
## 《夏天英语思维导图简单》 **中心主题:Summer** **I. Activities (活动)** * **A. Outdoor Recreation (户外休闲)** * 1. Swimming (游泳) * a. Pools (游泳池) * b. Beaches (海滩) * c. Water Parks (水上乐园) * d. Related Vocabulary: sunscreen, swimsuit, towel, goggles, diving, splashing * 2. Hiking (徒步旅行) * a. Trails (小径) * b. Mountains (山) * c. Camping (露营) * d. Related Vocabulary: backpack, boots, map, compass, nature, scenery, wildlife * 3. Cycling (骑自行车) * a. Bike Paths (自行车道) * b. Parks (公园) * c. Road Cycling (公路自行车) * d. Related Vocabulary: helmet, bicycle, gears, tires, pump, safety * 4. Picnics (野餐) * a. Parks (公园) * b. Gardens (花园) * c. Woodlands (林地) * d. Related Vocabulary: blanket, basket, food, drinks, sandwiches, salad * 5. Water Sports (水上运动) * a. Surfing (冲浪) * b. Kayaking (皮划艇) * c. Paddleboarding (桨板运动) * d. Related Vocabulary: waves, board, paddle, life vest, ocean, river * **B. Indoor Activities (室内活动)** * 1. Reading (阅读) * a. Novels (小说) * b. Magazines (杂志) * c. Comics (漫画) * d. Related Vocabulary: book, library, pages, characters, plot, author * 2. Movies (电影) * a. Action (动作) * b. Comedy (喜剧) * c. Drama (剧情) * d. Related Vocabulary: cinema, popcorn, seats, screen, actors, director * 3. Gaming (游戏) * a. Video Games (电子游戏) * b. Board Games (棋盘游戏) * c. Card Games (纸牌游戏) * d. Related Vocabulary: controller, console, strategy, rules, teamwork, fun * 4. Arts and Crafts (艺术和手工艺) * a. Painting (绘画) * b. Drawing (绘画) * c. Pottery (陶艺) * d. Related Vocabulary: brushes, paint, paper, canvas, clay, creativity **II. Food and Drink (食物和饮料)** * **A. Refreshing Drinks (清爽饮料)** * 1. Lemonade (柠檬水) * 2. Iced Tea (冰茶) * 3. Smoothies (冰沙) * 4. Watermelon Juice (西瓜汁) * 5. Related Vocabulary: ice, sugar, lemon, tea, fruit, blender * **B. Summer Treats (夏季零食)** * 1. Ice Cream (冰淇淋) * a. Flavors (口味: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry) * b. Cones (蛋筒) * c. Sundaes (圣代) * d. Related Vocabulary: scoop, melting, sweet, delicious, toppings * 2. Popsicles (冰棒) * a. Fruit Popsicles (水果冰棒) * b. Flavored Popsicles (风味冰棒) * c. Related Vocabulary: freezing, juice, flavors, refreshing, sticky * 3. Grilled Food (烧烤食物) * a. Burgers (汉堡) * b. Hot Dogs (热狗) * c. Corn on the Cob (烤玉米) * d. Related Vocabulary: grill, charcoal, barbecue, sauces, delicious * **C. Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables (季节性水果和蔬菜)** * 1. Watermelon (西瓜) * 2. Strawberries (草莓) * 3. Peaches (桃子) * 4. Tomatoes (西红柿) * 5. Corn (玉米) * 6. Zucchini (西葫芦) **III. Weather (天气)** * **A. Typical Summer Weather (典型夏季天气)** * 1. Hot (热) * 2. Sunny (晴朗) * 3. Humid (潮湿) * 4. Dry (干燥) (depending on the location) * **B. Extreme Weather (极端天气)** * 1. Heatwaves (热浪) * 2. Thunderstorms (雷暴) * 3. Hurricanes (飓风) (in some areas) * 4. Droughts (干旱) (in some areas) * **C. Related Vocabulary (相关词汇)** * Temperature (温度) * Sunshine (阳光) * Rain (雨) * Wind (风) * Cloud (云) * Forecast (预报) **IV. Holidays and Events (假日和活动)** * **A. Public Holidays (公共假日)** * 1. Independence Day (独立日) (in the USA - July 4th) * 2. Bastille Day (巴士底日) (in France - July 14th) * 3. Related Vocabulary: celebration, fireworks, parade, patriotism, festivities * **B. Local Events (当地活动)** * 1. Festivals (节日) * 2. Concerts (音乐会) * 3. Fairs (集市) * 4. Sports Events (体育赛事) * 5. Related Vocabulary: music, art, food, games, community, fun * **C. Vacations (假期)** * 1. Travel (旅行) * a. To the beach (去海滩) * b. To the mountains (去山里) * c. To another city (去另一个城市) * d. Related Vocabulary: plane, train, car, hotel, luggage, passport * 2. Staycations (宅度假) * a. Relaxing at home (在家放松) * b. Exploring local attractions (探索当地景点) * c. Related Vocabulary: comfort, leisure, exploration, relaxation **V. Clothing (服装)** * **A. Summer Clothes (夏季服装)** * 1. T-shirts (T恤) * 2. Shorts (短裤) * 3. Dresses (连衣裙) * 4. Sandals (凉鞋) * 5. Swimsuits (泳衣) * **B. Accessories (配饰)** * 1. Sunglasses (太阳镜) * 2. Hats (帽子) * 3. Sunscreen (防晒霜) **VI. Nature (自然)** * **A. Plants (植物)** * 1. Flowers (花) * 2. Trees (树) * 3. Grass (草) * **B. Animals (动物)** * 1. Insects (昆虫) (Bees, Butterflies, Mosquitoes) * 2. Birds (鸟类) * 3. Mammals (哺乳动物) (Squirrels, Rabbits) **VII. Feelings and Emotions (情感)** * **A. Positive Emotions (积极情绪)** * 1. Happiness (快乐) * 2. Excitement (兴奋) * 3. Relaxation (放松) * 4. Joy (喜悦) * **B. Negative Emotions (消极情绪)** * 1. Heat (热) (uncomfortable) * 2. Boredom (无聊) * 3. Mosquito Bites (蚊虫叮咬) (annoyance) This mind map covers various aspects related to the summer season. It includes activities, food, weather, holidays, clothing, nature, and feelings associated with summer. The vocabulary provided under each sub-topic can be used to enhance language learning and comprehension. The map is organized hierarchically, allowing for easy navigation and understanding of the interconnectedness of different summer-related concepts. This simple yet comprehensive overview makes it a valuable tool for both language learners and those simply wishing to explore the multifaceted nature of summertime.
上一个主题: 西游记思维导图 下一个主题: 找春天思维导图

