七上英语四单元where is my schoolbag?思维导图

# 《七上英语四单元Where is my schoolbag?思维导图》 ## 中心主题:Where is my schoolbag? ### I. 词汇 (Vocabulary) * **A. 地点方位词 (Prepositions of place):** * on: 在…上面 (e.g., on the table) * 用法解释:用于物体表面接触。 * 例句:The book is on the desk. * in: 在…里面 (e.g., in the box) * 用法解释:用于物体内部空间。 * 例句:The pen is in the pencil case. * under: 在…下面 (e.g., under the chair) * 用法解释:用于物体正下方,有遮盖关系。 * 例句:The cat is under the chair. * near: 在…附近 (e.g., near the window) * 用法解释:表示距离较近但不直接接触。 * 例句:The library is near the school. * behind: 在…后面 (e.g., behind the door) * 用法解释:表示物体在另一个物体的后面,被遮挡。 * 例句:The blackboard is behind the teacher. * next to: 在…旁边 (e.g., next to the bed) * 用法解释:表示物体紧挨着另一个物体。 * 例句:The table is next to the sofa. * in front of: 在…前面 (e.g., in front of the TV) * 用法解释:表示物体在另一个物体的前面,对着。 * 例句:The car is in front of the house. * between: 在…之间 (e.g., between the books) * 用法解释:表示物体在两个物体之间。 * 例句:The pen is between the two books. * **B. 物品名词 (Nouns of objects):** * schoolbag: 书包 * bed: 床 * table: 桌子 * chair: 椅子 * desk: 课桌 * sofa: 沙发 * books: 书籍 * keys: 钥匙 * photo: 照片 * CD: 光盘 * stereo: 音响 * things: 东西 ### II. 语法 (Grammar) * **A. 一般疑问句 (General Questions):** * Is it…? (它是…吗?) * 例句:Is it on the desk? * 肯定回答:Yes, it is. * 否定回答:No, it isn't. * Are they…? (它们是…吗?) * 例句:Are they under the bed? * 肯定回答:Yes, they are. * 否定回答:No, they aren't. * **B. 特殊疑问句 (Wh- Questions):** * Where is…? (…在哪里?) * 例句:Where is the schoolbag? * 回答:It’s on the table. * Where are…? (…在哪里?) * 例句:Where are my keys? * 回答:They’re in the drawer. * **C. 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns):** * this: 这个 (指靠近说话人的单数物品) * 例句:This is my book. * that: 那个 (指远离说话人的单数物品) * 例句:That is your pen. * these: 这些 (指靠近说话人的复数物品) * 例句:These are my pencils. * those: 那些 (指远离说话人的复数物品) * 例句:Those are your rulers. * **D. 动词 be (Verb be):** * is (am, are) + 地点方位词 + 名词/代词 * 例句:The book is on the table. I am in the room. They are near the door. ### III. 句型 (Sentence Structures) * **A. 陈述句 (Declarative Sentences):** * My schoolbag is on the bed. * The keys are under the sofa. * The book is in the schoolbag. * **B. 疑问句 (Interrogative Sentences):** * Where is my schoolbag? It’s under the chair. * Is it on the desk? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. * Are they in the box? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. * **C. 祈使句 (Imperative Sentences):** * Look under the bed. * Check in your schoolbag. * Look behind the door. ### IV. 功能 (Functions) * **A. 询问物品的位置 (Asking about the location of things):** * Where is…? * Can you find…? * Have you seen…? * **B. 描述物品的位置 (Describing the location of things):** * It's on/in/under/near/behind/next to/in front of/between… * **C. 寻找丢失物品 (Looking for lost items):** * I can’t find my… * Have you seen my…? * Let’s look for it. ### V. 场景 (Scenarios) * **A. 家居环境 (Home Environment):** * 寻找书包、钥匙、书籍等在家中的位置。 * 描述家具的位置关系。 * **B. 教室环境 (Classroom Environment):** * 寻找文具、书本在教室中的位置。 * 描述教室物品的摆放。 * **C. 询问朋友的物品位置 (Asking friends about the location of their items):** * 帮助朋友寻找丢失的物品。 ### VI. 扩展 (Extension) * **A. 拓展方位词汇 (Expanding vocabulary of prepositions):** * above (在…上方,不直接接触) * below (在…下方,不直接接触) * around (在…周围) * through (穿过) * **B. 拓展物品名称 (Expanding vocabulary of objects):** * remote control (遥控器) * clock (钟) * lamp (灯) * plant (植物) * **C. 拓展对话场景 (Expanding conversation scenarios):** * 在图书馆寻找书籍 * 在商店寻找商品 ### VII. 文化背景 (Cultural Background) * **A. 西方家庭的常见物品摆放习惯 (Common placement habits of items in Western families):** * 了解西方家庭的客厅、卧室等常见物品的摆放。 * **B. 不同国家的学生书包文化 (Schoolbag culture in different countries):** * 了解不同国家学生书包的款式、材质和用途。 ### VIII. 练习 (Practice) * **A. 填空练习 (Fill-in-the-blanks):** * The cat is _______ the table. (under) * The books are _______ the schoolbag. (in) * **B. 问答练习 (Question and answer):** * Where is your pen? It’s _______ my desk. (on) * Are the keys in your bag? _______, they aren’t. (No) * **C. 情景对话练习 (Situational dialogue):** * 模拟寻找书包、钥匙等物品的对话。 * **D. 描述物品位置的练习 (Describing the location of objects):** * 看图说话,描述图片中物品的位置。 ### IX. 总结 (Summary) * **A. 掌握地点方位词的用法 (Master the usage of prepositions of place).** * **B. 能够运用一般疑问句和特殊疑问句询问物品的位置 (Be able to use general and special questions to ask about the location of objects).** * **C. 能够用英语描述物品的位置 (Be able to describe the location of objects in English).** * **D. 能够在日常生活中运用所学知识 (Be able to apply the learned knowledge in daily life).**
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 看看我们的地球的思维导图怎么画

