
# 《七年级上册英语饮食习惯思维导图画图》 ## I. 导图中心主题 **Food & Drinks (饮食)** ## II. 一级分支 (Main Branches) ### A. Healthy Food (健康食品) * **Definition (定义):** Foods that provide essential nutrients for growth, energy, and overall well-being. * **Examples (例子):** * **Fruits (水果):** * Apple (苹果): Good source of fiber, Vitamin C. * Banana (香蕉): Rich in potassium, provides energy. * Orange (橙子): High in Vitamin C, boosts immunity. * Grapes (葡萄): Antioxidants, good for heart health. * Strawberries (草莓): Vitamin C, manganese. * **Vegetables (蔬菜):** * Broccoli (西兰花): Rich in vitamins and minerals. * Carrot (胡萝卜): Good for eyesight, contains Vitamin A. * Spinach (菠菜): Iron, calcium, Vitamin K. * Tomato (番茄): Lycopene, antioxidants. * Cucumber (黄瓜): Hydrating, low in calories. * **Grains (谷物):** * Brown Rice (糙米): Fiber-rich, complex carbohydrates. * Oatmeal (燕麦片): Soluble fiber, lowers cholesterol. * Whole Wheat Bread (全麦面包): Fiber, vitamins, minerals. * **Proteins (蛋白质):** * Chicken (鸡肉): Lean protein, builds muscle. * Fish (鱼): Omega-3 fatty acids, good for brain health. (e.g., Salmon, Tuna) * Eggs (鸡蛋): Complete protein, versatile. * Beans (豆类): Plant-based protein, fiber. (e.g., Kidney beans, Black beans) * Tofu (豆腐): Soy-based protein, low in fat. * **Dairy (乳制品):** * Milk (牛奶): Calcium, Vitamin D, protein. * Yogurt (酸奶): Probiotics, calcium, protein. (Plain yogurt preferred) * Cheese (奶酪): Calcium, protein. (Moderate consumption) * **Benefits (益处):** * Improved energy levels (提高能量水平) * Stronger immune system (增强免疫系统) * Better concentration (提高注意力) * Healthy growth and development (健康成长和发育) * Reduced risk of diseases (降低患病风险) * **Adverbs of frequency (频率副词):** Often, Usually, Always, Sometimes, Rarely, Never ### B. Unhealthy Food (不健康食品) * **Definition (定义):** Foods that are high in calories, fat, sugar, and/or salt, but low in essential nutrients. * **Examples (例子):** * **Fast Food (快餐):** * Burgers (汉堡): High in fat and calories. * Fries (薯条): High in fat and salt. * Pizza (披萨): High in calories, fat, and salt. * Fried Chicken (炸鸡): High in fat and calories. * **Processed Food (加工食品):** * Chips (薯片): High in salt and fat. * Candy (糖果): High in sugar. * Cookies (饼干): High in sugar and fat. * Soda (苏打水): High in sugar, empty calories. * Canned Soup (罐头汤): High in salt. * **Negative Effects (负面影响):** * Weight gain (体重增加) * Increased risk of heart disease (增加患心脏病的风险) * Tooth decay (蛀牙) * Lack of energy (缺乏能量) * Poor concentration (注意力不集中) * Increased risk of diabetes (增加患糖尿病的风险) * **Adverbs of frequency (频率副词):** Seldom, Rarely, Never ### C. Drinks (饮料) * **Healthy Drinks (健康饮品):** * Water (水): Essential for hydration. * Milk (牛奶): Calcium, Vitamin D. * Unsweetened Tea (无糖茶): Antioxidants. * Fresh Juice (鲜榨果汁): Vitamins. (Consume in moderation due to sugar content) * Smoothies (冰沙): Blend of fruits, vegetables, and yogurt. * **Unhealthy Drinks (不健康饮品):** * Soda (苏打水): High in sugar, empty calories. * Sweetened Juice (甜味果汁): High in sugar. * Energy Drinks (能量饮料): High in sugar and caffeine. * Sweetened Coffee/Tea (甜咖啡/茶): Added sugar. * **Importance of Hydration (补水的重要性):** * Regulates body temperature (调节体温) * Transports nutrients (运输营养物质) * Removes waste (清除废物) * Supports brain function (支持大脑功能) ### D. Eating Habits (饮食习惯) * **Meal Times (用餐时间):** * Breakfast (早餐): Important for starting the day with energy. * Lunch (午餐): Mid-day meal to refuel. * Dinner (晚餐): Evening meal to relax and nourish. * **Eating Habits (饮食习惯):** * Eating slowly (慢食): Allows for better digestion and feeling full. * Eating regularly (规律饮食): Helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. * Eating a variety of foods (均衡饮食): Ensures a balanced intake of nutrients. * Portion control (控制份量): Prevents overeating. * Reading nutrition labels (阅读营养标签): Helps make informed food choices. * **Describing eating habits (描述饮食习惯):** * "I usually eat..." * "I often drink..." * "I never eat..." * "I try to avoid..." * "I prefer to eat..." * **Likes and Dislikes (喜好):** * "I like..." * "I love..." * "I enjoy..." * "I don't like..." * "I hate..." ## III. 语言点 (Grammar & Vocabulary) * **Countable and Uncountable Nouns (可数名词和不可数名词):** Apples (countable), Water (uncountable) * **Quantifiers (数量词):** Some, Any, Much, Many, A lot of * "I have some apples." * "Do you have any water?" * "I don't eat much candy." * "I eat many vegetables." * "I drink a lot of water." * **Modal verbs (情态动词):** Should, Shouldn't, Can, Can't * "You should eat more fruits." * "You shouldn't eat too much candy." * "You can eat healthy food." * "You can't eat too much unhealthy food." * **Adverbs of Frequency (频率副词):** Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never * "I always eat breakfast." * "I usually eat vegetables." * "I often drink water." * "I sometimes eat candy." * "I rarely drink soda." * "I never eat fast food." ## IV. 实际应用 (Practical Applications) * **Creating a healthy meal plan (制定健康饮食计划):** Planning meals for the week, focusing on healthy options. * **Making healthier choices when eating out (外出就餐时做出更健康的选择):** Selecting healthier options from restaurant menus. * **Describing your own eating habits (描述你自己的饮食习惯):** Talking about what you usually eat and drink. * **Giving advice about healthy eating (给出关于健康饮食的建议):** Recommending healthy foods and habits to others. * **Writing a short paragraph about your favorite food (写一段关于你最喜欢的食物的短文):** Describing the food and why you like it. This comprehensive思维导图 structure provides a solid foundation for understanding and applying vocabulary and concepts related to food and drinks. It covers definition, examples, benefits, and effects of both healthy and unhealthy choices. It helps promote healthy eating habits and encourages making informed decisions about food. The inclusion of grammar points and practical applications aids in language acquisition and real-world usage. The structure is easily adaptable for individual preferences and learning styles.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 小数思维导图三年级

