭子): Swimming (游泳), Diving (潜水), Diet (饮食 - e.g., aquatic plants, insects) * Swan (天鹅): Graceful (优雅), Territorial (领地意识), Migration (迁徙) * Penguin (企鹅): Flightless (不会飞), Adaptation (适应性 - e.g., cold climates), Social behavior (社会行为) * **Songbirds (鸣禽)** * Robin (知更鸟): Song (歌声), Nesting (筑巢), Diet (饮食 - e.g., worms, berries) * Sparrow (麻雀): Common (常见), Adaptable (适应性强), Social (群居) * Canary (金丝雀): Song (歌声), Colors (颜色), Pet (宠物) ## 三、 Reptiles (爬行动物) ### 3.1. Characteristics (特征) * Scales (鳞片) * Cold-blooded (冷血动物) * Lay eggs (卵生 - some exceptions) * Breathe air with lungs (用肺呼吸) ### 3.2. Examples (例子) * Snake (蛇): Types (种类 - e.g., Cobra, Python, Rattlesnake), Venom (毒液), Movement (运动) * Lizard (蜥蜴): Types (种类 - e.g., Chameleon, Gecko, Iguana), Camouflage (伪装), Diet (饮食 - e.g., insects) * Turtle (乌龟): Shell (壳), Longevity (长寿), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., land, water) * Crocodile (鳄鱼): Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., rivers, swamps), Ambush Predator (伏击型捕食者), Powerful Jaws (有力的下颚) ## 四、 Amphibians (两栖动物) ### 4.1. Characteristics (特征) * Smooth, moist skin (光滑湿润的皮肤) * Cold-blooded (冷血动物) * Live in water and on land (水陆两栖) * Metamorphosis (变态发育 - e.g., tadpole to frog) ### 4.2. Examples (例子) * Frog (青蛙): Life Cycle (生命周期), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., ponds, wetlands), Diet (饮食 - e.g., insects) * Toad (蟾蜍): Skin (皮肤 - e.g., bumpy), Terrestrial (陆生), Diet (饮食 - e.g., insects) * Salamander (蝾螈): Appearance (外观), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., streams, forests), Regeneration (再生能力) ## 五、 Fish (鱼类) ### 5.1. Characteristics (特征) * Live in water (生活在水中) * Gills (鳃) * Scales (鳞片) * Fins (鳍) * Cold-blooded (冷血动物) ### 5.2. Examples (例子) * Saltwater Fish (海水鱼): Shark (鲨鱼), Tuna (金枪鱼), Clownfish (小丑鱼) * Freshwater Fish (淡水鱼): Trout (鳟鱼), Carp (鲤鱼), Bass (鲈鱼) * Types of Fins (鳍的种类): Dorsal Fin (背鳍), Caudal Fin (尾鳍), Pectoral Fin (胸鳍) ## 六、 Insects (昆虫) ### 6.1. Characteristics (特征) * Six legs (六条腿) * Three body sections (三个身体部分 - head, thorax, abdomen) * Antennae (触角) * Exoskeleton (外骨骼) ### 6.2. Examples (例子) * Bees (蜜蜂): Honey (蜂蜜), Pollination (授粉), Social Structure (社会结构 - e.g., hive) * Ants (蚂蚁): Colonies (群体), Strength (力量), Communication (交流) * Butterflies (蝴蝶): Metamorphosis (变态发育 - e.g., caterpillar to butterfly), Beauty (美丽), Pollination (授粉) * Mosquitoes (蚊子): Disease (疾病), Bites (叮咬), Life Cycle (生命周期) ## 七、 Other Invertebrates (其他无脊椎动物) ### 7.1. Examples (例子) * Spider (蜘蛛): Eight legs (八条腿), Web (网), Diet (饮食 - e.g., insects) * Crab (螃蟹): Shell (壳), Claws (爪子), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., ocean, beach) * Jellyfish (水母): Tentacles (触须), Sting (蛰), Habitat (栖息地 - e.g., ocean) * Worm (蠕虫): Types (种类 - e.g., Earthworm, Tapeworm), Soil (土壤), Parasite (寄生虫) ## 八、 Animal Habitats (动物栖息地) * Forest (森林) * Grassland (草原) * Desert (沙漠) * Ocean (海洋) * Arctic (北极) * Rainforest (热带雨林) * Mountains (山脉) * Freshwater (淡水 - lakes, rivers, ponds) ## 九、 Animal Diets (动物的饮食) * Herbivore (草食动物): Plants (植物) * Carnivore (肉食动物): Meat (肉) * Omnivore (杂食动物): Plants and Meat (植物和肉) * Insectivore (食虫动物): Insects (昆虫) * Frugivore (食果动物): Fruits (水果) ## 十、 Animal Behaviors (动物行为) * Migration (迁徙) * Hibernation (冬眠) * Hunting (狩猎) * Mating (交配) * Communication (交流) * Social behavior (社会行为) * Defense mechanisms (防御机制 - e.g., camouflage, mimicry) ## 十一、 Conservation (保护) * Endangered species (濒危物种) * Habitat loss (栖息地丧失) * Pollution (污染) * Climate change (气候变化) * Conservation efforts (保护措施) * Protected areas (保护区) ## 十二、 Animal Sounds (动物的声音) * Bark (狗叫) * Meow (猫叫) * Roar (吼叫) * Chirp (鸟鸣) * Hiss (嘶嘶声) * Croak (蛙鸣)
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